MaltaToday survey: Traffic, corruption concerns register marked increase
Concern on immigration has risen by two points •  Only 1.2% have concern over economic issues
Muscat loses two points but retains 9-point trust rating
No gains for Simon Busuttil • Highest ever number of respondents say they trust neither Muscat nor Busuttil
Muscat trusted more by under-35s, graduates prefer Busuttil

Prime Minister loses ground with university-educated voters but still more...

Prime Minister loses ground with university-educated voters...

MaltaToday Survey | Dent in ‘Teflon’ Muscat’s trust as PM loses 2.6 points

MaltaToday’s latest survey shows that Labour is losing switchers to PN, but Muscat retains a redoutable 13-point trust lead.

MaltaToday’s latest survey shows that Labour is...

Say hello to Neymar, Adele, Scarlett and Mason

Luke, Helen remain top names for boys and girls in 2014

Luke, Helen remain top names for boys and girls in 2014

How big is the caseload inside the Maltese courts?

Data released by the justice ministry shows an improvement in clearance rates...

Data released by the justice ministry shows an improvement...

Local councils: PN may have normalised support levels

JAMES DEBONO compares the 2015 local councils election results with the same 34...

JAMES DEBONO compares the 2015 local councils election...

PN makes southern inroads and consolidates blue heartland

In fifth district constituencies, and in traditional PN towns, the Nationalist...

In fifth district constituencies, and in traditional PN...

From priest politicians to spring hunting: Malta’s six referenda

The referendum on spring hunting is the sixth national referendum to be held,...

The referendum on spring hunting is the sixth national...

Hunting referendum: An east-west divide?

Indecision on spring hunting is highest in Labour’s inner and outer harbour districts where the No leads by two points. Regional breakdown of the latest...

Indecision on spring hunting is highest in Labour’s...

[FULL DATA] No to spring hunting retains 7-point lead

No camp is leading by 6.5 percentage points, down from 6.7 points a fortnight...

No camp is leading by 6.5 percentage points, down from 6.7...

[FULL DATA] Muscat leads by 15 points in trust barometer

Political leaders lose equal points in trust rating

Political leaders lose equal points in trust rating

Each Maltese generated 570kg of waste in 2013

Ireland, Austria, Malta, France, the Netherlands and Greece had values between...

Ireland, Austria, Malta, France, the Netherlands and Greece...

[MaltaToday Survey] ‘No’ vote seven points ahead as more people make their mind up on spring hunting

Support for both camps increases by 3 points as number of undecided drops by 5 points

Support for both camps increases by 3 points as number of...

Social benefits total €1.3 billion in 2013

In 2013, social protection outlay amounted to €1,390.4 million, an...

In 2013, social protection outlay amounted to €1,390.4...

MaltaToday survey shows 7-point lead for No camp

Support for spring hunting falls by 10 points – 8-point increase in...

Support for spring hunting falls by 10 points –...

Energy production and consumption in 2013 down to early 1990s level in EU

Latest Eurostat figures show that EU energy dependence was up at 53% in 2013

Latest Eurostat figures show that EU energy dependence was...

[SURVEY] Voter apathy gives hunters vital edge

MaltaToday survey on spring hunting shows electorate equally split between both...

MaltaToday survey on spring hunting shows electorate...

55,000 shotguns and counting: how many guns are registered in Malta?

Over 96,000 guns are registered with the Maltese police... but what type of...

Over 96,000 guns are registered with the Maltese police......

Despite lull in arrivals migration is Malta’s top concern again

Concern on petrol prices increases by 10 points

Concern on petrol prices increases by 10 points