MaltaToday Survey | Trust gap puts Muscat 29 points ahead, Labour with 25-point lead
50.9% of people trust Muscat, whereas only 22.1% of respondents trust Delia, a MaltaToday survey has found  
MaltaToday Survey | Concern on corruption drops by 22 points
Increase in concern over immigration, crime and over-development as political fatigue sets in and corruption drops in list of concerns
Electoral surveys show larger swing to PN than Labour

All surveys conducted over this weekend show the PL losing more votes than the...

All surveys conducted over this weekend show the PL losing...

MaltaToday Survey | Muscat retains trust lead, parties four points apart

While all changes are within the margin of error, an extrapolation of the survey after removing undecided voters and non-voters would give Labour 52%, the PN...

While all changes are within the margin of error, an...

How the surveys compare

Both MaltaToday and Malta Independent surveys indicate an absolute majority for Labour when 'don’t knows' are removed from the equation

Both MaltaToday and Malta Independent surveys indicate an...

Labour party financing return reveals backing of high-rise developers

Labour’s €630,000 includes €80,000 from businesses, PN says...

Labour’s €630,000 includes €80,000 from...

MaltaToday Survey | Trust ratings up for Muscat and Busuttil

Latest polls are out on MaltaToday, with both Labour and Nationalist...

Latest polls are out on MaltaToday, with both Labour and...

MaltaToday survey | The undecided: 16% of young voters will not vote

One out of every six voters aged 18 to 34 will not vote in the next election,...

One out of every six voters aged 18 to 34 will not vote in...

Trust Barometer | Muscat’s trust dips to Panama levels as PL leads by 4 points

At 3.5 points, the trust gap between the two leaders is the narrowest registered in MaltaToday’s surveys since the 2013 general election

At 3.5 points, the trust gap between the two leaders is the...

MaltaToday survey | 67% of independent schools alumni don’t attend mass

Survey on religion suggests Sunday mass attendance falls according to the level of education attained

Survey on religion suggests Sunday mass attendance falls...

MaltaToday Survey | Maltese split on teaching of Islam in state schools

Survey results also show a relative majority of respondents (48%) agreeing to making the teaching of ethics compulsory while 87% of the general population...

Survey results also show a relative majority of respondents...

[WATCH] ‘Typical’ Maltese female worker is a professional, earns €15,700

Parents are having less children and fewer women under the age of 30 are becoming mothers

Parents are having less children and fewer women under the...

MaltaToday Survey | Older, educated Maltese most concerned with corruption

A MaltaToday survey shows that 50% of university educated respondents mentioned corruption as one of the two main problems facing the country

A MaltaToday survey shows that 50% of university educated...

MaltaToday Survey | Concern on corruption hits an all-time high

MaltaToday's survey shows an increase in concern on parking and crime,...

MaltaToday's survey shows an increase in concern on...

Maltese fourth most generous in the world

The Maltese are among the most generous when it comes to parting with their...

The Maltese are among the most generous when it comes to...

Libyans top first-time asylum claims in Malta in 2016

Malta recorded 1,735 first-time asylum applicants in 2016, whereas Germany...

Malta recorded 1,735 first-time asylum applicants in 2016,...

MaltaToday Survey | Younger voters most undecided about which party to vote for

Voters aged 18-34 are the most undecided when asked who of the two leaders they trust most, and the most likely not to trust either Joseph Muscat or Simon...

Voters aged 18-34 are the most undecided when asked who of...

A year before election, Muscat retains 7-point trust lead

MaltaToday’s survey suggests that the political landscape has not been...

MaltaToday’s survey suggests that the political...

Over 5 million babies born in the EU in 2015

Women first became mothers at almost 29 on average

Women first became mothers at almost 29 on average

Non-EU nationals plant roots in Sliema and Msida

Foreign residents from outside the European Union account for one in every five...

Foreign residents from outside the European Union account...