Journalists’ institute condemns Zwieg Bla Divorzju for refusing to answer questions

IGM council calls on Żwieġ bla Divorzju to allow journalists the freedom to ask questions during their activities.

The council of the Institute of Maltese Journalists has strongly condemned a decision by anti-divorce lobby Żwieġ bla Divorzju not to answer questions from journalists during their activities.

“If Żwieġ bla Divorzju is inviting journalists to its activities, then journalists have a right and duty to ask questions to clarify positions assumed by the movement’s leadership.”

The IGM also said the excuse by the lobby that journalists would be able to ask their questions during the BA debates was unacceptable.

“In a democratic society, journalists of whichever opinion have the right to put both movements’ positions to scrutiny by putting questions that are of public interest and of current controversy, as is divorce,” the IGM council said in a statement.

WHY AM I VOTING YES FOR DIVORCE WITH A CLEAR CONSCIOUS IN FRONT OF GOD AND MEN! "To Start with I don't think that there should have been a referendum in the first place!" "I am a Christian new born in the family of God, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, truly the Son of God and is God, I believe that Jesus has died for the sins of the world and that the Father has raised Him after 3 days Romans 10:9-10, The Head of my church is no one apart from the LORD Jesus Christ Ephesians 1:20-22, Ephesians 5:23, and my only Authority is His word the Holy Bible. God hates Divorce and so do I, I am not in agreement for Divorce for a Christian couple, if one falls into sin one should repent and get back with his/her husband/wife. Its true that God hates divorce, but He has tolerated it since the times of Moses because of the hardening of the hearts, because although nothing that God binds must be broken by men, men still breaks it because men (Human kind) is disobedient since the beginning of time, that is the reason that God has tolerated Divorce. Matthew 5:32 But I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, EXCEPT on the ground of sexual immorality, makes her commit adultery, and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.Matthew 19:8 He said to them, “Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. Deuteronomy 24:1-4 “When a man takes a wife and marries her, and it happens that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some uncleanness in her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand, and sends her out of his house, No true Christian will need a divorce, But who knows if a Christian couple although they are abiding to Jesus, one of them might get deceived by Satan and commits adultery against his/her partner, of course there is forgiveness, but what "IF" the other partner chooses to continue live in SIN, "Hardening of the heart" why should the other partner be left stranded Punished for all his/her life? .. when God has tolerated Divorce for this specific reason! ... what about if the other party cannot get back to work for some health issues? .... why not even the other party cannot fall in love with someone else and be married? .. what about the children? they loose all sense of security because there isn't a DAD figure at home!? For the Christian couple if they abide by the teachings of Jesus and stand firm by it , one knows that has to respect the wife and vice versa, one will be respecting and loving God doing so, but not all people has God in their lives, even catholics with all due respect if they are not born again their works are in vein therefore everyone might stand a second chance by divorce, many find God through their divorce, and be born again, then there are those who don't believe in God neither they do believe HIM, although they too stand a 2nd chance, those might use divorce over and over again. A healthy Christian couple does not need divorce, but if one leaves the path of the LORD and go into adultery the other one is stranded and is innocent, so the LORD has tolerated DIVORCE because of the adulterer that committed the sin and has chosen to remain in it because of the hardening of the heart, and the innocent party will be FREE that is what God wants! if the unbelievers wants to leave God will set the other FREE! 1 Corinthians 7:15 But if the unbeliever departs, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases. But God has called us to peace. "But if I don't need a divorce why stopping someone that is passing through Hell on earth from having one, and if God has tolerated it for this specific reason! , why should I be ARROGANT not to!? - who am I not to?" Those who are voting NO!, could it be that they don't have a healthy marriage maybe even committing an adultery against them but they are still comfortable of having a wife/husband at home because they are not ready for commitment in leaving their wife/ husband, for so many it could be just the trill and excitement of having a "bit on the side" so they are afraid of their partner divorcing them? For the once that are VOTING NO! first, and, with all due respect and love of Jesus Christ you must be a religious person and without God in your life, because if you do have God in your life you would know and understand what God's word has to say regarding Divorce..... The Sin of Cohabitation secondly you should also know that cohabitation is a sin according to God's eyes a couple living in without being married is a sin, since a couple must be married to sleep with, now the arch bishop of Malta had serious talks with the Maltese Government to fix the law of cohabitation which at the