MaltaToday political survey out on Sunday

MaltaToday will on Sunday release its first national voting intentions survey and Trust Barometer for 2025

MaltaToday will be publishing its first national voting intentions survey and trust barometer for 2025 tomorrow morning.

The survey was conducted at a time of political controversy over government’s reform of magisterial inquiries and when people started benefitting from the income tax cut and higher social benefits announced in the budget.

The survey will gauge current voting intentions and the trust enjoyed by Robert Abela and Bernard Grech. It is also the first survey since the birth of Momentum, a centrist political party founded by Arnold Cassola last month.

MaltaToday will also be publishing the Government Performance Barometer that measures the rating on a 0-5 scale, people give the administration.

The last MaltaToday survey was held in November and it saw the Nationalist Party marginally ahead despite the PL registering a post budget bounce.

MaltaToday has been holding regular uninterrupted surveys for more than two decades, shaping the political discourse and informing the national agenda.