18 months jail for child porn possession
A 36-year-old man has been jailed for 18 months on child pornography charges

A 36-year-old man from Ghaxaq has been jailed on child pornography charges.
The man, who cannot be named by order of the court, is understood to have just been released from custody on separate charges relating to violent conduct when the police were tipped off that he had child pornography in his possession. He was arrested on a warrant that same afternoon and the illegal material was found on his computer and other electronic devices.
Inspector Roxanne Tabone accused the man of possession of pornography featuring children and other offences dealing with the possession and spreading of child pornography.
In court this morning, his defence lawyer Mario Mifsud asked to approach the bench where he, the inspector and magistrate Gabriella Vella discussed the matter in hushed tones, at length.
The man, who told the court his occupation was a logistics officer, pleaded guilty to the charges.
The inspector exhibited a number of items belonging to the accused, including his mobile phone.
The accused burst into tears as the court upheld a defence request that his name not be published.
In view of his guilty plea, the court sentenced the man to 18 months in prison. He was also placed under a treatment order for two years and a drug rehabilitation order.
The court also ordered the destruction of all exhibits in the case.