Divorce guarantees spousal maintenance for women who risk losing it today

Separated women who cohabit with a new partner today lose their right to spousal maintenance – Iva chairperson Deborah Schembri

Iva chairperson Deborah Schembri has warned separated women that they stand to lose their maintenance payments if they take up residence with another man.

“Women who are separated but choose to cohabit with another man will lose their maintenance,” Schembri said tonight in the debate organised by the Broadcasting Authority, pointing out that cohabitation was no guarantee for their ights.

Moviment Iva chairperson Dr Deborah Schembri faced Zwieg Bla Divorzju representative Arthur Galea Salomone in the final debate organised by the Broadcasting Authority.

“The decision we take on Saturday is to vote to help people live a regulate life, for those who need it. Divorce doesn’t affect strong marriages,” Schembri said.

In a message to Catholic voters, she said the Maltese Church had issued a statement on 27 March saying that voting for divorce does not mean Catholics cannot receive the Holy Eucharist or go to mass.

Zwieg Bla Divorzju representative Arthur Galea Salomone said the decision on Saturday would determine if the model of a lifelong marriage between man and woman would be changed to one which expires, without commitment.

He said the Iva movement had pulled a TV spot that said people who desired to leave marriage should be free to do so. “This is the right that a divorce ‘without reason’ gives you. If we have a country with divorce, it will be a society where commitment does not count, where a promise can be broken.”

“I am not judging a husband who leaves a wife for no reason, but is it right that he forces that divorce on her because four years had passed, without reconciliation and while he has been living with another woman?”

He said that divorce was no solution but that it created problems, increased broken marriages and children’s suffering. “The electorate has been burdened with a historic decision without being given the right tools to inform themselves... why should we shake the foundations of Maltese society and marriage without a proper impact assessment?”

In her counter-reply, Schembri said that in many countries where divorce has existed for centuries, lifelong marriages still existed.

“We are not promoting broken marriages or marriages without commitment. We want strong families, but this ideal is not achievable by everybody. We don’t want broken families to be left out of the equation. I have asked, to no avail, for solutions from the no movement for suffering people who are being forced to cohabit and have children out of wedlock. If they say marriage can become a bind that can be loosened (rabta coff) then what is cohabitation?”

She said the only solution for separated people today is forced cohabitation, and it was putting that cohabitation on the same level as marriage that would shake the foundation of marriage.

“We are proposing a responsible divorce, because you have to be already separated for four years when this decision is taken whether by mutual consent or by court order. And if you have lived apart for four years, a spouse must still file a separation case, even by court or by mutual consent (bonarja).

Schembri said women should be able to regularise their lives instead of being forced to cohabit. “As things stand today, we’re not letting people be responsible, to have the rights they deserve. Even with marriage annulments, people still get remarried once, twice over... “

She added that cohabitation and children born out of wedlock were increasing all over the world, irrespectively of divorce “both in Malta and the Philippines where there is no divorce.”

In the second round, Galea Salomone said a solution would be to widen the grounds for annulment. He said his campaign had put children at the centre of the debate because they were voiceless victims. “They speak the truth and the truth is that they don’t want divorce.”

He even claimed that divorce would foist new parents on children. “Divorce is a race towards marital breakdown, a stopwatch to four years of separation.”

He also reiterated claims that widows’ pensions will be affected by divorce, and that husbands with an average monthly wage of €1,000 will be unable to support their new families and pay maintenance. “There is no guarantee that this maintenance will be paid, either by the courts or by sending defaulters to prison.”

Schembri pointed out that children suffered at any stage where there is marital separation. “Children see facts, not certificates. They see their parents leave the matrimonial home, but they are relieved to see that conflict is out of the house.”

Schembri said a lot of help was needed to help those experiencing marital breakdown, to help spouses be good parents and give children a serene life. “But it doesn’t mean someone not living with one natural parent is living a life worse off than living with both parents. They want serenity. The worst thing is parental conflict.”

