MaltaToday Survey | Labour averts Caruana Galizia public inquiry fallout
9.9% of those who are unsure who to vote for if an election is held tomorrow are slightly more inclined towards the PN
Abela vs Grech: Trust gap remains significant
Robert Abela and Labour unblemished by Caruana Galizia public inquiry findings
MaltaToday Survey | PN leader’s bounce not enough as Abela maintains positive run

Abela gets the better of Grech across all age groups, all regions and among men and women

Abela gets the better of Grech across all age groups, all...

Majority in Malta does not support prison sentence for women who terminate pregnancy

Survey finds 46.8% disagree with Criminal Code’s three-year prison sentence for women who terminate a pregnancy

Survey finds 46.8% disagree with Criminal Code’s...

Labour leads by 39,000 votes as PN tumbles

Its highest result since September, the Labour Party climbed three percentage...

Its highest result since September, the Labour Party...

MaltaToday Survey | Grech’s trust crashes by 10 points, PL ahead by 39,000 votes

The PN leader’s trust rating drops by 10 points and now stands at 25.7%, his worst result since taking the reins of the party last September

The PN leader’s trust rating drops by 10 points and...

eCabs is taxi company of choice in survey on private taxi choice

A Polar survey finds that the St Julian’s-based company eCabs is the...

A Polar survey finds that the St Julian’s-based...

MaltaToday Survey | Corruption registers as a concern among Labour voters

As COVID worries gently ease off, Labour voters register corruption as one of their main concerns

As COVID worries gently ease off, Labour voters register...

MaltaToday Survey | Labour is ahead by 26,000 votes, but PN has best result since 2017

Labour has reversed a downward trend in the polls but support for the Nationalist Party stands at 35.6%, its best result since 2017

Labour has reversed a downward trend in the polls but...

MaltaToday Survey | Robert Abela’s trust rebounds as Grech scores best performance

Labour could be ahead by just under 26,000 votes in the latest MaltaToday trust barometer

Labour could be ahead by just under 26,000 votes in the...

MaltaToday Survey | Opposition to hunting runs at 42% as neutral voters remain kingmakers

PN voters and young offer strongest opposition to hunting • Support for hunting strongest in Gozo and Western region

PN voters and young offer strongest opposition to hunting...

MaltaToday Survey | Even in pandemic, corruption is still the greatest concern after COVID-19

COVID-19 is the topmost concern by far, a MaltaToday survey finds

COVID-19 is the topmost concern by far, a MaltaToday survey...

MaltaToday Survey | Red alert as Robert Abela’s trust rating slides below 40%

MaltaToday Survey • Robert Abela’s trust rating jammed on reverse, Bernard Grech jogging on the spot

MaltaToday Survey • Robert Abela’s trust rating...

MaltaToday Survey | Fearne, Borg retain top spots in ministerial ranking survey

FULL DATA • Chris Fearne and Ian Borg retain top spots and newcomer Miriam Dalli makes the top five...

FULL DATA • Chris Fearne and Ian Borg retain...

Maltese most optimistic in Europe on post-COVID recovery

European Parliament survey finds Maltese the most optimistic for post-COVID...

European Parliament survey finds Maltese the most...

MaltaToday Survey | Abela’s trust rating slips further as Grech outperforms party

Support for the Labour Party stands at 41%, a decline of 1.1 points, while that for the Nationalist Party runs at 33%, a decrease of 0.6 points

Support for the Labour Party stands at 41%, a decline of...

Why Torċa poll mirrors MaltaToday results… but gives Labour a tiny boost

Take a look at that MaltaToday data once again...

Take a look at that MaltaToday data once again...

Still planning a holiday? MaltaToday Survey finds 2021 a mixed bag of optimism

A MaltaToday survey found that 81.1% of people expect this year to be better for them than the one that has just ended

A MaltaToday survey found that 81.1% of people expect this...

Young people most sceptical about taking COVID-19 vaccine, MaltaToday survey finds

MaltaToday Survey • COVID-19 vaccine take-up will be high but young are most sceptical

MaltaToday Survey • COVID-19 vaccine take-up will be...

MaltaToday Survey | Abela trust drops to lowest level as Grech reaches high point

Prime Minister suffers new year blues as trust hits lowest point and Grech makes inroads

Prime Minister suffers new year blues as trust hits lowest...