Divorce | Council urges youth to 'excercise right to vote' in referendum
The recently elected executive board of the Malta National Youth Council (KNZ) would like to encourage all eligible youths to make themselves heard by exercising their right to vote in next month's referendum.
In a statement, the KNZ appealed to the authorities to "fully embrace the role the youth can play, and to work towards more active youth participation in society, even, if necessary, by means of changes to the current electoral laws."

I can't understand people not going to vote. If the introduction of divorce does not make a difference for you...then vote in favour of it and don't use it. If everyone thought that his vote will not make a difference, then no one will vote. I believe that the Maltese people want Malta to advance with the rest of the EU. I just hope we don't make a fool of ourselves in front the rest of the world. I guess I will not be proud to say I am Maltese anymore!

Why is it so difficult to give these youths their right to vote. In the UK a referendum is going to take place on the 5th of May. British citizens have up to the 15th of April to register for their vote. If it is that easy for a Kingdom with a population of more than 61 million, why it is not here, in Mickey Mouse Malta with less than half a million.
What about the 'centre of excellence' GonziPeNe like to boast about now?

So ironic for this statement to come out when the people who have just turned 18 are denied their vote.
But that was the intention I think. Malta Today seems to take pleasure in exposing the absurdities in headlines - good for you.
As for the young people who are denied the vote: Gonzi can say all he wants that it was not his doing. But we all know that if this referendum had been on ..... say the EU ;-)... then they would have had their day at the ballot box.

U halliena Joyce,
Kollu ghal xejn dan hela ta zmien.
Jien u il familja mhux serjin nivvutaw.

Isma, jien favur id-dritt ad divorzju, imma kollu ghal xejn li nivvota.
Jien mhux iblah. Hela ta zmien. PN fottew kolllux, Muscat missu ma marx ghal referendum. Il Parlament jivvota Kontra flahhar.

Joyce Cassar ohra; l-ewwel hawdet kemm felhet meta kienet ghadha zghazugha; firdet familja; wara xi tnax-il sena pogguta izzewget bic-civil ragel mizzewweg li martu ddivorzjatu f'pajjiz iehor; imbaghad isseparat wara sena miz-zwieg; kellha tifla hadd ma jaf jekk hi stess tafx min hu missier bintha u llum Alla jbierek saret qaddisa timxi fl-art! Dawn huma n-nies kontra d-divorzju!! Izjed ma nsir naf min qed johrog kontra d-divorzju, iktar inhoss li ghandi nivvota favur.

GonziPN is already doing its homework; it knows that the referendum is going to be too close to call , hence its zeal to reduce , as much as possible -the number of votes of his opponents. IN the last election he did it by bringing in plane loads of voters and by promising pies in the skys and other promisses verging on illegality . No wonder the Movemnet against Divorce did not protest against the move to stop 2800 young people from voting; they put their mouth where their bread is!