Schembri also pointed out the importance of a tolerant society rather than one where scaremongering takes places even in schools. “The no movement erected billboards of children asking voters to vote in their name... why should they want someone to vote no when children can have a normal upbringing in marriage, a new union of two people? We can’t ignore the suffering of people....

“Not everyone will remarry, but at least they have the choice, one not imposed by the no movement or the Church. Spouses living on €1,000 must see whether they can have new families they can afford. But the reality is that cohabiting with new families today are already supporting their family and paying alimony. And if a husband pays spousal maintenance, isn’t his new wife also going to be sharing her salary with him as well?”

Schembri also harshly criticised tactics employed by the no movement, saying they had created fear amongst old people, women, children and Catholics.

In his concluding speech, Galea Salomone said the choice for divorce was not about being a Nationalist and a Labourite, “because the values of our family have no political colour. It’s not a general election, but a historic decision to introduced divorce once and for all, that will mark future generations. We don’t need to copy the failed experiments of other countries.”

Deborah Schembri reminded viewers that both Lawrence Gonzi and Eddie Fenech Adami had stated that divorce would eventually be introduced in Malta. “What are we waiting for? Why waste another €4 million on another referendum...?”

She said the divorce law proposed was conservative, allowing a four-year separation for spouses who have tried to reconcile before they file for divorce.

“It’s a divorce that takes care of children, wives and husbands, the right to maintenance... the choice is between forced cohabitation and children born out of wedlock, and remarriage. Why is this an imposition? Today if somebody separates they just impose it upon their spouse.

“There will be no changes in social security for separated spouses, or the benefits for single mothers whose children are born out of wedlock. They will not be affected if they divorce and remarry.”

