Three years prison for car break-ins
A string of thefts from cars has landed a man from Gzira a 3-year stretch behind bars

A string of thefts from cars has landed a man from Gzira a 3-year stretch behind bars.
Marphil Gauci, an unemployed 27-year-old, pleaded guilty before magistrate Doreen Clarke after being charged with the thefts which took place in the span of three months and which involved a total value exceeding €2,329.
Gauci was accused of stealing a mobile phone from a car parked in Gzira on 8 August. He struck again a month later, stealing personal belongings from another car parked at Msida.
He was also accused of causing wilful damage to two other vehicles, one as recently as Wednesday morning.
Police Inspector Jonathan Ransley, prosecuting, exhibited a number of items found in the accused’s possession, which included some of the stolen property and a window breaker. A still image taken from CCTV footage gathered during investigations was also exhibited.
The accused pleaded guilty, after consulting legal aid counsel Martin Fenech. He confirmed his admission of guilt despite being warned by the court that the crimes carried with them a possible jail term of several years.
Having seen the man’s guilty plea, the court condemned Gauci to three years in prison.