Overseas, eligible voters can vote on 21 May
The Electoral Commission has notified that the date announced for the commencement of arrangements for Maltese voters abroad to travel to Malta for the purpose of voting in the Referendum has been brought forward to Wednesday, 18 May 2011 (instead of Friday, 20 May).
This change is being effected so that eligible voters living abroad who cannot be in Malta on 28 May would be able to take the required oath as stipulated by law, that is, up to noon of Friday, 20 May 2011. Thus, these persons will be able to vote on Saturday, 21 May 2011.
The other arrangements remain unchanged.

What if someone is living abroad and cannot make it to Malta during that period? Why can't these ppl be allowed to vote at some embassy? What's the big deal? Isn't this the 21st century?