[WATCH] Man, 24, charged with violent Paceville assault that went viral
Nigerian victim was assaulted and robbed by Somali man and four others when they asked him for a lighter

The victim of a violent assault, caught on camera yesterday, told a court that he had not expected to be assaulted by a black man who had asked him for a lighter, but proceeded to rob him.
This emerged as Omar Isse Mohammed, a 24-year-old Somali national, was charged with theft, aggravated by violence, slight bodily harm and public drunkenness over the attack, mobile phone footage of which quickly went viral after being picked up by news websites.
Inspector Matthew Spagnol told magistrate Natasha Galea Sciberras how the police in St. Julians had received a report of a fight in Triq San Gorg, Paceville.
Lawyer Simon Micallef Stafrace, legal aid, said the accused remembered nothing of the fight and so a not guilty plea was being entered.
Inspector Matthew Spagnol said that up till 8:30pm last night, the accused was still unable to walk, such was his level of intoxication.
The aggressor’s Nigerian victim took the witness stand today as he will be leaving Malta in the coming days.
“Yesterday I was in Paceville and this guy asked for a lighter,” he said, pointing to the accused. “He was black like me so he was like a brother to me. It was around 4:30am. There were around five of them. When I reached in my pocket, his friend took my phone out of my pocket. When I tried to take it back, he [the accused] punched me in the eye.”
The victim, who said he had withdrawn a €100 note from an ATM and was holding it in his hand to buy a pizza, said that Mohammed had taken the €100 from his hand and given it to the man who took the phone.
He was not sure who hit him in the head, however. “I fell down and I don’t remember what happened. I woke up in hospital.”
He said he hadn’t thought they would be violent. “Because they’re black like me, so I free my mind for them,” he said.
He signed himself out of hospital yesterday at 5pm. The man had suffered injuries to his eye, the back of his head and left elbow. His neck was so sore that he was unable to turn his head yesterday, he added, but the pain had eased since then.
The witness said he had gone out alone to the beach in Paceville after a party and had slept there.
He recognised the accused in court. “It was definitely him, I can swear on this Bible,” he said, placing his hand on a Bible on the witness stand.
Although the man pleaded not guilty, the defence did not request bail at this stage.