Anti-divorce movement threatens legal action, calls stop to ‘bullying’ tactics
The anti-divorce lobby called on activists participating in the divorce debate to “be mature, respectful of different opinions and to put a stop o bullying tactics once and for all”.
The Moviment Zwieg bla Divorzju has accused the Moviment Iva ghad-Divorzju of persisting in "bullying tactics" against those who do not want to see the introduction of the divorce law in Malta.
It threatened that if the bullying doesn’t stop, it will call on the Police Commissioner to take legal action against “exponents who persist in these disparaging comments”.
“For three times in a short span of time, the pro-divorce movement have likened the common good concept, Nazis definition of the concept,” the Movement said.
The Zwieg bla Divorzju was referring to comments made by Marlene Mizzi during the divorce debate organised by MediaToday. Mizzi had read out the definition of the 'common good' from a document, which she later revealed was the German Nazi party's statute from the 1930s.
The anti-divorce lobby said that the comparison brought by the pro-divorce movement only goes to show that “the divorce legislation has been proposed for no reason” and the arguments brought about by the same movement are trying to “erode values which an everlasting marriage brings with it.”
The anti-divorce movement said it is not only worrying that the pro-divorce lobbyists are drawing comparisons with the Nazi movement, but it is of insult when one keeps in mind the millions of innocent people who suffered under the Nazis’ beliefs.
“Moreover, the common good concept has been used for hundreds of years by the world’s greatest thinkers, including Popes and leaders who based their politics on strong values.”