Alternattiva slams Labour leader’s position on divorce bill as 'spineless'

Altenattiva Demorkatika (AD) has expressed its support to the private member's bill presented by Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando in July.

“We have already expressed our support for the private members’ bill presented by Pullicino Orlando, especially since about two weeks before, AD had sent to all MPs a copy of the Irish and Italian divorce bill,” AD chairperson Michael Briguglio said in response to a question by MaltaToday.

“What Pullicino Orlando basically did was to present the bill which we had sent to him,” Briguglio told this paper.

Briguglio revealed that there had been “no contact between us”, since AD had written to all MPs and the social affairs committee.

Briguglio accused the PL and the PN of “behaving like Pontius Pilate on the divorce issue and trying to please everyone”.

The PN does not have the courage to take a stand in favour of divorce despite the fact that Pullicino Orlando had presented a private members bill,” Briguglio charged.

“On the other, hand, the PL, I am sorry to say, Joseph Muscat during Bondiplus showed that he was spineless since he said that he would vote in Parliament according to what the Nationalists vote,” the AD chairperson charged.

“I expect that a politician such as a leader of the Opposition has to have a clear position, and not try to please the crowd,” Briguglio told MaltaToday.

“We are declared, there are no 'ifs' and 'buts' – we would vote in favour of divorce on the Irish model, which is a responsible model,” the AD chairperson added.

On his part, AD spokesperson for EU and international affairs Arnold Cassola appealed for the private member's bill presented by Pullicino Orlando to be discussed in Parliament “not like other private members bills in the past. It is important that the motion is put on the agenda and that every MP takes his responsibility and vote. We cannot continue hiding from this issue with some excuse or another."

Briguglio and Cassola recently took part in the European Greens’ congress in Tallinn, Estonia.

Two of these motions were specific about Malta – the BP drilling off the coast of Libya and the introduction of divorce in Malta.

Cassola revealed that the motion on divorce in Malta had been “unanimously approved by all 36 delegates attending this congress”.

The European Greens found it “very anomalous that EU citizens, including Maltese citizens – remember that that there are 19,000 non-Maltese EU nationals residing in Malta who would have to go abroad to obtain a divorce,” Cassola insisted.

“This is unacceptable for the European Greens and they have passed a resolution calling on the European Greens to continue monitor the situation so that eventually this basic civil right is introduced in Malta,” he added.

Turing to the BP drilling motion, which was also proposed by AD, Cassola described the multinational oil company as “the corporation which has made the most environmental damage in history.

“However in Malta, there was no reaction whatsoever by the Nationalist Party or the Labour Party about this drilling,” he said.

“They are ignoring the fact that even if one-tenth of what has happened in the US and other areas happens in Malta, the Maltese would be condemned to a lifetime without drinking water since 60% of the water that we utilise is taken from sea water,” Cassola said.

In Finland and Ireland, among others, the Greens were in Government, while in other EU countries, the Greens were large opposition parties. In the EP, the European Greens were the fourth largest party in the EP.

Briguglio also announced that the Cerationia Foundation and the Green Federation would was going to organise a conference on divorce on Saturday 23 October 2010 at the Julian Hotel in St Julian’s which will feature experts on divorce as well as representatives from the PL, PN and AD.

