Police 'cannot spare' officers to distribute divorce referendum voting documents
The Electoral Commission has reportedly been informed by the Police Commissioner that the force will not be in a position to take on the responsibility of distributing voting documents for next month’s divorce referendum.
A senior government spokesman confirmed with MaltaToday, that Police Commissioner John Rizzo has written to the Chief Electoral Commissioner, informing him that it cannot spare the manpower to go round households and distribute voting documents to voters.
According to Rizzo, at this point in time the police force is under pressure due to the developing situation in Libya, and cannot meet the request of supplying 300 officers to distribute the voting documents.
According to sources, the Electoral Commission will have to depend on the services of MaltaPost to distribute the electoral documents, supposedly under the monitoring of political party representatives.
The distribution of voting documents is expected to start next week, and documents are expected to be ready from their printing process by the end of this week.