WATCH | ‘Divorce debate and referendum in 2011’ as JPO meets with PM Gonzi

Parliament to debate divorce bill, hold referendum “next year” says Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.


A parliamentary debate on a private member's bill presented by Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, calling for the introduction of divorce in Malta, is expected to take place “next year”, while a referendum on the same bill is also expected to be held in 2011.

The news was announced following a meeting held on Monday between Pullicino Orlando, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and deputy Prime Minister Tonio Borg, who is also leader of the House of Representatives.

In exclusive comments to MaltaToday, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando says he will now leave it to the Prime Minister's discretion to schedule the date he would wish to have the House debate the bill, which calls for the introduction of divorce for couples who have been living apart for four years out of the past five.

He added that he has also met with Speaker Michael Frendo, the Clerk of the House Pauline Abela and parliament’s legal advisor Professor Ian Refalo.

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando explained that contrary to what others may have thought, his mention of the month of January, was never a blackmail to government. “Far from blackmail, I only mentioned January being the month where all Budget debates would have been discussed and approved.”

He stressed that he was more than satisfied with the quality of the internal debate currently underway within the PN, describing the two meetings within the PN Executive Committee as “fully open” with himself being given all the space to make his arguments.

Meanwhile the MP welcomed the statement issued today by seven prominent priests, calling for a reasoned approach to the divorce issue in the wake of a controversial homily delivered by Judicial Vicar Mgr. Arthur Said Pullicino.

Pullicino Orlando said that the statement falls in line with Archbishop Paul Cremona’s public commitment that the Church will not embark on any “crusades” to counter the debate on the introduction of divorce.