present time the law does not know couples that cohabit without a marriage certificate, by moving onto to this "new cohabitation Law" we are refuting God's tolerance towards divorce and creating a men made LAW that is making the SIN of Cohabitation Legal!........By this new Law none who their marriage has been destroyed can have a new life a second chance, they will have to cohabit together and according to God's eyes they are still married although they are separated, because if a marriage is recording by a certificate contract so must a divorce, (Deuteronomy 24:1) therefore those new cohabited couple are living an adulterous lives because they went to live with another person without they have been issued a certificate of Divorce! and the sin grows and grows, and who it is to say that it makes it even more easier now for the new cohabited couple to split again because they have nothing to keep them they sure have less hassle law and papers and money spent than those who have to be divorced according to the law of divorce! The Choice is Yours if you Vote YES you will be voting according to God's tolerance and give INNOCENT people a second chance, and Voting NO you will be ARROGANT and hardly careless about God's tolerance, and care about the opinion of men's rather than God's and you will be VOTING YES TOWARDS THE NEW LAW OF THE COHABITATION SIN! The Roman catholic church does not preach Jesus Gospel, but it teaches her own gospel, the Bible, which we as Christians believe that its the true word of God and we abide by it for our walk contradicts almost everything that the Roman church teaches, so it is hardly that I suggest that you should follow what the church is condemning you for VOTING YES in this referendum, nevertheless you should follow any of its teachings, because if you truly want God in your lives then you should believe His gospel, Repent and ask HIM to come and live in your hearts and apart from making Him your saviour of your soul you should also make HIM your LORD, which means you should obey anything the LORD orders you to do, because Only HIM knows what's good for you! SO, I AM VOTING YES WITH A CLEAR CONSCIOUS IN FRONT OF MEN AND IN FRONT OF GOD! (Oh and don't forget, if you have the cash $$$$$ you can go and divorce in an EU country)
Who is financing this movement? Ma jdumux ma jaghdulna li xi qaddis Jew iehor qallilhom biex jaghmlu hekk.
Ian George Walker
"Żwieġ bla Divorzju" have some firsts-class brains (though very little 'heart') in their ranks. They must have known that they would be strongly criticised for this decision. This means that they must have carried out a cost-benefit analyses and concluded that answering questions would be more damaging than refusing to answer. This raises the interesting question of why they are so frightened of the press - is it content or presentation? It also means that they have little or no respect for the press and the public's right to be informed of the issues. The press should retaliate with an embargo on coverage of their activities.
The only real answer is a boycott - they refuse to ask questions, you don't report their activities.
Why bother covering their activities if they refuse to answer questions? Let them have their activities go uncovered. It's as simple as that.
Of course the 'NO' people refuse to answer journalists' questions. They know that their arguments wouldn't impress any journalist worth his salt. This ' Scarecrows Movement ' know that the Church is doing the dirty work for them in churches all over the island, where priests can invent all kinds of lies and fairy-tale stories to the faithful about divorce without having to face any questions from the congregation. The only answer they can get is a " walk-out " by a number of people who do this in protest, as happened on Saturday to Re.Fr. Ang. Seychell !
Of course the 'NO' people refuse to answer journalists' questions. They know that their arguments wouldn't impress any journalist worth his salt. This ' Scarecrows Movement ' know that the Church is doing the dirty work for them in churches all over the island, where priests can invent all kinds of lies and fairy-tale stories to the faithful about divorce without having to face any questions from the congregation. The only answer they can get is a " walk-out " by a number of people who do this in protest, as happened on Saturday to Re.Fr. Ang. Seychell !
Of course the 'NO' people refuse to answer journalists' questions. They know that their arguments wouldn't impress any journalist worth his salt. This ' Scarecrows Movement ' know that the Church is doing the dirty work for them in churches all over the island, where priests can invent all kinds of lies and fairy-tale stories to the faithful about divorce without having to face any questions from the congregation. The only answer they can get is a " walk-out " by a number of people who do this in protest, as happened on Saturday to Re.Fr. Ang. Seychell !
Just boycott them and they will soon start taking your questions.
Just boycott them and they will soon start taking your questions.
If the NO Movement is not prepared to answer questions then journalists should not cover their activities.
The 'No' movement are so ill prepared that they do not want to be caught on the wrong foot! Remember the gaffe by Dr Andre Camilleri?
Naa Obinna
Biex taraw kemm m'humiex kapaci iwasslu l-argumenti taghhom, hlief bit-tbezziegh. Nispera li l-poplu qed jinduna li dawn qeghdin jippruvaw juzaw tattika antikwata, minghalihom ghadna xi poplu injorant u li fit-28 ta dan imorru jivvotaw, imqarr biex jaghtu vot ta sfiducja lil dawn il-qatta oqbra 'mbajda.