BA censors pro-divorce spots over complaint from Cana Movement founder

Clips of statements by Moviment Cana founder Mgr Charles Vella speaking on civil divorce were taken off the air by the Broadcasting Authority despite being approved, says Moviment Iva.

The pro-divorce lobby Moviment Iva will be opening legal proceedings against the Broadcasting Authority after two of their televised messages were taken off the air.

Moviment Iva said the clips were taken “in the most faithful manner" from an interview that Cana Movement founder Mgr Charles Vella had given on Bla Agenda, presented by Norman Hamilton on 6 March 2010.

The movement pointed out that Mgr Vella had repeated that same position various times in the local newspapers. “The Broadcasting Authority had first approved the broadcasting of the televised messages and only requested that One and Norman Hamilton provide their approval to the interview’s use,” Moviment Iva said.

“This approval was obtained and the Moviment Iva began broadcasting the messages.”

However it said that today, “the Broadcasting Authority took the messages off the air after lawyer Robert Tufigno, who is a member of Zwieg Bla Divorzju, requested that the messages stop in Mgr Vella’s name.”

Mgr Vella's lawyer circulated a latter from Vella saying he was quoted out of context from the Bla Agenda interview. "I wish to affirm that I was never asked to give my written or verbal consent as I believe is stipulated by the Broadcasting Authority. This in my opinion is grossly unethical for it goes against my rights and is an attempt to drag me in the pro-divorce debate," Vella said.

"Moreover I did not ever give my consent to the movement proposing the introduction of divorce in Malta to make use and exploit my image and personality in its campaign in favour of the introduction of divorce in Malta. In view of this following my formal complaint the Broadcasting Authority has prohibited the further airing of the said spots.

"As already stated elsewhere, once again I profess my firm belief that as Christ has thought us 'marriage is an indissoluble union and that no man should put asunder what God has joined together'. For this teaching I have dedicated the mission of my life, ever since the
foundation of the Cana Movement nearly 60 years ago," Vella said.

He added that "while sharing the sufferings of couples living in a difficult situation", he upholds the Church's teaching on marriage.

