Muscat trusted more by under-35s, graduates prefer Busuttil
Prime Minister loses ground with university-educated voters but still more trusted by younger respondents
MaltaToday Survey | Dent in ‘Teflon’ Muscat’s trust as PM loses 2.6 points
MaltaToday’s latest survey shows that Labour is losing switchers to PN, but Muscat retains a redoutable 13-point trust lead.
[WATCH] Muscat stays 15 points ahead of Busuttil

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil trailing Prime Minister Joseph Muscat by 15...

Opposition leader Simon Busuttil trailing Prime Minister...

How we mapped the Maltese in 2014

Many of us agree with decriminalising first time drug offences, a majority will vote ‘yes’ in referendum to abolish spring hunting, we think...

Many of us agree with decriminalising first time drug...

[SURVEY] Who is Labour's most trusted nanny?

MaltaToday's latest survey finds out who is happiest at Christmas and...

MaltaToday's latest survey finds out who is happiest at...

Konrad Mizzi most trusted ‘nanny’

Christmas survey finds less money spent on gifts

Christmas survey finds less money spent on gifts

Malta ranks 26th on tax burden for PWC global report

Global results of all 189 economies surveyed in 2013.

Global results of all 189 economies surveyed in 2013.

Part-time as main source of income increases to 15% of total employees

Total activity rate in the labour market between 2005 and 2013 increased steadily, mostly on account of higher female participation rates.

Total activity rate in the labour market between 2005 and...

MaltaToday Survey | Relative majority want Mallia out [FULL DATA]

Majority of switchers and 21% of PL voters want Manuel Mallia’s...

Majority of switchers and 21% of PL voters want Manuel...

St Julian’s… capital of crime?

Qormi reports most violence against public officers, after St Julians and St Paul’s Bay

Qormi reports most violence against public officers, after...

Incidence of breast cancer in Malta second highest in Europe

Lung cancer is major killer in Malta

Lung cancer is major killer in Malta

Non-EU citizens in Malta least materially deprived across EU

Social inclusion of migrants in the EU28 • Non-EU citizens twice as likely...

Social inclusion of migrants in the EU28 • Non-EU...

Public sector jobs: where is the increase?

Complete data on where public sector workforce jobs increased

Complete data on where public sector workforce jobs...

MaltaToday Survey | Traffic overtakes migration as top concern

Unease about energy and COLA increase as worry about jobs falls

Unease about energy and COLA increase as worry about jobs...

MaltaToday survey | Muscat holds up declining Cabinet ratings

FULL DATA • Prime Minister 14 points ahead of Simon Busuttil in MaltaToday...

FULL DATA • Prime Minister 14 points ahead of Simon...

Libyans, Russians and Filipinos get most residence permits in 2013

Over 2.3 million residence permits for non-EU nationals in 2013 • Main...

Over 2.3 million residence permits for non-EU nationals in...

Who contributes the most to the coalition against Islamic State?

Data showing commitments from 60 nations joining Global Coalition against...

Data showing commitments from 60 nations joining Global...

MaltaToday Survey | Majority supported hunting season closure after Stork killing

Majority want spring hunting referendum to be held with next year’s local election

Majority want spring hunting referendum to be held with...

Malta consuming average of 2.2 million megwatt hours in energy

But only 1.6% of all energy hails from renewable sources...

But only 1.6% of all energy hails from renewable sources...

Surge in support for spring hunting ban • MaltaToday Survey

See our interactive data sheet and how we mapped out growing support for a ban...

See our interactive data sheet and how we mapped out...