MPs against divorce should abstain from voting against bill if referendum passes – Moviment IVA
The pro-divorce IVA Movement showed its approval for the divorce referendum question approved in parliament last week on Wednesday, and urged MPs to respect the eventual will of the people.
In a statement issued on Monday, the movement said that the referendum question that was approved by a majority vote in parliament reflects principal points of the Private Members Bill that is proposing the introduction of responsible divorce into Malta’s legal framework.
The movement also urged parliament to not ignore the will of the people whom they represent, adding that it would not be fitting if there are a number of parliamentarians that take a position to vote against the introduction of the law irrespectively of what the population decides.
“It is the duty of every member of parliament to represent the people. If this duty goes beyond the conscience of a member of parliament, he or she should abstain, but not vote against.”
The movement said that since this question means that the voter now has a clear question asking whether he or she is in favour of responsible divorce, or against responsible divorce, and should vote yes only if he or she is in favour of the responsible divorce as proposed by the private members bill.
“A responsible law in this case means a law that allows divorce only in instances where there is no hope of reconciliation for a couple who have had their marriage break down irreparable and has been for at least he past four years, and also provides the right to maintenance to the parties and their dependents, and also safeguards the interests of children,” the movement said.
It argued that should the referendum approve divorce with these main principles laid out in the question, parliament should not remove or amend them and that the end divorce law should reflect these main points.