Man accused of attacking parents with a knife
The parents had adopted the unemployed man who has a history of mental illness

A 29 year-old man from Swieqi has been charged with attacking and injuring his parents with a knife, stealing from them, and he's also charged with drug possession.
The unemployed man, who has a history of mental illness and who is not being named by order of the court, pleaded not guilty to grievously injuring his adoptive father and slightly injuring his adoptive mother.
He also denied attacking and threatening them and charges of possession of ecstasy, cocaine and cannabis.
The man was additionally charged with theft from his parents, aggravated by person, place and value.
Lawyer Leontine Calleja, legal aid to the accused asked the court to order a ban on publication of the name of the accused as this was a case of domestic violence. The request was upheld.
Magistrate Caroline Farrugia Frendo was informed that the police had been called to a residence in Swieqi during the early hours of May 7 following a report by the man’s parents.
A protection order in favour of the man’s parents was asked for.
Bail was not requested. The youth has drug problems, said his lawyer, and needed treatment. The court was also asked to order psychiatric treatment. It made a recommendation that the accused be held at the forensic unit at Mount Carmel Hospital in view of his history of mental illness and drug abuse.
Lawyer Kurt Brincat appeared on behalf of the man’s distraught parents, who were present in court today.
Inspector Joseph Xerri prosecuted.