Fr Joe Borg slams reports as ‘bullying’

Media studies lecturer Fr Joe Borg described MaltaToday reports that 'outed' anti-divorce movement correspondence as 'bullying', adding it was unacceptable and urged people to 'resist it'.

Fr Borg was speaking during a call-in interview on a radio programme broadcast on RTK that discussed the topic of divorce and how it is playing out in the local media.

He reacted to reports that revealed that he suggested that parish chaplains forward them a list of separated couples and children from broken marriages to speak “intelligently” against a law on divorce.

Fr Borg dismissed the reports by saying that his actual words on separated couples and their children were “twisted and misrepresented in a Machiavellian way” and that the reports needlessly use blunt and emotive language.

Asked about the ethics of publishing personal correspondence, Fr Borg conceded that in the case of information that is “in the public interest”, he too would most probably make the decision to publish.

“In this case, I won’t comment on whether the emails were in the public interest or not, as I am directly involved,” Fr Borg said, but he claimed that the way the story was presented was unethical because of the way it misrepresented his words.

Standing by his advice to the Zwieg Bla Divorzju movement in that they should secure couples and children to speak “sensibly” about divorce, Fr Borg said that children are directly affected by divorce, and so, should be given a voice.

He reiterated that he did not mean that the movement should try to get minors to speak on the subject, adding that while “at a certain age children should be provided with information about divorce, at a certain (younger) age, they should be kept out.”

