AD launches ‘AlternattIVA’ divorce referendum logo
AD launches appeal to “happily married couples” to give persons whose marriage has broke down a “second chance to find happiness”.
Green party Alternattiva Demokratika today launched its AlternattiIVA logo for the divorce referendum campaign.
AD Chairperson Michael Briguglio, said AD is launching its slogan for the divorce referendum urging all those in favour of the introduction of divorce as well as those who do not agree with divorce but do not want to prohibit others from this right, to vote yes in the referendum.
“Those who want to deny divorce to the thousands who need this civil right should not be allowed to prevail.
“AD appeals to the Broadcasting Authority to ensure that, as was the case in the run-up to the EU referendum, all civil society organisations are represented in the debates and airtime on state television.
“We also appeal to the Electoral Commission to ensure that there is fair civil society representation in the counting process during the referendum,” Briguglio said.
Yvonne Arqueros Ebejer, deputy chairperson, said AD was pleased that parliament has voted in favour of a referendum and a just question, “though it is shameful that certain politicians are playing with words to manipulate the whole issue and misinform the public what divorce is all about.”
“Divorce is the dissolution of a failed marriage. It is useless to beat about the bush because with or without divorce legislation a failed marriage will simply remain a failed marriage with all its repercussions. AD has always been in favour of this civil right because people have a right to choose how to live their lives, and to start afresh, whether by re-marrying or remaining single, after their marriage has irrevocably failed.
“The possibility to divorce should exist in a liberal and representative democracy like Malta. It is up to the individual to decide whether to make use of it or not.”
Arnold Cassola, AD spokesperson for EU and International Affairs, said happily married people in the EU had already tipped the balance in favour of divorce legislation. “AD appeals to all happily married couples in Malta to give an opportunity to those persons who were not so lucky and whose marriage has irretrievably broken down, to be given the chance, if they so wish, to divorce and find happiness through a second marriage.”