Man arrested in Xghajra for aggravated cannabis possession
9kg of cannabis in plastic packets were found in the suspect's car

Police have said that the Drug Unit has managed to infiltrate yet another drug trafficking ring following the arrest of a 22-year-old man in Xghajra for aggravated possession of cannabis.
The man, from Tarxien, was stopped in Xghajra on Tuesday and his vehicle and garage in Xghajra were searched. Police found 9kg of cannabis in plastic packets, ready to be distributed.
A 23-year-old woman from Bormla is also being held by police to assist in investigations.
Magistrate Doreen Clarke launched an inquiry and engaged several experts to assist her.
The 22-year-old is expected to be arraigned tomorrow before magistrate Audrey Demicoli with charges related to aggravated possession of cannabis.
Police is not excluding arraigning the woman with similar charges.