Heq biex qed tiskantaw, Hawn min miskina, baqghet mizzewga ma ragel- u llum il-gurnata qedha fuq kura psikjatrika, tant kemm batghiet. mhux kull ma jleqq huwa deheb:) Hawn hafna nies jilghabuha tas-sewwa meta jkunu barra :) Hekk jonqos ukoll issa, nidhlu fil-hajja privata ta haddiehor, Biex tinsa tieghek hux ?:) Kemm huwa sabih li jkollok il-paci fik innifsek, mhux bhal min ghandhu qalb tal-gebel, u flok demm ghandhu Valenu :)
Spiss nisimghu kemm jizzewgu, kemm jinfirdu, kemm ipoggu, kemm single mothers ecc. Jien nixtieq inkun naf haga: JISTA' XI HADD IGHIDLI KEMM KOPPJI JIDDIVURZJAW (barra minn Malta) DARBA WAHDA BISS U MBAGHAD IGHIXU KUNTENTI FIT-TIENI ZWIEG? u KEMM JIDDIVORZJAW DARBA, TNEJN, TLIETA.......sakemm jibqghu jxommu r-riha tad-dbielet? Liz Taylor kellha bzonn TMIEN cansijiet biex issib il-felicita...u kieku baqghet hajja, minjaf?
Ma nistax nindirizzahom b'isimhom ghax dawn mhux biss balali imma wkoll bezziegha. Jippruvaw jitfghu t-tajn u jahbu jdejhom. Jien la naf u anqas irrid naf x'qal Mons Vella. Jien nerga' nghid li trid tkun forma tal-balali biex tqabbel lil Malta mat Talebani meta fil-fatt tal-IVA ghandhom kull dritt jghidu iva u tal-Le ghandhom l-istess dritt. Mhux bhal meta konna taht is-socjalisti. Meta MOns Vella tkellem favur id-divorzju tellajnieh mas-sema u issa ghax ghal xi raguni jew ohra qed jghid mod iehor issa sirna talebani. Balali. Fl-ahhar mill-ahhar Marlene Pullicino kienet qalet tant kontra d-divorzju, imbaghad rat id-dawl u bidlet l-idea. Konna Talebani meta Xandir Malta kien KOMPLETAMENT f'idejn ir-regim mela issa. Sur balalu tergax tikteb it's jekk joghgbok U semghux bil-GH. Darba KMB minn Malta ra aircraft carrier li kienet go port fl-Amerka...tistghageb ghax jien saqsejthom smajtuhx? Mela anqas bil-Malti ma taf sur bbbbbbbbb
If I remember well Mgr. Charles Vella, gave an interview to 'the times' on line some months ago. He spoke in favour of the introduction of divorce and critised the present Roman Catholic Church Adminstration in Malta. I remember very well what he said then, and it was similar to what he said on 'Bla Agenda'.All the comments trying to state otherwise are useless, especially from the one and only Giov. DeMartino!!!
Sur Demartino nahseb balalu inti ghax ktibt 'smajtuh x'qal Josef'. Kif smajtu ezatt ??? Nahseb tad-discovery channel ghadhom ma' semawx bik! Let me repeat - Taliban at it's best! Suggest you remove your dark blue contact lenses every now and then. It would really change the picture. Work, freedom, liberty!!!
duncan abela
While I am totally with the YES to divorce movement I feel that old priests like Mons Vella should not be used as a tool to promote the YES movement. He had already done more than enough and much more than the majority of priests are willing to do to challenge the misrepresentations of the Monsignors clique who are part and parcel of the behind the scene forces pulling the strings of the No movement. It requires courage for any priest to go against the dogmatic stance of the local hierarchy. Mgr Vella has done more for the Maltese family than all these Pharisees who have now awakened to the fact that family disourse can be used as a tactical weapon in the current controversy which is turning more and more into an unecessary battle for minds. An old man who has contributed so much to marriage and the Maltese family should just be deeply thanked for his lifetime's work rather than be put under the stress and pressure of the current campaign.
@ Marios P Sciberras To see Mgr Vella talk go to this link click on Affari Taghna 13 May and see from 1hr.26 mins to 1 hr 33 mins and see it for yourself
Smajtuh x'qal Josef? Taliban at IT'S best. Anqas its ma jaf jikteb. Hekku! Min jaf kemm dahhaqt nies bik tipparagunana ma-talebani. Kemm haw min jiflah nikun balalu. @ Sur laiviera veru, ahjar ma ssemmix ismijiet
Smajtuh x'qal Josef? Taliban at IT'S best. Anqas its ma jaf jikteb. Hekku! Min jaf kemm dahhaqt nies bik tipparagunana ma-talebani. Kemm haw min jiflah nikun balalu. @ Sur laiviera veru, ahjar ma ssemmix ismijiet
Smajtuh x'qal Josef? Taliban at IT'S best. Anqas its ma jaf jikteb. Hekku! Min jaf kemm dahhaqt nies bik tipparagunana ma-talebani. Kemm haw min jiflah nikun balalu. @ Sur laiviera veru, ahjar ma ssemmix ismijiet
Diga qieghed nara onorificenzi moghtija lil dawn li qeghdin fil-fruntiera tal-LE. Il-qdusija tixghel minn kullimkien !.. Isa forsi nergghu indahhlu xi Pro Ecclesia et Pontefice wara isimhom !. Wara nissuggerixxi lill-Gvern jonorahom ukoll b'onorificenza specjali, "Pro Simulatio et Gaudium Meum".
Jurgen Cachia
Piccinino jew pulcinello?
Ian George Walker
Anderson The clips were NOT edited and NOT out of context, And all of Malta could see that yesterday.
Reminds me of the usual One news clips: edited phrases out of context to prove one's agenda. Maltese are not as gullible as you think.
