Curia defends decision to target children with divorce propaganda

In a reversal of the Gospel quote “let the little children come to me”, the Church has taken the divorce debate directly to the little children.

Specifically addressing minors in his pastoral letter last Sunday, Archbishop Paul Cremona told his young audience that the choice facing the country was one “between good and evil.”

“Children, you know well the difficult times we are going through because of divorce, meaning that two people leave each other and marry others… as children, you aren’t responsible for the decisions that adults make for you, but I am worried for your sakes as I know that you can suffer a lot because of what us adults do.”

The Archbishop exhorted children to pray so that their parents take their decision “based on what Jesus wishes them to do.”

Social workers and teachers were reportedly livid. “The Church is using children like an irresponsible couple going through separation,” one teacher was quoted as saying.

“In the same way that we say that children shouldn’t be involved in disputes that take place between adults, by the same reasoning I don’t see why children should be involved or be used in any way during the debate,” a social worker told Sunday newspaper It-Torca.

Others – including one child psychologist who spoke to this newspaper anonymously – argued that the Church appeared to be planting doubts in the children’s minds regarding their parents’ intentions… a fact which could undermine the parents’ authority over their children, with possibly negative repercussions on family unity.

But responding to these charges, a spokesman for the Archbishop’s Curia claimed he saw nothing wrong or unusual about dragging children into an essentially adult political matter such as divorce.

“Kindly note that what you are referring to as ‘using children in a political debate’ is nothing but a children’s version to the Pastoral Letter which was issued by the Episcopal Conference,” Church PRO Kevin Papagiorcopulo said. “You must be aware that we have been publishing the children’s version to these pastoral letters since 2009...”

Papagiorcopulo also denied that the issue is itself political. “I believe that it is very inappropriate to refer to the teachings of the Church contained in the Pastoral Letter as taking part ‘in a political debate’... the divorce question is as old as Moses at least, and it always had a heavy moral and religious value. The political aspect comes in because laws are enacted by parliament.”

Among the laws enacted by Parliament are a number designed to protect children from exploitation on a number of levels. But while the law is painstakingly clear regarding the use of children for the purposes of marketing and/or commercial advertising, as yet there is no corresponding legislation to protect minors from political exploitation.

This state of affairs leaves Maltese children vulnerable to being drawn into political campaigns without fully understanding the long-term potential consequences.

Shortly after the 2008 election – in which images of children were gratuitously used on political billboards and television adverts – former Children’s Commissioner Carmen Zammit admitted that she was concerned about the situation.

“We are working on a set of policy guidelines to regulate the use of children in electoral campaigns,” she said at the time: hinting that these issues were to be included in the National Children Policy, which was due for publication at the end of 2010.

Three months beyond this deadline, neither the National Children’s Policy nor any legal protection of children from political explanation is yet in sight.

Education Minister Dolores Cristina explained that the delay was in part due to changes in EU policy, to be announced this month.

“A Draft Children’s Policy was to be handed to the Ministry by the end of 2010 to be vetted before launching it for public consultation. The working group preparing the policy is taking a bottom-up approach involving children at the drafting stage. The EU has just launched the new EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child which will be adopted in April. This had to be taken into consideration in the current drafting. The group is also expecting the results of a report commissioned by the Commissioner for Children to take into consideration before submitting the final policy draft.”

She added that the policy will “seek to prohibit any form of exploitation”, but stopped short of elaborating on the case in question.

Current Children’s Commissioner Helen Damato, on the other hand, offered a vague justification in her guarded replies. “Children are direct participants in the divorce issue,” she told MaltaToday.

“As I stated earlier, children should be spared from any type of propaganda whether it is for or against divorce, but they should be informed about the issue. We have to remember that while adults separate and divorce, children do not separate nor divorce from their parents. They have a right to access both parents whether they are married, separated or divorced.”

