BA censors pro-divorce spots over complaint from Cana Movement founder
Clips of statements by Moviment Cana founder Mgr Charles Vella speaking on civil divorce were taken off the air by the Broadcasting Authority despite being approved, says Moviment Iva.
The pro-divorce lobby Moviment Iva will be opening legal proceedings against the Broadcasting Authority after two of their televised messages were taken off the air.
Moviment Iva said the clips were taken “in the most faithful manner" from an interview that Cana Movement founder Mgr Charles Vella had given on Bla Agenda, presented by Norman Hamilton on 6 March 2010.
The movement pointed out that Mgr Vella had repeated that same position various times in the local newspapers. “The Broadcasting Authority had first approved the broadcasting of the televised messages and only requested that One and Norman Hamilton provide their approval to the interview’s use,” Moviment Iva said.
“This approval was obtained and the Moviment Iva began broadcasting the messages.”
However it said that today, “the Broadcasting Authority took the messages off the air after lawyer Robert Tufigno, who is a member of Zwieg Bla Divorzju, requested that the messages stop in Mgr Vella’s name.”
Mgr Vella's lawyer circulated a latter from Vella saying he was quoted out of context from the Bla Agenda interview. "I wish to affirm that I was never asked to give my written or verbal consent as I believe is stipulated by the Broadcasting Authority. This in my opinion is grossly unethical for it goes against my rights and is an attempt to drag me in the pro-divorce debate," Vella said.
"Moreover I did not ever give my consent to the movement proposing the introduction of divorce in Malta to make use and exploit my image and personality in its campaign in favour of the introduction of divorce in Malta. In view of this following my formal complaint the Broadcasting Authority has prohibited the further airing of the said spots.
"As already stated elsewhere, once again I profess my firm belief that as Christ has thought us 'marriage is an indissoluble union and that no man should put asunder what God has joined together'. For this teaching I have dedicated the mission of my life, ever since the
foundation of the Cana Movement nearly 60 years ago," Vella said.
He added that "while sharing the sufferings of couples living in a difficult situation", he upholds the Church's teaching on marriage.