Micheal Bonanno
@Il-Malti. Kien l-Arcisqof Mercieca li talab mahfra lill-Laburisti ta' li gara fis-Sittinijiet. Issibha zgur fil-gazzetti. M'ilux, kien hemm intervista, minghalija ma Father Colin, u kien qal car u tond, li la l-mahfra ntalbet, imissu jqaddes quddiesa fuq il-post ukoll biex il-mahfra tidher genwina.
Alfred Galea
tarxieniz1, God knew we'll be sinning, that's why he gave us a chance to repent and wipe the slate clean. What do other catholics in other countries do??
Maureen Attard
Jekk jiena membru tal-knisja kattolika u naccetta li nkun membru taghha bhala nisrani, li naqbel jew nivvota dwar xi haga li li tmur kontra t-twemmin Kristjan, ghalija huwa ksur tal-ligi tal-knisja li jien membru taghha. Ghalhekk ghalija jekk jiena nivvota favur xi haga li hija kontra t-twemmin li jiena nhaddan, huwa dnub. "Dak li jaghqqad Alla ma ghandux jifirdu l-bniedem", Gesu Kristu qalu dan meta staqsewh fuq id-divorzju. B'daqshekk m'inhiex nghid li dawk li huma separati jew ghandhom xi proplemi matrimonjali m'ghandhomx dritt ghal dak li jitolbu. il-knisja ghandha kull dritt tiddefendi it-taghlim u t-twemmin taghha bhal ma ghandu kull dritt kullhadd li jiddeciedi xi jrid hu jew hi. Qedghin f'pajjiz demokratiku u kullhadd ghandu dritt li jemmen dak li jrid.
Sammy Cutajar
Lil jerry, Possibli li ma tistax tiftakar minn kien dak li f'isem il Knisja Kattolika Rumana talab mahfra ghal l'zbalji li saru fis-sittinjiet? Naf li mhux l'argument izda hsibtek aktar infurmat meta 'ssemmi xi episodji tal misthija li saru fill passat. Ninsab hafna dizappuntat ghax stennejtek tirrispondi, imma ma kellux jkun hekk. Hemm problema serja li lill-JPO l'anqas dahhlitlu f'mohhu ghax hu nahseb jrid jkun ic-centru tal attrazzjoni. Il-Knisja Rumana Kattolika ghandha kull dritt li tghid taghha izda lis-stess Knisja Rumana Kattolika ghandha tkun konxja u tammetti li apparti miz-zwieg Kattoliku li jsir gewwa il-knejjes taghha, hemm zwiegijiet ohra li jsiru f'knejjes ohra ta religjonijiet ohra u anke iz-zwieg civili. JPO jaf b'dan? Mhux billi tghid li sejjer jsir referendum (haga li wiehed ma jistax jemminha), ghax decizjoni bhal din trid issir mill parlament. Il membri tal Parlament jafu li fost il voti li huma hadu biex jigu eletti setaw kienu voti min cittadini li huma mizzewga taht religion ohra u li 'zzewgu civilment? Jistaw jifmuha din?
Iva hekk hu il-PM cahad li ha jsir referendum is-sena d-diehla.Jien fil-verita rajtha daqxejn stramba. Ghax jekk isir ir-referendum u jghaddi x ser tkun il-pozizzjoni tal-PM ? Tghid jivvota bil-qalb kontriha jew ha jkollu jivvota iva kontra qalbu ? Nahseb ghandu problema mhux hazin !
Alfred Galea
And after this, a referendum on whether to go ahead with the delimara scandal, and whether to go ahead with the piano project, and whether to have an election in the spring or the fall, etc etc etc. Mickey Mouse politicians for a Mickey Mouse island. The two leaders should give a free vote to those elected bozos and go from there. As for the "deflection" from the PAC meetings....of course, that's part of the reason this is coming out now.
Esteban Hernandez
tajba din issa!! jeffey qal li is sena id dihla sa jsier refferendum u il pm cahad kollox!!
Ma naqbilx li ghandu jsir referendum fuq il-kwistjoni tad-divorzju.Referendum ghandu jsir biss jekk dak li qed jigi propost jolqot lil poplu kollu bhal ma kien il-kaz dwar jekk kellniex nidhlu fl-UE.Pero meta ghandek kwistjoni li ha tolqot sezzjoni u mhux lil kullhadd ghandha titiehed mill-parlament.L-ebda maggoranza m`ghandha l-jedd li tinponi specjalment jekk din mhux affettwatha.
Isabelle Borg
a referendum for divorce? Halluna! Il-membri parlamentairi li ghandna l-anqas huma kapaci biex jiehdu decizjoni daqshekk semplici, li l-pajjizi kollha ilhom snin li hadu u li f'Malta tezisti ghal minn ghandu l-flus Veru qeghedin hemm biex issahhnu s-siggu. Politici tal paroli biss fih danil-pajjiz.
well, we wait and see if the REFERENDUM will not pass - we shall put the blame on the PN- and NO VOTES will be given to the PN party who wants that in our country we get what all EU States have Human rights- Abstain from voting- that would be if the referendum will not pass. We wait and see what is and how are things going to happen- True It is strange that the patron saint of Malta Dr.Lawrence Gonzi He himself declared that he is against Divorce- so that is allready a message to the PN Fanatics.... Dr.Gonzi remember Nothing is Forever............;-)