@falzonsilvio proset habib ilqatt l-punt kullhadd jivotta skond il kuxjenza. alekk ser nivotta iva. biex il kuxxjenza tijej tkun nadifa li persuni bhal membru tal familja tijej li telqitu martu u maret ma haddihor u tqila min tal partner il gdid, spicca neha hajtu bidejh, nies li ser jivutaw le se jkollom kazijiet bhal dawn fuq il kuxjenza tahom, ax dan il kaz ta membru tal familja tijej mhux uniku. tkunux intom li tigudikaw. hallu lil bnidem jamel lghazliet tijaw u jigudikah alla. mhux tkunu intom nies ta dinja li tejdulu le mandekx dritt, le ax jien qed nigudikak. min qed jghid le huwa midneb, ghax alla jghid il bnidem ta dinja hadd mandu dritt jigudika il hadd izda huwa biss alla il missier li jghamel gudizzju mil hajjin u mil mejtin
I can understand Dr Galea Salomone being instructed to parrot the same arguments over and over, but did his coaches need to instruct him into using that offputting monotone quality that must have taken most middle aged viewers back to childhood experiences of boring fire and brimstone homiiies in dimly lit village churches complete with the smell of insence in the background?
Good luck lil Maltin u Ghawdxin ,u proset lil Dr Deborah Schembri in the way she carried the Yes camp debate with dignity sense and calmness and stuck to the points that were of great importance opposed to the NO camp whose only reasoning was God and Church! and many threats of so called Sin! this debate also brought out some very interesting people . some sounding more deranged then others, some you would expect to have a better sense of justice and fairness since they are educated people but also they are puppets on a string ,i am sure you can guess many of them without having to mention them by name. Lets hope the voters will vote for a real Democracy and not a so called Democracy. Lets hope Malta will take a step forward and not backwards. Lets hope that this vote will be YES so we can send a clear message to the Maltese Catholic Church that its dominance and meddling into State affairs has to stop and come to an END!!
Tkun xi tkun id-decizzjoni ta' kull individwu wiehed ghandu biss jitfa' dak il-vot skond il-kunxejnza tieghu.Alla ser jiggudika kull individwu fuq it-tajjeb li wiehed jaghmel u mhux fuq il-hmerijiet ta' kif ser jivvota. J'Alla pajjizna jibqa' maghqud wara din l-istorja kollha u bis-serjeta' nibdew inharsu f'mizuri kif nissalvagwardjaw l-familja dejjiema u nahdmu flimkien ghal bidla li tant ghandu bzonn pajjizna.
Il-gurnata t-tajba lil maltin u ghawdxin ta rieda tajba . good luck lil maltin u ghawdxin ta rieda tajba, ghal dawk li go qalbhom ghandom l-imhabba mhux valenu . ibqghu iftakru min huma dawn in-nies li jridukom tibqghu tghixu fl-injoranza, bil-qerq u gideb u biza ta terrur spiritwali. Qatt tinsew min kienu dawn in-nies.
proset lil JPO , Evarist bartolo, deborah schembri, michael brigulgio, michael falzon, u lil kull min kien involut f'din il-kampajna tal-moviment IVA, halli zgur ma ninsa lil-hadd. proset u grazzi, talli pruvajtu u irsisteju halli terfhu u tellghu lil fuq lil-maggoranza tal-poplu Malti. grazzi talli ghamiltu dak kollu li stajti sabiex tifthu ghajnejn dawk in-nies li qedghin jghixu fi stat ta biza, min dawk li suppost qedghin hemm biex jghinuhom. Izda minflol li jghinuwhom, bdew b`attaki ta GIDEB U QER U terrorismu spiritwali. IMISSOM JISTHU JA WICC VILI U VILJAKKI, fuq nies vulnerabble, tibzaw tal-LE .il-maggoranza tal-poplu malti mhux ser jinsa dak li ghamiltu. Nitlob lil-poplu Malti li ghnadhu rieda li jaqta l-ktajjen tal- biza , tal-gideb u qerq u terrorizmu spiritwali, jiggieled u jghid LE , Daqshekk ikkmandajtuni! ser immur u nivvota IVA , ghal LIBERTA u ghal HELSIEN mil-jasar ta gideb u qerq- l-ghazla f`idejk billi tmur u tivvota IVA !
