Green party welcomes referendum result
AD effectively set the ball rolling for divorce by presenting MPs with a blueprint.
The small party which effectively kick-started the divorce debate by presenting MPs with a blueprint for divorce was in celebratory mode.
Since 1989, AD were the unpopular beacons for divorce in a country overwhelmed by Catholic sentiment. But as the popular mood changed, AD’s draft law was pounced upon by Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando who tabled it in parliament to be discussed for legislation.
Welcoming the result, AD chairperson Michael Briguglio said his party was proud to have played a very important role in the divorce referendum victory.
“We congratulate the majority for showing its maturity and confirming that justice triumphs over injustice, that tolerance prevails over discrimination and that compassion transcends insensitivity.”
In 1992, exponents from the Church had associated AD’s political campaign, which included divorce, with the introduction of abortion. The notorious tag stuck and became one of the most important weapons in the arsenal of the conservative Nationalist party and the Church against radical politics.
Briguglio paid tribute to AD, for setting the ball rolling on the divorce issue since it was founded in 1989 and to have sent the draft law to parliamentarians in 2010, which was subsequently supported by MPs Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Evarist Bartolo.
“AD will continue working to ensure that parliament respects the will of the people. When divorce is introduced, thousands of people will be able to start their lives afresh, and Malta will move closer to democracies based on pluralism and civil rights.”
“Now is the time that the government should stop paying lip service to the needs of strengthening the family, roll up their sleeves and start working in earnest on the implementation of family-friendly measures such as increasing parental leave and the minimum wage,” Briguglio said.