Homeless thief handed suspended sentence
The court decided on a suspended sentence given that the man had returned the stolen items and cooperated fully with the police

A 23-year-old homeless man who stole a man whose mobile phone he stole was handed a suspended sentence by the courts this morning.
Somali refugee Abdiwali Ahmed Ali appeared in the dock before magistrate Yana Micallef Stafrace accused of the aggravated theft of a mobile phone from a man in St. Julian’s, living a vagrant and idle life and attacking the man whose phone he had stolen.
No details of the incident emerged in court today.
Legal aid lawyer Martin Fenech told the court that the man had cooperated with the police and had already returned the stolen items.
The accused, who said he was homeless and unemployed, pleaded guilty to the charges.
The court having seen the acts presented and the guilty plea and that the mobile in question was returned, as well as the facts of the case, found Ali guilty and condemned him to 18 months’ imprisonment suspended for four years.
“I don’t know what made you do this, but if it’s the company you keep, change your friends,” warned the magistrate as the accused turned to leave.
Inspector Joseph Xerri prosecuted.