Muscat delivers last appeal for 'Yes' vote in divorce referendum

Opposition and Labour leader Joseph Muscat has delivered his last appeal ahead of Saturday’s divorce referendum, urging Maltese to give children in broken families, a chance to be treated equally to children living in stable families.

Muscat - who spoke on One Radio - reiterated his position of being proud to vote in favour of divorce, adding his belief that he is on the right side of history.

“I pray that people in stable families will never come to need divorce, but if they do, then they would wish for their children not be treated as second class children,” he said.

Muscat said that we cannot live in a society where children whose parents are not together are treated differently.

“Hypocrisy is not an alternative; if a responsible divorce such as this one does not pass on Saturday there will be no alternative. If anyone, until next Saturday, came up to me and guaranteed that if I vote ‘No’ and divorce isn’t introduced in this country, no more families will break up, then I will be the first to vote against it. But we all know that in reality, this is impossible,” he said.

“With the introduction of divorce, children will suffer as much as they do in separations and annulments. Kids suffer when their father abuses their mother, if a parent leaves home, if parents fight.

“Children will always suffer, but what we have to see is how much can we protect kids from this trauma, and help prevent children born into a second marriage that already exists from being second class,” he said.

One listener Jacqueline Barbara said she is against divorce because it increases failed marriages, cohabitation and domestic violence, but knows that without divorce these problems will still occur and it is deceptive to think that divorce will make Malta heaven on Earth. She suggested that couples be better prepared for marriage.

Muscat agreed, saying people in civil marriages have no preparatory courses for marriage.

Muscat believes that after the divorce referendum, there will be a shift in Malta’s political landscape.

“We took a clear position here, while the PN took a confessional stand. Gonzi and friends have hijacked the PN and taken it back to the pre-Fenech Adami days.”

Muscat emphasised that the value of compassion is supreme in Maltese society, and urged for people to show solidarity with those who are suffering.

Paul licari How can one break an unstable marriage? If its unstable its already broken.You want to know what makes it unstable?here are a few reasons, The high cost of living imposed by our caring gonzi Women have to leave her children to go to work , cause her husband is a part timer. thanks to gonzi Parents feeling that they are letting the family down because they cant afford life essentials. The church teaching that to use a condom is not right The catholic church deafening silence against their heartless puppet government.
Regardless of the outcome it will be a different Malta next Sunday. If the YES vote wins we will finally have a more secular Malta. But if the NO vote wins we will definitely have a more ANTI-CLERICAL Malta. Mark my words!! Those who thought that they could regularise their situation and bring some serenity to their life through a divorce law will now feel a lot of resentment and spite for the church. A NO victor will also mean a landslide victory for PL at next elections since liberal voters among the PN, particularly those impacted by separation cases within their famiilies, will vote for PL. Next Saturday VOTE YES for a Church-State separation and give people a chance to start a new life!!!
Well said Dr.Muscat ! Very convincing and honest in your usual. The main issue in this referendum is not whether who will be the winner or the Loser, but ,as Dr.Muscat rightly pointed out the issue is whether we as a nation truly believe and can show Solidarity and compassion with whoever is suffering. The way the LE moviment are reasoning things out is very egoistic and reminds me of the english saying "I am alright .... ... Jack !!! No one has the right to deprive this Civil right to whoever really needs a second chance in marriage. Let's not be selfish! Indeed I will vote YES on Saturday.come what may.
Gilbert Bartolo
About bloody time...
Voting no means continuing to live in a confessional state dominated by a church still stuck in the 1960s. Log on:
Dr. Joseph Muscat tkellem b'mod mill-aktar konvincenti. Wera kif nhar is-Sibt mhux se nivvutaw irridux id-divorzju jew le. Se nivvutaw irridux nghinu lil min tkissirlu z-zwieg u jixtieq jerga jibni hajjtu FI ZWEG u mhux jigi sfurzat li JPOGGI. Se nivvutaw ukoll jekk iridux li jibqghub jitwieldu tfal BARRA Z-ZWIEG jekk ommhom u missierhom pogguti ghax ma jistghux jizzewgu. Jekk naqblu ma dan irridu nivvutaw IVA. Jekk irridu li kollox jibqa l-istess bhal llum, jigifieri min qieghed ibati jibqa kkastigat ghal ghomru. U rridu li tfal ta' koppji pogguti jibqqghu jitwieldu BARRA Z ZWIEG, allura dawk jivvutaw LE ! Lil min fi hsiebu jivvota LE nistaqsih- INT TRD MIN JINDAHALLEK F-HAJJTEK, JEKK LE, TINAHALX FIL HAJJA TA HADDIEHOR !
Instead of legislating a tool to break unstable marriages more easily and quicker, would it not have been wiser to see what is making the marriages unstable in the first place.
Baqa xi hadd f'sensih! Habib tieghi mill-Begju tghidx kemm dahaq biha ghax jaf bil-fares u l-istejjer tal-babaw li ghaddejjin f'Malta!