Cabinet ministers and MPs - salaries and honoraria

Full data of salaries and honoraria payable to ministers, MPs, parliamentary assistants, whips and committee presidents.

@ mber I think you had better take your complaint to Joseph Muscat instead of blaming the previous administration. Didn’t you vote for him to fix things like these? Instead he has been all too quick to take advantage and jump on them so as to hand out as many positions possible to his people. I guess you are upset because you didn’t get one of these positions yourself!
@ mber I think you had better take your complaint to Joseph Muscat instead of blaming the previous administration. Didn’t you vote for him to fix things like these? Instead he has been all too quick to take advantage and jump on them so as to hand out as many positions possible to his people. I guess you are upset because you didn’t get one of these positions yourself!
Jien f'din id-dinja nghix? Il-Lejber ma kenux qalu li mhux ser jiehdu l-onorarja? Buqqq
Animal Farm! Animal Farm! Some are more equal than others!
I think that the pay rise for the ministers is definitely unjustified. But given the current economic scenario the pay rises granted to some ‘special’ people should also be taken into account. E.g. it is not only the ministers who are getting good pay but even other groups of people like those ‘special’ elite ones working at MEPA. E.g. the Commission chairpersons are to get €54,043 If one examines the salaries in Malta there are other ‘special’ groups like the university of Malta professors who some more often have another 2 or three jobs working as consultants in other places, some are appointed as board directors, etc. etc. The university is paying a professor euro 54,042 on option A in 2011 and euro 67,573 in 2013 from the taxpayer’s pocket. What we ask are such a payrises fair given the current economic scenario? The list is endless and many directors and board directors in different institutions seem to have excellent pays and so they remain silent! Teachers and most other government employees have not been granted such pay. If what is being told in the backyard about AIRMALTA is true we shall have a number of redundant workers. ST Microelectronics workers last year were implored by the government to accept a paycut. Enemalta has a huge amout of money to payback to the banks! Given the current situation it seems some blue eyed people are better off than others. I hope that the majority of maltese are aware of this shameful situation created by the shameful GONZI PN Government. This is the MONEY NO PROBLEM ATTITUDE and where it has led.
Ma nafx kif il membri parlamentari ta zewg nahat jigu jitolbu il vot lin nies meta dawn LANQAS QATT tarahhom ir rahal Kif ma TISTHUX tigu TITOLBU lin nies biex JIVVUTAWLKOM meta lanqas tarakhom b nemes Anki il membri parlamentari Ewrpej Maltin ma ghandkomx HILA quddiem l-UE tghidu xkien KAPACI jaghmel dan il gvern li meta qied JITLOB LIL POPLU BIEX JAGHMEL IS SAGRIFFICCI GHALIH U GHAL SHABU JIEHDU DIK IZ ZIEDA KOLLHA ta 600 Efil gimgha FIL WAQT LI LIL POVRU POPLU DAH LOQMA U DIGA HADILNA mela kunu papaci u ikxfu lil dan il gvern fil parlament ewropej jekk ghandkom il wicc biex forsi tingabru mal poplu u forsi jerga jivvotalkom jew inthom qedin TPAPPUHUA SEW U TIGI TAQAW U TQUMU MIN KULLHADD