Journalists’ institute condemns Zwieg Bla Divorzju for refusing to answer questions
IGM council calls on Żwieġ bla Divorzju to allow journalists the freedom to ask questions during their activities.
The council of the Institute of Maltese Journalists has strongly condemned a decision by anti-divorce lobby Żwieġ bla Divorzju not to answer questions from journalists during their activities.
“If Żwieġ bla Divorzju is inviting journalists to its activities, then journalists have a right and duty to ask questions to clarify positions assumed by the movement’s leadership.”
The IGM also said the excuse by the lobby that journalists would be able to ask their questions during the BA debates was unacceptable.
“In a democratic society, journalists of whichever opinion have the right to put both movements’ positions to scrutiny by putting questions that are of public interest and of current controversy, as is divorce,” the IGM council said in a statement.