Dr. Schembri: Grazzi u grazzi mill-qalb tal-mod tajjeb li mexxejt il-Kamp tal-IVA. Kburi li ahna l-Maltin li ser nivvutaw IVA kellna persuna hekk konvincenti u taf kif ghandha tirrispondi bl-edukazzjoni u bil-kalma. Iva kburi wkoll li fil-kamp tal-IVA kellna nies bhal Michael Falzon, Evarist Bartolo, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, Is-Sur Briguglio u l-alternattiva flimkien ma nies ohra li taw hinhom ghal ghan wiehed - dak li jaraw issir gustizzja ma min ghandu bzonn hajja gdida. Minn naha l-ohra dizilluz hafna ghal mod qarrieqi li l-kamp tal-LE mexxew din il-kampanja. Ippruvaw kemm felhu jkissru l-mistoqsija referendarja biex ihawwdu lin-nies. Nghid mexxew bi hdura kontra dawk li verament ghandhom bzonn ta' hajja gdida. Punt iehor ta' dispjacir huwa l-mod qarrieqi wkoll kif NET TV fl-avviz tal-jum tal-votazzjoni, ghaffeg ghal-kollox il-mistoqsija tar-referendum u gabha tinftiehem daqs li kieku ser nivvutaw fuq mistoqsija - jekk irridux id-divorzju jidhol f'Malta jew le - dizonesta kbira. GHALHEKK POPLU MALTI, GHADA GHANDNA NIVVUTAW IVA biex l-ewwel naghtu cans gdid lil min ghandu bzonn, it-tieni naghtu lezzjoni lil dawk li ppruvaw iqarrqu kemm jifilhu u t-tielet nghatu risposta lil gvern ghal mod xejn dinjituz li qed imexxi dan il-pajjiz u r-raba risposta ohra lil dawk il-fundamentalisti li qed jinqdew bi Kristu u l-Knisja. IVA GHAL FUTUR AHJAR
"poplu Malti, Int trid il-helsien ta vera? int trid li l-futur ta pajjizek, ikollu d-drittijiet bhal ma ghandhom il-pajjizi l-ohra kollha Ewropej EU? int trid li il-qassisin jindahlulek kif ghandek tghix hajte! Int ma tafx kif ghandek tghix? inti ma tafx xinhu tajjeb jew hazin ? mela thalliex lil min jindahallek fil-hajja tieghek? Inti meta ivvutajt bhali ghal Malta IVA fl-unjoni ewropea, ghalx xiex ivvutajt? biex inkunu hemm biss membri? Jew sabiex ikollna wkoll id -dritt ta l-ghazla bhal ma ghandhom huma? Id-dritt li taghzel, id-dritt ta LIBERTA li taghzel inti. Fejn hi l-ghajta "Xoghol ,gustizzja u Liberta"? Ghalxiex konna nghiduha dik? Liberta ghax ma kellniex tv , U cikkulata ta l-ghazla taghna ? ghal dawk biss? il-LIBERTA HIJA U GHNADHA TKUN FUQ KOLLOX, ID-DRITT LI TAGHZEL INT. MINGHAJR INDHIL KIF INT GHANDEK ID-DRITT KOLLO , LI TGHIX HAJTEK. VOTE YES , VOTE YES FOR THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF CHOICE. ALL WHO WANTS THIS COUNTRY TO BE A REAL SECULAR STATE , MUST VOTE YES, ALL THOSE WHO WANTS THIS COUNTRY TO STAY LIKE IN MEDIAVAL TIMES, WILL VOTE NO.
Briffy, Deborah had to mention the financial aspects since the latest false claims made by MAD or ZbD or whatever they call themselves were related to financial scaremongering. However, apart from 14 false claims, half-truths and 'misinterpreted' studies I ask the following question. What alternative is MAD bringing or proposing? In effect nothing at all. On the other hand IVA is proposing a responsible solution that allows people whose marriage failed to remarry instead of cohabiting for the rest of their life. Remarriage unlike cohabitation means a second chance at love, commitment and a proper family structure for children. Why should we happily married people deny those less fortunate than us the right to happiness? The time to change has come. My family will be voting Yes for change. Yes for a second chance. Yes for Solidarity. Join us Briffy, you are still in time!
@briffy int trid min jikmandak fil hajja personali tijak xtamel u xma tamilx il min thobb fhajtek? jekk martek tbarrik left right and center, u jkollok qrun li laqas taddi min bieb il belt (ehhh issa waqawh) jejdulek trid tibqa kurnut taha, int xi wihed min dawk il kornuti e kontenti?? jekk le tikmandax il haddihor xjamel fil hajja personali tahom. hallu lil kullhadd jghazel hu xi jridd f-hajtu.
dawn li se jivutaw le andom piz kbir fuq il kuxxjenza, jien se nivotta iva bkuxxjenza nadifa, ir-raguni li ser nivotta iva (mhux bix nihu divorzzju jien) ghax jien mizzeweg u kuntent. u zgur li mandix bzonnu. ser nivotta al persuni, bhal membru tal familja tighiei, li TELQITU IL MARA WARA SENTEJN TA ZWIEG U 7 SNIN GHERUSIJA, BIEX MARET MA HADDIEHOR. WARA 5 SNIN LI MARTU TELQET, SAR JAFF LI TQILA MIN TA HADDIEHOR, U WASAL LI GHAMEL SUWICIDJU. meta jkollok xahadd jiggi minekk li JASAL INEHHI HAJTU B'IDU, GHAX IL MARA LI GHADU MIZZEWEG MAHHA (SEPARAT) TQILA MIN TAL PARTNER IL GDID HIJA REALTA KIFRA U IBSA. kieku kin hawn id-divorzzju, kien jidivorzzjaha. u ma jhoss li martu (separati), tqila min ta haddiehor, u kinet tkun aktar faccli li jacettaha. MIN SER JIVOTTA LE HA JKOLLU IL KUXJENZA TNIGZU LI SE JTELLEF ID DRITTIJIET LIL HADDIHOR. JALLA MA TADDUX MINOM DAW LAFFARIJIET. AHJAR IKOLLOK DRITT LI MA TUZAHX. MILLI TIGI BZONNU U MA SIBBUX. TKOMPLUX TKUNU IPOKRITI.