remember beirut? abuse, father?
Fr Joe qal li kellu jighd outright pero it tfal diga QED JIGU UZATI FIL VERU SENSE TAL KELLMA fill mistoqsijja proposta ghad divorce! HUMA IL PRO DIVORCE LI BDEW JUZAW IT TFAL TA TAHT L ETA BIL MISTOQSIJJA PROPOSTA!
But then this political priest finds no qualms to use children to fight his crusade
Thorny, I usually like your remarks...but to put this as a political issue..I do not work some PN are in favour of divorce legislation and likewise some PL are against divorce legislation..even MP's from both sides are divided but these MP's are like asses for carrots.
Luke Camilleri
About time the archbishop of Malta takes a stand on "Fr." Joe Borg! At the end of the day he is supposedly to be a minister for all the Maltese not the Gonzipn flock! Why is he allowed to meddle in local Politics as if he was the Curia's Official spokesperson? Two wieghts and two measures for the Maltese Archdiocese with the likes of Joe Borg and Natrionalist Prime Minister Profs Serracino Inglott professing their title as "Father" and meddling in local Politicsuncontrolled.... as long as it's infavour of the P.N.! Be Credible Please!
Ifthu ghajnejkom hbieib. Il Knisja Ta Malta nhux qed tipprova tipprotegi il familji mid divorzju. Kull ma qed tghid u taghmel qed taghmlu biex tipprotegi lila nfisha...tipprova izzomm il-monopolju ta' l-annulamenti f'idejha kemm jista jkun. Annulament tal Knisja huwa l-istess bhal Divorzju ta' L-istat. L-istess proceduri jsiru. Pero il Knisja qed tiddemonizza u titkellem kontra d-divorzju biss meta flistess hin hija qed taghti 'divorzju ghala Vatikan' lil min trid hi, jigifieri lil min jitmahha l-Belli Liri!!! Din hija l-ipokrezija kollha Kollha hbieb. Il Knisja taghna mhux lil Gesu qed taqdi izda lil xi alla falz...IL-FLUS!!!
The Zwieg Bla Divorzju movement was supposed to be a lay organisation separate from the Church and Clergy. It's mission was clear, to cary out the Church's aims while deflecting criticism from the Church. I always thought that they were just a screen (paraventu)for the Church. I always thought that the leaders of this movement were puppets in the hands of someone else. Now the mask is off. I have one suggestion for Fr. Joe Borg. Stop the pretence and front the movement yourself together with other clergy. I am also curious how much money has the Church contributed to this movement?
Huh, Mr. Know All!
Mid-dehra l-medja li suppost tippromovi l-ideat u l-kummenti ta kull naha qed iddur ghal xulxin. Jien nemmen li kulhadd ghandu jirrispetta kull opinjoni. Lil min ser insemmi zgur li ghandi kull rispett ghal kull ma jiktbu; pero nistghu naraw differenti fuq kull suggett sew meta naqblu u sew meta ma naqblux. Falzonsilvio if your father feels better with divorce this case will be favourable to remarrying law. Employee separation is the less of two evils, what can one do if the couple is not able to live together anymore. Just because one part of the married couple left four years ago maybe for another younger partner (leaving a family with 3 children) divorce/remarrying is blessing the atrocious act for the first family. Il-qassissin ma jizzewgux ghax jaghzlu huma meta jiddeciedu li jsiru qassisin jew patrijiet. L-ghazla libera taghhhom u jafu mill-bidu. Min jizzewweg fil-bidu jifhem u jiftiehem li z-zwieg hu ghal dejjem. Jekk jidhol id-devorzju nifhem li z-zwieg ma jibqax ghal dejjem u ma jibqax zwieg ta darba imam tista tizzewweg iktar minn darba. Wenzu grazzi ghax sirt naf membru ta familja li t-tieni zwieg jaghmlu ahjar. Issa r-rizultat li ghandi f’mohhi hu 1-42. Jekk jigu imqar 21-42 nibda nikkunsidra li ndawwar fehmti.
Fr Joe Borg can say what he likes and do what he should not do but Fr Mark Montebello NOOOOOOOOOO (eventually exiled from Malta) Joey shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ghalaqlu
"Ghaliex il-knisja ma thallikomx tizzewgu lilkom il-qassisin. M'hemm xejn fl-evangelju li ma tistghux tizzewgu. Probabbli ma thallikhomx ghax jekk tizzewgu jaf tibdlu fhemtkom dwar id-dvorzju." Kemm int zbaljat, habib, jekk tahseb li jekk il-knisja thallihom jizzewwgu, l-qassisin kollha jibdew ihaddna s-sagrament taz-zwieg. Forsi ikun hekk jekk il-knisja thallihom ukoll jizzewwgu l-boyfriends taghhom!
He should talk! A member of an institution that has turned bullying into an art form. Don't do what we say and you go to hell.
Father bla tfal Joe Borg, mhux ahjar tghidilna x'jigri Bejrut. Int kont espert ta' Bejrut. Ghaliex il-knisja ma thallikomx tizzewgu lilkom il-qassisin. M'hemm xejn fl-evangelju li ma tistghux tizzewgu. Probabbli ma thallikhomx ghax jekk tizzewgu jaf tibdlu fhemtkom dwar id-dvorzju.
Isabelle Borg
Another Catholic Taliban.
Ever read certain blogs for the definition of "bullying"? Never trust a man who says he has been chosen by a super-being to pass on words found in a book.
Keith Goodlip
When I was a child, my parents divorced. i WAS NOT (nor was my brother) traumatised by this event, so this form of argument is invalid.
In all this debate, there is one thing that continues to puzzle me. All the arguments about trauma in children, after effects of a couple's marriage breakdown, ending of a marriage, etc are all very valid and true. However, these all occur when a couple SEPARATES, not when they divorce. When one divorces, after 4 years of separation, this is merely a formailisation of what had occurred 4 years before. So dear members of the No to divorce campaign, how come that separation is acceptable by law, and divorce is not ?
Joe Borg, for example, "My mother has seperated legally from my father years ago, she has been living with another man ,also they have news kids,so joe Borg, you mean my mother and dad are still married? so what are they called my mother and the other man with new born kids? why just not make them legally married at least, and my father won't stay married to her. Joe borg every case is different than the other, this is a complicated matter.