Man admits to threatening sister's ex with a gun

The accused pleaded guilty as charged and was sentence to six months in prison, suspended for 18 months

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A man who went after his sister’s ex-boyfriend with a gun has been handed a suspended sentence and a restraining order.

Redeemer Cauchi, 21, from Marsa was charged with carrying a firearm at the time of his arrest, threatening a man and his family with the firearm and breaching the peace.

Prosecuting police Inspector Paul Camilleri told the court that the police were called after Cauchi had gone to intimidate his sister’s ex-partner and family at his home in Tarxien, brandishing a firearm. The weapon, it is claimed, was unloaded at the time. The court was asked to issue a protection order in favour of the victim and his family.

Cauchi pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to six months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months by magistrate Josette Demicoli. The Court also placed Cauchi under a restraining order and confiscated the firearm used. 

Lawyers Lennox Vella and Marisa Mifsud were defence counsel. Legal procurator Joeline Pace Ciscaldi and lawyer Roberto Montalto appeared for the parte civile.