Nationalist MP Charlò Bonnici annoyed at MaltaToday survey on divorce
The Nationalist MP Charlò Bonnici warns against the Maltese media – which he says is harbouring “the liberal faction” of the country – from “playing with numbers and percentages of how many people support divorce”, a clear reference to MaltaToday’s survey on divorce.
Bonnici has declared himself against divorce in an opinion piece for Nationalist Party organ In-Nazzjon, but claims he can “still look at this issue in the most objective and balanced” of ways.
A MaltaToday survey has confirmed support for divorce has reached an all time high of 59%, in the wake of a private member’s bill to legislate for divorce presented by Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando. This is the highest level of support for the introduction of divorce since 1995 when the first survey on this issue was held. The survey also shows that an overwhelming majority wants this issue to be decided upon through a national referendum.
Bonnici wrote that parliament must “soon enough, discuss the state of the family” and make an effort to strengthen the majority of strong marriages, but also discuss “some laws that must address the situation of those whose marriage has broken down.”
“What I don’t want in the meantime is that the liberal faction of this country, which seems to have spread well enough among out media, puts pressure on the way things should happen without keeping in mind the interest of children. I feel reports that play with numbers and percentages of how many people support divorce, are unjust.”
Bonnici adds that religion being part and parcel of the debate (he drolly writes that it cannot be ‘divorced’ from the subject), and that he feels insulted at those who “ridicule [him] for being guided by my beliefs” in his actions.
“The PN’s internal dialogue must be guided by its principles… we must not fall into the trap of political gain to throw out what we have always believed in… we must be guided by what makes us better than what makes us popular.