Il-kummenti li ghamel Michael Briguglio dwar id-divorzju jhassbni hafna ghax qatt ma stenejt li bhala bnieden jqies lilhu nnifsu bhala ultra proggressiv ser jaqbel ma JPO li ghandu jigi deciz b'referendum. Nispjega ghaliex. Kif qatt jista' jaccetta ezempju ghax il-maggoranza thaddan twemmin Kattoliku trid taghmel kundizzjoni fuq haddiehor f'minoranza bi twemmin differenti. Jien nemmen li d-divorzju ghandu jghaddi b'semplici ligi mill-Parlament bi ftehim bejn iz-zewg il-partit minghajr vot .Mela toqghod tilghaq lill dak jew l-iehor Mike ghalhekk ma domtx nissapportjakhom.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
These comments show the polarized mentality of many Maltese. Because AD slams PL leader, it by no means it is pro-PN. PN are conservatives and with a few exceptions like JPO, no one expected they will even bring forward the divorce issue. However, on this issue, the "progressives" are just paying lip services. AD is neither pro-PN nor PL. Is it so hard to understand that not everyone in this country sides with either one side or the other, even though there aren't any major differences between them?
Meta l Alternattiva tat l appogg li PN fuq L-UE,ghamlet dak li kellha kull dritt li taghmel,ghax hekk kienu l principji taghha.Fuq id divorzju ilha snin bil principju favur id divorzju imma li issa qed tohoda kontra Joseph Muscat u PL u terga taghti support lil PN ma jamilx sens anzi ippogiha f puzizzjoni li sal elezzjoni hadd ma jafdhom u iktar lic chairman taghhom M Briguglio li kont nahseb li huwa iktar serju minn hekk.
Miskin. Kap ta' partit bla membri. Meta lahaq hu kullhadd telaq. Ma jifhimx bil-lingwa ta' art twelidu ahseb u ara b'lingwi ohra.
Michael remember what they did to Arnold, it is OK to criticize PL even if what you say holds no water, gonziPN will take care of you when the elections are in the offing. By the way stop misquoting.
Luke Camilleri
U Hallina Michael! Il-LP Spineless? Veru ghadek halib ommok fi snienek. Ghandek bzonn interpretu tal-Malti ghax veru ma mhux qieghed tifhem il-kliem veru car ta' Dr. Muscat. Id-Divorzju, jekkissir referendu ma ghandhux ikun IVA jew LE imma qabel irrid ikun hemm il kif u come..... u jell ma tafx jew indunajtx l-agenda talPajjiz Dr Gonzi suppost jaghmila ....insomma jew ta' madwaru ghax hu suppost il-Prim Ministru , hu suppost jikmanda, ghal anqas hekk kien qal fi Frar ta' 2009 !
Paul Sammut
Michael change course and stop sleeping with the enemy. The PN 'll screw us again for sure come next election. AD has to stop dilly dallying and start running on it's own steam. AD has to remain true |Green. When mixed with blue it turns brown, the colour of ....
@ gscerri - for your info the Irish divorce model is miles away from the "las vegas divorce model". In fact it is considered to be a very conservative divorce law. @ thetruth ad's strength is irrelevant, what matters is whether their proposals make sense or otherwise ... On a general note ... I am noting that Labour sympathiser tend to take offence at the sightest criticism .... and in deed Joseph Muscat is trying to please all an sundry. He should stop the charade of "I am personally in favour ... but". He should live up to the progressive label which we so frequently flaunts....
Grzegorz Tomski
I'm sorry Mr Briguglio, but are you trying to appease the Nationalist Party once again? By misquoting Joseph Muscat and openly supporting a bill which is still unknown that's what you're showing.
Michael Briguglio
Mr Briguglio is misquoting Joseph Muscat. I hope i it by mistake and not deliberately. Joseph Muscat did NOT say "he would vote in Parliament according to what the Nationalists vote". He said unequivocally that he ws in favour of responsible divorce but cannot say how his vote in parliament will go until he sees the draft bill - a totaly logical position. Only an idiot would commit himself to voting for something he has not seen. Please try to be a bit more serious, Mr Briguglio.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
@gsherri AD, as well as JPO are basing their proposal on the Irish model. If you don't know what it entails (including the necessary safeguards), that's understandable. However if Joseph Muscat doesn't know what it entails, while he keeps on dragging his feet, thas's incompetence.
Joseph Pellicano
what do you mean by saying joseph muscat is spineless when he did not commit himself to the bill as it is presented. I am 100 per cent in favour of divorce, but do not expect me and others to vote yes in referendum for divorce, without first knowing exactly the contents of the divorce bill, that it covers every loophole for those who want to take advantage of it, or AD is looking for a divorce bill like they have in LAS VEGAS.
Can we know what percentage of voters AD represents?