Concerns over migration grow ahead of European election
On the eve of European Parliament elections, migration concerns on the rise

A MaltaToday survey on major concerns for the electorate has shown a rise in concern over migration, up by seven points since December 2013.
The survey confirms that despite strong-arm tactics by the Labour government to deal with migration, concern over the movement of asylum seekers into Malta is rising on the eve of the European Parliament elections.
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Interestingly, younger respondents aged 18-34 are the most concerned with migration, although the concern is highest amongst those with a post-secondary education.
Evident in the survey is a general profile of the ‘switchers’, those who voted PN in 2008 but voted Labour in 2013: they have become the most concerned about corruption, which as a concern in itself has rise to the highest ever mark registered in a MaltaToday survey.
Concern about jobs rose by three points to 21%, while concerns about government finances and the citizenship scheme fell to 5% and 3% respectively.
And while concern on the utility bills has fallen drastically, worries about the location of the floating LNG terminal has risen to 7%.
Nationalist voters also tend to be the most concerned about the environment.