Schembri also pointed out, “ We can’t ignore the suffering of people.... Hobb il proxumu => IVA Knisja => LE
Joseph Sant
Briffy you have been reading too many fairy tales. We're not talking about Hansel and Gretel here but real life situations. You continually admit that the situation of step parents etc already exists and at the same time you whinge about divorce. So when widows and widowers remarry don't you already have that situation, and when spouses with annulled marriages remarry don't you have the same situation? What's different about divorce? You lot make it sound as if half of Malta is ready with running shoes on so that the moment the President signs the writ and divorce becomes law they can race off to find a lawyer to file for divorce. Go on and say it - you want Malta to be a nation of pogguti and bghula. Get a life!
Qisu kien qed jippriedka minn pulptu dak A. G. S. qas naf x'qal.
It seems that for Deborah Schembri the important thing revolves round financial matters in so far as women are concerned. Her argument is that divorce is not worse than separation as children always suffer when marriages break down, which is true. However when separated couples remarry, children are faced with another parent and in most cases children don't take kindly to it. Even when widows or widowers remarry, there are problems between the children and the step-mother or step-father. In most cases the children especially when they are teenagers usually resent their step mother or step father. In several instances the children even hate their step parent and seem to look down ppon their own parent for having 'betrayed' the memory of their deceased parent. The same would happen when spouses separate and marry somebody else; just like it's happening now when spuces separate and cohabit with another man or woman. In the case of cohabition if the situation doesn't work, because of children's feelings, the ones that cohabit can always go their separate ways. If on the other hand they are married, they will have to separate and divorce once more, which is a second hell for the children. As for women losing their alimony when they cohabit with another man, the same thing would happen to them if they divorce and remarry. So all in all, it seems that divorce and remarriage only complicate matters.
Salamun tal-bibbja u Salamun tal-Le Salamun tal-bibbja, meta kien hemm zewg nisa li t-tnejn qalu li t-tarbija kienet taghhom saqsihom jekk iridux li jaqsmu t-tarbija min-nofs. Il-vera omm ippreferiet li titlef it-tarbija basta t-tasrbija tghix. U ssalamun tal-le?
Dr Schembri we should all be grateful for your convincing arguments which the LE movement tried to impose on us . You certainly made us aware how importantit is to vote YES in next saturdays referendum
Debbie, you were so good, calm and composed. On the other hand Arthur Galea Salomone was nervous at best. You won hands down. Yes for solidarity
Dr. Deborah Schembri was concise and factual throughout the debate. On the otherhand the No camp spokesman was always patronising and repeating the same fear tactics which they have been using for weeks on end now.
The folly of Salamone: “This is the right that a divorce ‘without reason’ gives you. If we have a country with divorce, it will be a society where commitment does not count, where a promise can be broken.”   Hey Dottore, tell that to Canadians ... or to anyone in any other country in the world ... it would be the joke du jour.   Hallina Turu! (This guy is a lawyer?)
what a difference between the speakers. Dr Schembri factual and down to earth; Mr Salamone preaching condescendingly from a pedestal. I don't know what the outcome will be, but I know how I will vote ; a convinced YES.
Ommima Salamone lehen ta' l-omeliji