Mugger and prolific thief jailed for seven years
A relapsed thief has been jailed for over seven years after pleading guilty to two violent muggings and breaking into a number of cars

A relapsed thief has been jailed for over seven years after pleading guilty to two violent muggings and breaking into a number of cars.
Bjorn Borg was jailed for seven years and one month by magistrate Joe Mifsud after he was convicted of mugging two women, slightly injuring them and breaking into no less than 15 cars throughout the month of August.
Borg pleaded guilty to the charges against him, 34 in all – for the most part, aggravated theft and criminal damage – on 16 October. He was also charged with recidivism.
The court, making reference to case law, observed that physical violence must always bring with it immediate imprisonment. “It is not acceptable that people go through what the victims went through in this case. Our streets must be free of all danger, more so violence, none law-abiding citizens…”
Inspectors Fabian Fleri and Lydon Zammit prosecuted. Lawyer Martha Mifsud was defence counsel.