The anti-divorcists and the Catholics have already won. They have managed, through skilful manipulation, to convince the electorate that a referendum is the way to settle the divorce issue. That was phase one. The Xarabank edition on divorce was, to my mind, one of the ways to make the referendum look as if there is not another way viz. a bill to be put to the House of Representatives only. Divorce will not be enacted under the watch of the present PM. He is to be congratulated for his craft -- well done, he has shown all that he's smarter than some would think. The Opposition is weak-kneed in this matter and the amatuerish PL leaders have been outsmarted big time. Poveri Maltesi, come vi prendono in giro! Now that it is certain that it will be a referendum that will decide, phase two will kick in: a campaign to convince the gullible majority to vote against its own civil rights and ban divorce. With the media machinery at their disposal, the forces of obscurantism, using a mixture of terror of eternal damnation and pseudo arguments, will turn the scales against divorce and another generation will be born condemned to remain without this civil right. So much for democracy. The smiling Dominican has much to smile about. After all, his Order of Preachers (the hounds of God - domini cani) was fantastically successful in repressing "heresy" with fire and sword. Today, instead of the tactics of old, one recruits accomodating politicians to do one's bidding. The strategy is the same.
@Joseph Cassar QUOTE:It was Joseph Muscat, shortly after becoming leader, who stated plainly and openly that he was in favour of the introduction of divorce. COMMENT:And then...And then..He sat on the fence again, just like he does on every other important issue that this country is now facing. JM and his dim witted advisors at Mile End are of the opinion that the leader of the Opposition's relevance with the electorate is sustained by simply attracting attention with off the cuff remarks on Sunday. Let's wait till Monday before we can review GONZI's actions on Divorce. Rest assured I do not apologise for either the PN or the PL. The sooner someone takes away their political monopoky the better this country will be.
@jerry Habib il-kaz tad-divorzju huwa kaz politiku u mhux religjuz, ghaliex dan jaffettwa ir-rabta li ssir quddiem il-gvern u mhux dik li ssir fil-knisja quddiem Alla. IL-knisja xorta ikolla d-dritt tirriffjuta koppja li wiehed/wahda jew it-tnejn li jridu jizzewgu bil-knisja ikun/ikunu divorzjati bl'ístat, ghalhekk dak li ghamlu certu sacerdoti bi kliemhom jistghu iqajmu l-ispetru tas-60ijiet, ghaliex id-divorzju propost huwa dak civili allura purament kaz politiku.
Nice one! Such important news is left to a backbencher to divulge. Incredible. Of course, this will all be announced "officially" next Monday on Bondi+ by his excellency the prime minister. The same prime minister who refused to give a comment to John Bundy's programme last Friday. But of course he HAS to tackle the subject on Bondi+, hence this build-up.
What a convenient way to steer attention from the PAC discussion on the BWSC contract and the walk out by gonziPN MPs sitting on the committee. Call JPO to Kastille and let him know that his private members bill on divorce will be discussed in 2011. Won't be surprised if gonzi goes back on his word, mean while whilst Austin Gatt and his cohorts on the PAC committee together with the Dr Frendo try to put spokes in the debate over the shamefull BWSC contract, JPO is happy letting gonzi use him as a diversion.
Lino Camilleri
Lill Malti Jiena largument tieghi kien mhux min fuq dik il persuna jew persuni li talbu il mahfra. Imma li rrid nghis hu li dak in nhar il knisja zbaljat bl-ikrah ghax imponit id dnub il mejjet. Pero il lum nghid li jekk kemm il darba id divorzju imur kontra il ligi ta Alla allura iva il knisja ghanda d-dritt timponi fuq il membri taghha u anke jekk hemm bzonn bid dnub il-mejjet. Hija responsabilta sagrosanta taghha.
I congrastulate JPO for the way he managed to steer the pulic attention from his intended sins committed at Mistra. Looks like gonzi is ready to play ball with JPO with regards the divorce issue taking into consideration not his catholic conscience but the ammount of votes JPO can mount in the next general elections. Everyone has a price it is said.
Michael Briguglio
@ Minnfommirrih No, I am nobody's spokesman. You, on the other hand, seem to be a PN apologist of the first rank. The fact remains that up to a short while ago, no political leader had the guts to express himself on the question of divorce. It was Joseph Muscat, shortly after becoming leader, who stated plainly and openly that he was in favour of the introduction of divorce. Everything else stemmd from there - including the pathetic ploy by JPO to try and snatch the intiative back for the PN (one wonders what he was promised in return)