I recommend everyone to watch the full video of Mgr Vella's comments. I saw it on "affari taghna" and what he said was a breath of fresh air. As a Catholic priest he has his believes and I respect that, as a human being the man has compassion, I respect that too. I sincerely hope that a lot more people follow his example. Watch the full video and make up your mind.
What God joined together let no man put asunder true true true . But Jesus never said what the church put together let no man put asunder. so the church have no right to put together, only God almighty has this power, not mere people in funny clothes.
Hija moda hawn Malta li naqilgħu diskors mill-kuntest u ninterpretawh kif irridu. Tal-mistħija! Il-Malti mhux baħnan, il-malti irid argumenti sodi biex jikkonvinċi ruħu u mhux qerq! Il-Moviment Iva jekk irid li jgħaddi d-divorzju irid iġib argumenti sodi u mhux jigdeb jew iwaqqa għaċ-ċajt dak li qed jingħad. Waqt id-dibattu fuq TVM nhar l-Erbgħa tal-moviment iva xejn ma kienu konvinċenti. Iktar moħħhom biex iwaqqgħu għaċ-ċajt dak li kien qed jingħad.
This crusade by the 'No' Movement is verging on the ridiculous!
Thanks to AFFARI TAGHNA for showing the full slot of Mgr Vella. Those were deep touching words of compassion from a true Christian. It is now well understood why the No Movement objected to this slot becuase they still have to fathom what real compassion is, besides destroying their rethoric and exposing their blatlant lies and scaremongering tactics. The divorce whole issue boils down to power of the institution called the Church/PN buddies against choice by those who wish to have proper closure to a sad, traumatic and I dare say may even be a spiritually enlightening chapter in their lives, so that they may be able to move on with their lives to find some peace and happiness.
Xi hadd mill-gurnalisti jist isaqsi lil kurja kif persuna (X) gab l-annullamnet miz-zwieg fi zmien xahrejn? U kif l-istess pesuna (X) rega izzewweg u wara snin bi tfal mit-tieni zwieg , rega ha annullamnet mil-knisja ? Dan qalu wkoll Normal lowell li sfida biex xi hadd biex jisfidah halli jsemmi min huwa dan (X) Bosta nies jafu min huwa dan (X) Il-kampanja ta LE hija mimlia tidwir tal-fatti u qerq, Il-Kampanja ta LE hija Kampanja mibnija fuq il-BIZA .
Il bierah smajt Affari Taghna u aktar ikkonfermajt ghaliex ta kontra d divorzju mhux qed jaghtu kummenti lil media .Issa li intwera s slot kollu ta Mons Vella issa x`ser tghidu ? Mill paniku li deher ta kontra d divorzju jidher car li l knisja qeda tibza li titlef l kontroll fuq min hi taghti l-annullament . Alla jbierek hemm min gab l-annullament izjed minn darba,Dan imbaghad l knisja ghaliex hi ghanda d dritt sagro sant li tiddeciedi ghall koppja ?. Is sur bartolo (minghaliha) qal sew li bli qed taghmel l knisja dejjem aktar qed tbieghed n nies ,mur ghidilhom lil dawk li ma hemx cans li jinghaqdu? Jien fejn qed immur l knisja litteralment minn gimgha ghall ohra dejjem tara inqas nies. L-ahjar hu li nhallu lil poplu jiddeciedi hu u hadd ma hu CUC li ser jizzewweg bil hsieb li jiddivorzja.
@BEJN IL LINJI... il problema ta Malta hija li hawn balla nies iridu jindahlu f''jaghmlu n-nies...Ibda mil partit ghaziz tieghek GonziPN u spicca fil Knisja Ipokrita li ghandna!!!!! Mhux affarik x'jixtiequ jghamlu n-nies. Jekk iridu jergu jizzewgu dak m;ghandekx jett tiddecidih int!!! Jew ebda partit jew knisja!!!! Hawn qeda il problema habib!!! Kulhadd jrid jindahal fejn ma jesawx. Din hija l-marda ta' Malta!!!!!!!! Hallu lin nies liberi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TINDAHLUX FID DRITTIJIET INDIVIDWALI TAL BNIEDEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
le ta . Il-Clip intuzat, sabiex juri li anke dan il-qassis/monsinjur , ma jibzax mid- divorzju, mhux jaqbel, qatt ma qal ,li jaqbel. Izda li ma jibzax, u hekk ghandu jkun min kull persuna. Ghalha Biza ?jekk wiehed ihobb verament lil mara jew lil zewgu, ma ghandux ikun semplicement ligi tad- divorzju li ttemlu l-imhabba tieghu. Iz-zwieg ikissru l-gideb u meta ma jkunx hemm rispett, ibda mill-infedelta etc..
Jien smajt ta bundy u nahseb li l-clip intuza biex il-monsinjur jidher favur id-divorzju... issa li l-monsinjur ghamilha izjed cara li hu favur zwieg dejjiemi ma nahsebx li hu etiku li jibqa jintuza dan il-monsinjur... ha nerga nghid, ma nafx ghala ma jgibux argumenti kostruttivi u noqghodu nipprovaw nghidu x'qal dak u l-iehor... Jien nixtieq inkun naf illum kemm hawn nies li direttament ghandhom bzonn jergghu jizzewwgu u kemm hawn nies li ser jintlaqtu hazin meta dawn jergghu jizzewwgu...jigifieri a. min hu f'relazzjoni soda gdida u jixtieq jizzewweg; b. min jigi minn dawn mill-ewwel zwieg (jigifieri l-ewwel mara/ragel u t-tfal ta dawn). Kieku kull vot minn dawn naghmlu jiswa elf darba izjed mill-vot tieghi...jigifieri dawn ghandna l-iktar li naghtu kaz...
