Referendum flights: extra Air Malta flights, call centre hours extended
Air Malta is making travel arrangements for eligible Maltese voters currently abroad to travel on its services to enable them to vote in the forthcoming Referendum of the 28 May.
The airline will be operating 8 extra flights on Luxemburg, London Gatwick, Manchester and Brussels routes as per the following schedule. Flight timings for the Luxemburg flights will be announced as soon as airport slots are confirmed.
To facilitate the reservations process Air Malta’s call centre will be extending its opening hours till 0100hrs local time until Sunday night (early Monday morning). The airline will review these opening hours if and when the need arises.
“Unfortunately Air Malta’s call centre yesterday experienced technical difficulties and customers were unable to get through. Air Malta apologises for the inconvenience. The technical situation has now been resolved and at any one time an average number of nine call centre agents are currently taking reservations,” the airline said in a statement.
Air Malta is also taking reservations of these flights from its Sales Office at Malta International Airport and from its sales office in Rabat, Gozo.
As announced, the scheme applies to eligible voters whose names appear on last October’s Electoral Register, including those married to foreigners, studying, working or undergoing medical treatment abroad and also to their dependents (under 18 years of age).
This offer is available for the period starting from Wednesday 18 May to Sunday 5 June, both dates inclusive.
Reservations may not be changed and tickets are non-refundable. All relevant details that include names and surnames as per passport, ID card, address on ID card, email addresses, credit cards details and contact phone numbers (including mobile number) will be required at the booking stage prior authorisation of any ticket issuance. Details for dependents should include age, followed by date of birth.
Flight reservations through Air Malta’s Call Centre can be made on numbers (00356) 23645321 from 0800-0100hrs Monday to Sundays.