15-year-old boy charged with Marsaskala thefts
Boy tells court school did not send for him and magistrate asks the prosecution to verify this with the education department

A 15-year-old boy has been released on bail after he appeared in court, charged with stealing from eight residences in his hometown Marsaskala between August and September.
The youth, whose name is subject to a court-imposed ban on publication, pleaded not guilty to the aggravated theft charges brought against him and requested bail. The prosecution objected to bail due to a fear of tampering with evidence.
Magistrate Audrey Demicoli refused to allow the defence to approach the bench to discuss the case in private, saying she preferred all submissions to be made in open court.
She asked why he wasn’t going to school. “They didn’t send for me,” the boy replied. The court asked the prosecution to verify this statement with the education department.
After hearing the defence and prosecution discuss the request for bail, the court upheld the request, on condition that he sign a bail book weekly, observe a curfew and provide a personal guarantee of €2,000.
The court also ordered a social inquiry report and placed him under a supervision order.
Police inspectors Oriana Spiteri and Mario Xiberras prosecuted. Lawyer Graziella Tanti was legal aid to the accused.