"Moreover I did not ever give my consent to the movement proposing the introduction of divorce in Malta to make use and exploit my image and personality in its campaign in favour of the introduction of divorce in Malta. In view of this following my formal complaint the Broadcasting Authority has prohibited the further airing of the said spots. "As already stated elsewhere, once again I profess my firm belief that as Christ has thought us 'marriage is an indissoluble union and that no man should put asunder what God has joined together'. For this teaching I have dedicated the mission of my life, ever since the foundation of the Cana Movement nearly 60 years ago," Vella said. ****************************** Allura dak li ghidt f'dik l-intervista , x'kien? ghadek tikkonfermah? Bhala bniedem jew? ma ghidtux? jew mhux int kont ?ahhaahaaaaaaa Jew Ghalqulek halqek?:) Obda dan miskin mis superjuri tieghu:) Kemm hu sabih li tkun liberu eh Mr :) Mintiex liberu int, imma skjav.
If the statement he made is on public record, what is the problem! Is this not wanting to have the cake and eat it? He made comments and the effects of divorce on Christians in the public arena and as such anyone can or should be able to quote them in an open society.
Taf x'ikisser il-familji? Il-kontijiet
Further evidence that theocracy rules over democracy in Malta. PaiN - all this nonsense will catch up with you in the very near future. This is the price you will pay for the stupid decisions you make. In the meantime enjoy your 'tea party'.
Ian George Walker
Sur DeMartino, agħti daqqa t'għajn fil-qalba tal-PN u ara kemm għandek ħila ssib paladini ta' żmien Xandir Malta li issa huma ta' ġewwa sew. Naħseb m'hemmx għalfejn insemmi ismijiet.
TZahra and GiovdeMartino, It goes to show that the pot cannot call the kettle black. We have a grand conspiracy,here, on freedom of speech, measuring nine on the seismic scale.
Sewwa qal is-Sur laiviera. Ma ghandniex freedom of speech illum bhalma kellna meta l-isem ta' Fenech Adami ma setax jissemma u meta Xandir Malta ghadda kompletament f'idejn ir-regim
Luke Camilleri
Thoise clips, whether Fr. Charles or his Lawyers like it or not are PUBLIC Dominion aired on a Public T.V. Station ! Was it a freudian slip from the part of Father Charles or a fundamentalist decision , biased and compliant with the OPM' agenda to censor by Ommission, commissioned by lawyer Robert Tufigno, who is a member of Zwieg Bla Divorzju?,
Unbelievable....this country has become very scary and extremely sad. This is worse than the old Soviet Union when it comes to censorship....just continue to push people further and further away...where are those people who stood atop their perches in 1987 demanding freedom of speech....the very same people are now trying to supress the public even more. Remember the chant - Xoghol, Gustizzja, Liberta...we shouted and we contributed towards these three you ignore them...well i think its time we started to chant them again
Well, the "No" to divorce guys think they have the same immunity the church had for so many hundreds of years. Now that they're up for public scrutiny they're starting to whine. For more articles on Andre Camilleri, latter-day crusades and anti-divorce news log on:
Tista' tispjegalna il-limbu kif dahal f'din tad-divorzju?
Sakemm Mons Vella jitkellem favur id-divorzju orrajt. Imma jitkellem kontra ma jistax!@ Dik ipokresija!
Ian George Walker
The clips were taken from an interview already broadcast on TV. They were not edited or doctored in any way. The BA had no right to stop them. This is a breach of freedom of speech. It is probably unconstitutional.
Actually its good news for the Church; priests like Mons Vella are an asset and a sign that some priests-those that lived abroad- are progressive and have society and the Church at heart.
So there you have it. the broadcasting Authority is controlled by the catholic church. The sooner we can dissolve this devil's coven, the better.
Sur DeMartino, Mons Vella huwa qassis. Il-qassisin jieħdu l-voti - fosthom dak tal-ubbidjenza totali għas-superjuri tiegħu. Sakemm ma nisimgħux mod ieħor, għandna dritt nassumu li kull ma qed jagħmel huwa bl-approvazzjoni tal-Knisja.
Isabelle Borg
Taliban state at it's best.
Once Mons. Vella's comments were aired on the braodcasting media they became public knowledge and therefore could be used provided they were quoted in context. Instead of giving in to the request by Mons. Vella's lawyer and stopped the spots, the BA should have challenged the request by Dr. Tufigno especially since it had already approved the broadcasting of the adverts.
@giovanni de martino Sur giovann, jien peswaz li int bhala kattolku fidil kont temmen li t-trabi li kienu jmutu bla ma jkunu mghammda kienu jmorru l-limbu. Il-papa tal-lum qalilna li l-limbu qatt m'ezista. Further comment is superfluous
Tista' Sur Professur, tghidilna l-Knisja kif dahlet f'dil-bicca?
Aktar hmieg f'isem ir-religjon! X'ma tmurx lura l-knisja f'Malta!!!!!!!