Two admit to kicking policewoman in drunk Paceville disturbance
The two Ukrainian women kicked a police officer in her stomach and were sentenced to a three-year conditional discharge

Two housemates have been conditionally discharged after they pleaded guilty to assaulting a policewoman in an altercation in Paceville last week.
Yulia Paraschyn, 24, and Kristina Trofymenko, 25, both from Ukraine and residing at the same address in Ta' Xbiex, were arraigned under arrest before magistrate Gabriella Vella this morning, charged with violently resisting a police officer, insulting or threatening the officer, breaching the peace and disobeying a legitimate police order.
Inspector Leeroy Balzan Engerer explained that the women had been arrested after creating a disturbance at Footloose bar in Paceville, whilst drunk on 7 November. During their subsequent arrest, the women had put up resistance and kicked a policewoman in the stomach. They were released on police bail until CCTV footage of the altercation could be retrieved.
In court today the pair pleaded guilty. Their lawyer, Siegfried Borg Cole, said the women were very sorry for what they had done.
After taking into account their early guilty plea, their clean criminal records and their apology, the court sentenced the women to a 3-year conditional discharge.