Pro divorce Catholics launch movement, 'we have duty to avoid State-imposed morality'
A new pro-divorce Catholic movement has announced its impending launch this week, stressing that Catholics are duty-bound to ensure that no morality is imposed on the whole population.
The group, Kattolici: Iva ghax Dritt, said that it is composed of a number of practicing devout Catholic laymen who agree that “a Catholic has the duty to ensure that the State does not impose a particular morality on the whole population.”
“The commandment of Love, which to us is absolute, as well as the Catholic Church’s social teachings particularity on respecting everyone’s rights, creates within us an obligation to promote the rights of others, even when we do not agree with them and not allow anything to interfere the exercising of these rights,” Carmelo Hili, a Labour councillor on the Burmarrad administrative council, said.
“We are concerned that these important elements are coming across clearly during the ongoing campaign dealing with the introduction of divorce into the Maltese islands."
The group said society should be allowed to make its choice freely, according to their conscience and how it thinks best. “Despite how not all of us agree with divorce in itself, we however believe it is a civil right that allows a person, based on a free choice, to make life decisions themselves, without any imposition of a particular morality.”
The group said it also intends to help in clarifying certain notions “as there is a lot of confusion going around.”
The group said it would officially launch on Saturday, extending an invite to the media to cover the event.