Divorce exports problems of abusive marriages to new relationships - MP

Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami has argued that abusive husbands will move on to other abusive marriages and bring with them new pressures on their second wives due to alimony and maintenance obligations to their former wives.

He was making his argument with Labour MP and divorce bill promoter Evarist Bartolo, who claimed that Church annulment was not providing a solution to abusive marriages.

Both MPs agreed that it was unacceptable to have Church annulments drag on for over eight years before they are decided and also recognised by the Maltese courts.

In the past, Bartolo criticised Fenech Adami’s father Eddie, former prime minister and president, on his campaign against divorce because his children had been dispensed with three Church marriage annulments.

Beppe Fenech Adami pushed the line during Radju Malta’s Ghandi Xi Nghid that the introduction of divorce would increase broken marriages, children out of wedlock and punish the underdogs in broken marriages.

Both MPs also were at loggerheads over the oft-repeated claim that the divorce being proposed by Bartolo and Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando is a ‘no fault divorce’ – meaning, spouses can come to an amicable settlement to divorce after four years of marital separation. Bartolo argued that such amicable ‘no fault’ separations are permissible at law.

Fenech Adami also defended the Electoral Commission’s decision to publish the October electoral register, arguing that the commission had proceeded according to the law by publishing the electoral writ after this was issued by the President.

Joseph Muscat’s motion to hold a referendum asks for the President to issue a writ within 15 days of the passing of the motion, which meant the Electoral Commission had to publish the write as early as last week. This meant the March register could not be used and some 2,800 voters who had just turned 18 will not be voting in the 28 May referendum.

“It’s this writ that effects the procedures for the distribution of voting documents, the manning of polling stations... let’s not fool our youths in making them believe that we could have had more youths voting in the referendum. It’s dishonest.”

Beppe min qallek li ragel vjolenti ghandu bzonn jizzewweg biex jabbuza mill partner gdida tieghu? Jista jpoggi u jahqar lill partner il gdida. Allura xi trid? li mara msawwta tibqa tghix ma monstru u tibqa taqla s-swat? Ghala ma tgidx li mara msawwta jkollha cans tiltaqa ma' ragel iehor lio jkun jirrispettaha u jaghtiha l-imhabba li ma sabitx ma' l-ewwel rgel? Mela int in negattiv bss issemmi?
Do we still have vested virgins around?
"Joseph Muscat’s motion to hold a referendum asks for the President to issue a writ within 15 days of the passing of the motion, which meant the Electoral Commission had to publish the write as early as last week. " This is NOT correct. The law specifies that the President has to sign the writ immediately. But is says nothing at all about hoe much time can [pass between the signing and the publication. And it is the date of PUBLICATION that determines which Electoral Register has to be used.
Joseph Galea
"Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami has argued that abusive husbands will move on to other abusive marriages and bring with them new pressures on their second wives due to alimony and maintenance obligations to their former wives." The same argument can be used about an abusive husband who separates and starts cohabiting. He can start abusing his partner. Then why is the Nationalist Party in favour of giving legal recognition to cohabitation. Where is the difference?
You know what is abusive, a person surrounded by his cronies and henchmen in the middle of Valletta shouting : "Fejn huma l-Laburisti?"
Joseph Sant
I think Dr Beppe Fenech Adami should do himself a favour and shut up. I say do himself a favour not do me a favour - as for myself, the more he talks the harder I laugh! I just pity the man climbing on a band wagon just for political convenience. Truly pathetic.
How much more absurdities shall we hear about divorce? Why don't they just say that they are fundamentally against divorce and that's it? No one is forcing BFE or others to be in favour of divorce, but please stop resorting to unconvincing arguments such as this.
"Beppe Fenech Adami has argued that abusive husbands will move on to other abusive marriages..." . As opposed to merely moving in with them? An abusive man will be abusive in marriage or out of it. . "and bring with them new pressures on their second wives due to alimony and maintenance obligations to their former wives." . As opposed to not having any obligations towards them whatsoever because they're not married?
Divorce is not an issue; having money for the divorce is the issue. And may we include annulments ? My newhew spent 15,000 euros on annulments costs and wasted 15 years of his life dithering with the so called 'expert' whose only interest was running after his money! Down with the 'white washed tombs' brigades.
"Divorce exports problems of abusive marriages to new relationships". So abusive people will only continue being abusive if they divorce. The same person will not be abusive if he does not divorce but just seperate, or is Dr Fenech Adami saying that seperated people are not entering into new relationships therefore they are not abusing other people!! What ridiculous arguments from supposedly intelligent people we elect to lead us. Truly impressive.
Beppe...stop fiddling with this issue because you aint going nowhere with this pitiful and childish arguments. There is just one reality. The reality of an evergrowing number of separation and marriage breakdowns which you and your party DO NOT WANT to understand. You are on the wrong side of history...like your father was before you. The reality we are facing today is due to the huge irresponsabilty and greed that your fathers party ruled over Malta for many years. They took everything from us...even our happiness. Now with all the hypocrisy of a Nationalistic false ideology you do not want even that much needed measure to become law, a law which can end the suffering of so many people in Malta. Shame on you, your family and your party!!!!!!
Keith Goodlip
BFA is talking through the part of his body that is incapable of smiling.
"...... let’s not fool our youths in making them believe that we could have had more youths voting in the referendum. It’s dishonest.” . Look who's talking about dishonesty, should ask his father what dishonesty is all about after all his father did lie about Dr Alfred Sant and lost a libel case in court and a fine to the tune of Lm2000. . Shouldn't Beppe get his priorities right.
How silly can one get, a woman who gets into a relation with a divorced man or vice-versa should get to know the reason of the partner's divorce. I cannot believe that man like Beppe who represents others in the county's highest institution should keep parroting and repeating such lame arguments. Well we know from where Beppe got his political acumen, like the maltese saying goes "Skond iz-zokk il-fergha"
Isabelle Borg
If I'm a bachelor and want to marry a divorced women? Bloody silly arguments you are bringing up Beppe,like father like son.
Quote: 'Nationalist MP Beppe Fenech Adami has argued that abusive husbands will move on to other abusive marriages and bring with them new pressures on their second wives due to alimony and maintenance obligations to their former wives.' Unquote: What a load of baloney!
Yeah yeah. All this divorce things is just bla bla bla :) I don't give a shit to what you etc. says . who is in control of himself will not listen to your manipulating words. The yes or no , will be every citizen's choice. on his/her free will ,to choose how he/she thinks is best. Let the people choose on their own free will, I am sure that the majority of the people will vote with their own minds. Whom do you think you are , cause you are an MP? so what? all have their lives to live. besides this yes or no about divorce is fuss for nothing. I am sure 100% that divorce wil enter Malta if not now after some years. I personally don't like Divorce. But whom am I to say no to others to remarry? I am not going to be in between them for sure, as I mind my own business. If I love my woman , it's not going to be a LAW that will destroy my love to her. it's the Lies , the betrayals the no respect etc.. Those destroys love not a law.