Keith Goodlip
OK every body, follow this link. Now you can see that the archbishop Gonzi , et al, don't even know their own bible writings.:-
The catholic church is evil and satanic , look at its history, a pope raped his niece, another murdered a 17 year old youth and drank his blood. They burned innocent people at the stake, pope pius X11 collaborated with the nazis while millions of Jews were being murdered , the Spanish and Portuguese catholics massacred thousands of south american indians,innocent children were sexually abused, need i say any more?People get out of this demonic institution.what right have these white washed graves to use our houses of worship that our fathers built.These building belong to us ,your occupancy expired in the sixties.
The Church is showing her true colours and will stop at nothing to get its way. Why trouble innocent young children. Is it not enough that some of them may be facing domestic violence, sexual abuse and break-ups in their family. Why give them a sense of guilt and heighten their worries. Is this what the Church means by having the duty and the right to teach? If Cremona is so concerned about the welfare of children, he should start by issuing a pastoral letter making it the duty of priests and nuns to report those who abuse children to the police. Thank God I am not a Catholic. Who would want to be part of this scandalous and irresponsible behaviour? Is the Church really acting in the best interests of children?
@il-mohh kollox The bishop is a pious man but he is too weak to lead. He cannot stop the harm which is being inflicting by those close to him. The church has learned nothing from the mistakes of the 60s. Seems like the public apology be Arch Bishop Mercieca to labour supporters has served to nothing. So it is really deja vue!
Mhux bizzejjed ikkorrompiet it-tfal il-Knisja. Qatt hasbet fit tfal minn zwiegijiet li gew annullati wara ghoxrin sena. Minn se jghidu li hu missierhom jew ommhom jekk iz-zwieg gie dikjarat mil Knisja li qatt ma sehh.
Keith Goodlip
Religion is the exploitation of man's vulnerability to deception and the RC church really KNOWS how to push it.
Luke Camilleri
Tal-misthija li jiddahlu it-tfal f'din il-krucata imbaghad mill-Knisja! Ergajna ghal Religon u Patrija ? . Ghalfejn it-tfal ma jithallewx barra u jgawdu l-innocenza taghhom! L'anqas qatt ma kont nobsor l-knisja taqa' dashekk fill-baxx biex izommu il-monopolju ta' l'annulamenti f'idejhom u mhux bi dritt mill s-stat! . Il-Kummissarju tat-tfal ghandha tindahal mill aktar fis biex ma jighux infvoluti t-tfal bizzejjed ma tindahalx kull meta il-Prim juzghom ghal photshoots biex jigbed is-simpatiji meta l-popolarita teighu tkun down!
Mark Fenech
Il-Mara tieghi qaltli li nhar il-Gimgha 01 ta' April, fil-Purċissjoni tar-Redentur mhux Rużarju qalu bħal ma jagħmlu s-soltu, imma l-ħin kollu kontra d-divorzju. Imma kif l-anqas mistħija ma għandhom. Jisservew b'attivitajiet reliġjużi biex tgħaddi tagħhom fit-28 ta' Mejju. Dawk li kienu demokratiċi, l-Arċisqof kien jordna lil qassisin, patrijiet, sorijiet, tal-kużew, biex ma jivvutawx fir-referendum għax dik hija materja ċivili li l-Knisja għandha dritt tgħid li ma taqbilx magħha, imma sa hemm biss għandha tasal. Jew naħseb li jibżgħu li jitilfu d-dħul mill-applikazzjonijiet għal annullamenti, qiesu dawk mhux Alla rabathom ukoll. Qieshom mhux divorzju wkoll. Ħalluna terġgħu tidħlu għall-ġlieda tas-sittinijiet għax titilfu bil-kbir anke jekk tgħaddi tagħkom u ta' Gonzipn fir-referendum. Tkejlux sal-ponta ta' mħierkom!!!!!!!
Din li t-tfal ser jibdew jiddahlu waqt l-omelija f'kamra ohra biex jinghataw "spjegazzjoni" ghal eta taghhom ixxandret nhar il-hadd fil-parrocca. Issa qed nirrejalizza x'inhi l-affari, ser jigu brain washed, regghu qed ihejju t-triq ghal krucjata ohra ala 60ijiet. Sewwa kien qal EFA li xejn ma jsir b'kimbinazzjoni u li l-affarijiet jinhadmu Bizzilla. Ara x'gej l-elezzjoni li jmiss, il-PL jaqbiellu jghoqod attent ghal CorruptPractices ghaliex gonzi jaf li qieghed f'xifer l-irdum u milli jidher gvern korrot u bla skrupli li mhux lest iddahhal d-diuvorzju aktar hu ghal qalb il-Curia milli wiehed onest li jridd jmexxi l-pajjiz il-quddiem fil-gustizzja u kompassjoni.
