AD questions ‘silence’ of Maltese MEPs on Dalligate
News of no criminal case against John Dalli welcomed by Alternattiva Demokratika.
Alternattiva Demokratika is "satisfied" by the Police Commissioner's declaration that there is "no evidence" to accuse former EU Health Commissioner John Dalli on criminal charges.
It however questioned the silence of Maltese MEPs on the case.
Carmel Cacopardo, acting AD Chairman, said it was pertinent to ask why all Maltese MEPs kept quiet on the case.
"They have remained silent and left other MEPs, primarily Green MEPs in the European Parliament to query the questionable operations of OLAF," Cacopardo said.
"In addition they have failed to support proposals to carry out an investigation into the matter by the European Parliament."
Cacopardo also accused the Maltese MEPs of abdicating their responsibilities as a result of their silence.