How does your locality fare with crime? [INFOGRAPHIC]
Our visualisation of criminal reports shows that St Paul's Bay, Sliema and St Julian's are getting their fair share of criminal reports - the most in any Maltese locality.

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REPORTER on PBS tonight Monday discusses the recent perception amongst the Maltese public that crime is on the increase.But is it really? According to our infographic, criminal reports logged in with the Police Incidence Reporting System (PIRS) from 14,244 reports in 2011, to 15,632 reports: an increase of 10% in reports between 2011 and 2012.
The main localities were crime appears more prominent are St Paul's Bay, St Julian's and Sliema, areas of increased cosmopiltan population and general affluence.
How to use the infographic
• Click on ‘Layers’ to scroll down the menu of different crimes that were reported. You can see the amount of crimes per locality registered with police, according to the amount of layers of crimes you click.
• Use the share button to show your friends on Facebook this infographic
Criminal statistics were compiled by Tim Diacono