Why are you people so surprised? Fifty years ago this week, the Labour Party was inderdicted by Gonzi's uncle. It was the start of a bitter politico religious war. During the hustings of the Election of 1962 the MUSEUM movement used to organise scores of children with whistles and take them where Mintoff was delivering a public meeting. The idea was that the kids' whistling would disrupt the speakers. A paltry pastoral letter, arguably unconprehensable to most children, is a quite lame effort in comparison. Please understand that our Church is a pre Conciliar,retrograde, obscurantist, and most of all arrogant instituition. This stems from its delusion of being the sole depository of universal truth. Anybody not in line is wrong. It therefore arrogates itself the privilege that its actions are always correct and right. Always comforted its lays lackeys to which they owe their privileges, money and power. The church in Malta was, is and ever shall be the classical exemple of a WHITE WASHED SEPULCHER!
Kond nahseb li b'Isqof mil-Belt u jismu Pawlu konna ser nirrangaw il-Knisja f'Malta izda gharrarlna...dejjem kelli f'mohhi izzarzar xi haga izda dejjem kelli niggieldila issa naf li ergajna ghas-sittinijiet bil-pulit.............jista' l-Isqof jilluminana ghaliex f'hafna knejjes fil-quddies tal-Hadd idahhlu lit-tfal fis sakristija meta l-patri jkun qieghed jispjega l-evangelju fl-omelija...........meta staqsejt l-ghaliex ir-risposta kienet ghax huma tfal..............spejga ahjar minn hekk zgur li mhemx......issa Pawlu kien imiss wara Marju biex jilluminana
shame on the church
It is a great shame for the Church to use children in these matters. Why don't they pay more attention and speed up the matter related to the sexual abuse on children at their religious homes
Jiddispjacini nghid li Il mibgheda li zergha l-Arcisqof Gonzi fis sittinijiet, qieghed jirrepetijhom dan l-Arcisqof. Kemm kont zbaljat meta lahaq hu, ghax kont nghid li fl'ahhar fil knisja se nibdew era gdida u b'mentalita moderna. Kemm mort imqarraq!!! ghax ghadna fil medjuevu. Ghara vera Knisja li trid tiddetta lill Istat x'ghandu isir. fI zmienu, Mikiel Gonzi, zergha il mibgheda wahdu, issa dan l-Arcisqof ghandu l-appogg tan neputi ta Mikiel Gonzi. Jiena ilni mizzewweg wiehed u erbghin sena u kuntent, pero ma ghandix dritt nimponi fuq il minoranza. Nivvota IVA bil qalb, u jekk iridu dawn il farizej li disghin fil mija jsejhu lilhom qassisin jistghu ma jtunix assoluzzjoni jew iqarbnuni u jghidu kemm iridu bi dnubijiet. Jien kont ghadni tifel fi zmien id dnub il mejjet, u baqa ittimbrat f'mohhi il hnizrijiet li kienet taghmel il knisja dak iz zmienijiet. L-istess se jigri fil present. Ghoqodu dahhlu lit tfal fil kredu, u inthom tkunu tridu tghatu kont lill Allla, ghax dawk innocenti kif thobbu tghidulhom inthom. Minn dejjem nghid li daks kemm hija Fundamentalista il knisja hawn Malta, il fundamentalisti Islamici, ma jibdewx maghha. Mela sewwa, hija OK li tghati hija stess l-annullament, allura, x'se jghidulhom lill dawn it-tfal? Ghandhom kuragg jghidulhom li la l-knisja tat l-genituri taghhom l-annullament, allura skond il knisja iz zwieg qatt ma ezista, allura huma qatt ma ezistew. allura ghandhom il kuragg jghidulhom li huma bghula? Tista il Knisja tghidilna kif tahsibha hi fuq dawn it tfal?
"Current Children’s Commissioner Helen Damato, on the other hand, offered a vague justification in her guarded replies. “Children are direct participants in the divorce issue,” she told MaltaToday." . How hypocrital can one get, aren't children also involved in separation cases and annulments, in fact by an annulment children are declared as: BASTARDs is this what the holier-than-thou prefer?
I still await an explanation of: . Matthew Cahpter 5 verses 31 - 32, how about it Dear Bishop Cremona.?
How about the protection of abused children by members of the clergy, when will we hear those guilty of such shocking crimes be brought to justice. I thought that this bishop was going to be different from his predecessors but under that smile and charisma another Bishop Gonzi is hiding. Don't take the island back to the 60s, or you'll have to answer God for the rift you'll cause once more and stop using Sunday mass for the No to Divorce lobby, I go to hear the word of God and its explanation not disk playing on repeat every Sunday.
The bishop is obeying orders dictated to him from those Opus Dei members who surround him. Church will stop at nothing not even using innocent children to ensure that it continues to hold its faithful in an iron grip. They will never and never let go of power. How else would it otherwise finance its operations?
