Noisy neighbour attacked by off-duty security guard, court told
The man was charged with grievous bodily harms after allegedly using a pocket knife to injur his neighbour

An off-duty security guard at the Libyan Embassy has been charged with grievous bodily harm after allegedly using a pocket knife to wound a noisy neighbour who disturbed his sleep after a shift at work.
Khalid Khalifa Mohammed Alashtar, 52, of Msida appeared in the dock before magistrate Yana Micallef Stafrace this afternoon, accused of grievous bodily harm and carrying a knife in public without a permit.
The court heard how the accused had tried to stop a group of persons from playing loud music outside his home and an argument had ensued. At a point the accused pulled out a multitool and extended its blade, before using it to attack the group. A Swedish man was injured in the altercation, suffering a cut to his finger.
The accused, who has lived in Malta for decades, pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Bail was granted against a personal guarantee of €5,000.
Inspector Colin Sheldon prosecuted. Lawyer Roberto Montalto was defence counsel.