@Joseph Cassar QUOTE:Well done Joseph Muscat - you finally put divorce firmly on the national agenda. COMMENT: One would assume by your declaration that you are a PL mouthpiece. So let's get the record straight. If someone should get credit about introducing the private bill in regards Divorce; it should be JPO who exhibited enough balls to act on it. Talking about it and doing something constructive are two different things. Let's give credit where credit is due, because the leader of the No Position has a habit of pointing fingers and then retreat on his high fence. Surely next Monday on Bondiplus, the subject of Divorce will come up. Jumping into conclusions before there is a clearer picture, from where I stand resembles a futile attempt on your part to promote the leadership of the NO Position. Everyone is hoping he will exhibit a lot more courage so he can step up his tempo with a lot more gusto than his undergraduate and old labour advisors has been advising. To claim victory in the War for the right of administration in your country, you first must lead and win the battle from your opponents.
Sammy Cutajar
Lil jerry, Imma min tkellem f'isem il-Knisja u x'kariga kellhu? Trid tkun ezatt, jekk ma jimpurtax, halli din tinqata ghal dejjem. X'kien Il Papa, xi Kardinal jew all inqas Arcisqof? Ifhimni jekk kien wiehed minn dawn tista tigi accettata sa certu punt, imma inqas minn dawn ma tghodd xejn, ghax kien Arcisqof li kien ghamel dan l'izball fatali u ghandu Arcisqof li jitlob mahfra mhux xi hadd inqas minnhu fl'opinjoni tieghi!!!!
Luke Camilleri
Monday ....following program on One Station "Affari Taghna"! Nice ONE Bundy! I am still wondering if John Bundy managed to talk to Dr. Gonzi or at least got the information from the OPM on who is running th show, if it's Gordon Pisani on Dr. Gonzi.
Lino Camilleri
lill Malti Ftit ta zmien ilu pero ma tiftakarx bhalissa is sena. Il knisja kienet talbet ghal mahfra kemm mil partit laburista u kemm mil familjari ta dawk li kienu mitfuna fil mizbla. Kienet stqarret publikament u kienet uriet ukoll id dispjacir ta dak li kien gara dak inhar fejn kienu sofrew barra il partit laburista hafna nies innocenti li gew michuda is sagramenti tal knisja. Jekk miniex sejjer zball kien l-Archisqof ta qabel dan.
Sammy Cutajar
Nixtiew insaqsi lil Jerry fejn gharfet l'izball li ghamlet il-Knisja fis-sittinijiet? U min ammeta dan l'izball? Liema Isqof jew Archisqof qala din?
Sammy Cutajar
There two points which I don't agree on this. 1.JPO proposed four years. I would propose either 3 or 2 years as four years can stretch more than that knowing the fame of our law courts. Ireland had it's own reasons to agree to fours. Are our reasons the same as those of Ireland? 2. Why a referendum? This issue should be tackled by the Parliament as what is proposed is like passing the buck! If it is to be decided on a referendum what guarantees do we have about this? What shall be the guaranteed parameters where both (the yes and no) cannot interfere as this is a personal vote? Maybe somebody can enlighten me! However I think that the Government is not that really helpful in this as I propose that the Governemtn should set up an office where the prospective brides go there to really understand the responsibilities involved and the repercussions that follow.
Lino Camilleri
Il knisja ma tistax tahrab mir responsabilitajiet taghha. IL knisja trid timxi fuq id direttivi tal Vatikan. Jekk skont il Vatikan id divorzju huwa dnub ghax imur kontra il ligi ta Alla allura trid tohrog tghidu lill kull nisrani minghajr biza ta xejn. Jekk tonqos min dan tkun hi wehida li trid taghti kont lill Alla ta l-eghmil taghha. M'ghanda qatt il knisja tibza jew iccahhad it twemmin nisrani mibni fuq il kelma ta Alla u skond il vangelu ta Gesu Kristu. Min qied iqabbel din il kwistjoni ma dak li gara fis sittinijiet bl-impozzizjoni ta dnub il mejjet sejjer zbal. Dak in nhar il knisja zbaljat ax indahlet fuq kwistjini purament politika. Qatt ma kellha tindahal lil min jivotta l-eletorat. Infatti dan gharfithu hi stess wara hafna snin. Pero din tal lum hija kwistjoni ohra. Hija kwistjoni purament skont it twemmin kristjan u anke morali mibnija fuq il ligijiet ta Alla. U ghalhekk hija assolutament responsabli il knisja.
so now all is set for 2011 . for now we wait and see what will happen.........
Michael Briguglio
Well done Joseph Muscat - you finally put divorce firmly on the national agenda. This is all thanks to you.