That Maltese know little of their history is clear. Unfortunately they have been fed a diet of lies for generations and the lies start from childhood - which is why, amongst other things, the church is so obsessed with children - get them when they are weakest. Back when we were still a colony, Mintoff fought to make us British citizens. PN and the Church fought to sabotage this effort - delaying the development on this country by decades in the process. Their main concern was that they did not want Maltese to HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AS THE BRITISH. Maltese for the church and the PN are private property to be used for the sole purpose on serving them. It was OK for the British to be here - they were pro-British but Anti-Maltese. Here we are in a different century and we are still in the exact same spot. They are know pro-Europe but Anti-Maltese. They want to be in the EU, but they do not want Maltese to have the same rights as Europeans. If they could - they could classify Maltese as some kind of sub-species - anything as long as we remain their private property.
In a reversal of the Gospel quote “let the little children come to me”, the Church has taken the divorce debate directly to the little children.“Children, you know well the difficult times we are going through because of divorce, meaning that two people leave each other and marry others… as children, you aren’t responsible for the decisions that adults make for you, but I am worried for your sakes as I know that you can suffer a lot because of what us adults do.” ****************** Well you said well , WE, cause when you said WE are you refering to the thousands of sexaul abuses done by the catholic church, who stole the kids innocense most of them even done suicide. Well Personally I at least I smile when I see the likes of you wearing funny clothes ;-) poor kids yes, those thousands of sexually abused children and rapes of young kids, done by the catholic priests. ehheheh those clothes makes me really laugh :)
jista l-arcisqof jamel apologija publikka, mighei li lum andi 30 sena. u ma min kien stmat bhali mil knisja li ghax l-ommijiet tana kellom lilna barra iz-zwieg, nigu tratati bhala tfal inqas min haddiehor?? u nihdu il mghamudija fi sakristija jew wara l-artal dan ghala? biex il knisja tahbina?? xamilna inqqas min haddihor?? !! jekk thossu li ahna gejna frott id-dnub meskom ma tghajtuna il mghamudija xejn. U JEKK VERA TRIDU TFAL JIGU ANTKOM LILNA MA RIDTUNIX GO DARKOM. GHAX HBEJTUNA! you dont belive what you preach! qed nisfidak biex tghamel appologija publikka!
Igor P. Shuvalov
Ms d'Amato if you really believe that children should be informed about the issue and not involved in propoganda, she should make sure that : 1.that what the children are being told and handouts they are given are just "information" and not propoganda 2. That both sides (pro- and -anti divorce entities) are given the opportunity to give 'informaton to children. Actually I still believe that realy children should have been left out of this issue. Mr Papagiorcopulo you are wrong to say that this is not a political issue. Just look at what is being written and said in the media. And this is more so, when one considers that one political party, is actually backing the 'no' vote. As for the statement that 'the divorce question is as old as Moses at least'. Can I ask Mr Papagiorcopulo how many times did the Curia send "children’s version to the Pastoral Letter " about divorce before the present campaign?
Naa Obinna
U mela la ET jikkwota lil Gesu, ghax ma jikkwotahx meta qal lil-Farizej, "Aghtu lil Alla dak li hu t'Alla u lil Cesri dak li hu ta Cesri". Jista jkun li fis-sena 2011 ghadna nippruvaw inbezzghu bid-dnub il-mejjet? U jista ET minflok ma joqghod jippriedka lit-tfal fuq it-tajjeb u l-hazin, jispjega lil dawk it-tfal frott ta zwieg annullat minnhom kif dawk l-istess tfal m'humiex bghula??
the divorce question is as old as Moses. Indeed Divorce is part and parcel of any civilisation. In Malta, I fail to understand why it has taken this road. issue could have been cleared once it popped up in Parliament. however it is being juggled into another politico-religeous multi facet ball. Church should enhance its teachings on marriage and christian responsibilites that comes part of the package, rather then issuing and circumvent topics on Divorce. Please leave children out of the equation. Instead let our offsprings enjoy their childhood in an inoccent way that the Real Christ wanted us all to behold within our voyage on this Planet.