Pullicino Orlando calls Gatt's resignation threat a 'passionate knee-jerk reaction'

Divorce bill promoter Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and transport minister Austin Gatt go head to head over claims that Gatt will resign as MP if the PN backs divorce.

Nationalist MP and divorce bill promoter Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has called Austin Gatt’s ‘threat’ to resign as MP if the Nationalist party backs divorce, a “passionate knee-jerk reaction” intended to counter an earlier piece he had written.

“Passion, while admirable at times has no place in the serene, debating environment necessary for our country to move forward with regards to this sensitive subject in the coming months,” Pullicino Orlando told MaltaToday, ahead of a meeting tonight of the PN parliamentary group to discuss the party’s stand on his divorce bill.

In an opinion piece appearing on The Times, Gatt said that if the PN takes a democratic decision “against what [he] conscientiously believes in [he] would resign from parliament since [he] cannot ever expect [his] view prevails over the majority view.”

Gatt has been the lead minister behind crucial government reforms in the past decade, liberalising public transport and facing off transport unions, restructuring PBS, and using his ironman status to deflect criticism from the Prime Minister.

But he has now taken a concrete stand against divorce, stating that the party’s ongoing discussion about divorce was a discussion on what “we, as Nationalists, want to represent… the party will be in good shape no matter what decision is taken, as long as everyone agrees the democratic process requires a vote.”

Gatt also said the party’s discussion in not based on faith. “We are and must remain a lay party although I, for one, am proud to be a politician inspired by the value and social teachings of the Catholic Church and it is ridiculous to ask me to be a Catholic and vote for divorce.”

At the same, Gatt appeared to resent being labelled a conservative. “I – labelled a conservative since I am anti-divorce (which goes to show the great democratic credentials of the pro-divorce lobby!) – will respect whatever decision the party takes.”

In his reaction, Pullicino Orlando said Gatt had failed to rebut his arguments “while labelling himself as one of the Nationalist ‘conservatives’ I addressed in the opinion piece.”

The MP said Gatt cited unspecified statistics in claiming that Malta was ‘not in such a mess as some would like us to be’. “Does he know of anyone in his right mind who would 'like' to see our country in a 'mess' when it comes to the wellbeing of the family locally?

“I fail to see who he is referring to in citing ‘those who are, for personal reasons, trying to portray the situation as being akin to Armageddon.’ Do we have to wait for a stage where the world is collapsing around us to do something? Do we have to delay things until there is a state of total chaos as regards the state of the family in our society to help in regularising the situation wherever possible?”

Pullicino Orlando also said the minister’s “trademark style” of doing and saying things “may be useful in certain situations” but said it was “not conducive to a serene debate” on party values. “He claims that as a Catholic, he will not vote for divorce. Does that mean he will vote against the will of the electorate, as expressed in a referendum, if the situation arises in Parliament? Whilst stating that the party is big enough to encompass one and all he goes on to contradict himself by threatening to resign if the party takes a decision he is against.”

In his piece, Gatt called on the party to consider ‘one simple question’ and consider whether society has so broken down it needs divorce “to regulate the family relationship”.

“Do only a minority of Maltese care about the traditional family concept and its consequences? Have marriage breakdowns surpassed marriages? Has marriage become so irrelevant the Maltese prefer cohabitation to marriage?... these are the questions we need to answer before we decide whether we are pro or anti divorce.”

this has nothing to do against or in favour. this is a matter of conscience of one's needs. the divorce law will be there just for and when one will need it. if you don't need the divorce law, than why you would even bother to vote? if the divorce law will be introducted, what will it do to you? you husband or wife will leave you? you think it will eb the divorce law who wil make that happen? NO, if your husband or wife wants to leave you , he/she can do it anytime. So thisd is a matter of conscious, maybeI don't need it , but what if I will need it in the future? what if someone from my children will need it in the future. I say this ,what goes around comes around. we all wish the better for us and for whom we love. But why all this against the divorce law? what is the real problem here? YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S THE CHURCH! it works from behind, using other people like someone in high rank read the history and even in the present, not just of Malta but all over the world. if someoen asks me if i am in favour or against divorce law , I wil just say" this is not in favour or against, this depends on one personal needs like a tool when you need it". i say again what goes around might comes around. don't listen to the chucrh who are using high rank people, thye want you to be less than them asks emeritus edward fenech adami how he got 3 marriage annulments (3???? same family?????) and above all the truth is, that seperations will continue to be going on there is nothing to taslk and discuss more, these things are a fact and reality of life, no one can ever stop these things from happening. SO DR,LAWRENCE GONZI HONORABLE PRIME MINISTER :) you are an intelligent person we all know that, and in your heart you know that this is the truth, these things are inevitable, and nothing can be doen to stop or change social problems its like a tool , for when someone needs it. "do you want all those thousands of maltese citizens, who are seperated, and who wishes to remarry cannot because you, don't want to giive them the right to remarry?what freedom is that? so i urge to all thousands of seperated to vote against the PN IF YOU NEED THE DIVORCE LAW JUST VOTE TO WHOM PROMISE A DIVORCE LAW AND WITH IT THE GAYS RIGHTS, ONLY TO WHOM PROMISE IT
i just smile when a person like you john vella, speaks:) (bejn il-kliem ul-fatti hemm bahar jikkumbatti) l-anqas il-vatikan ma ghandu mexa' fuq dak li hemm miktub fit-testment il-gdid. ghax hlief hnizrijiet ma ghalux u qatly eluf kbar ta nies innocenti- iddahquni jien- tridu titkellmu minghajr ma taqraw u tfittxu ghal verita -l-istorja taghhllimna ..
nomis101 jaqaw mintiex tejx malta ? jew ghandek il plat shun. jien kont xi darba nemen li inazjonalisti uma isewwa imma fgieh alla trid tkun bla kuxjenza biex tajt li kollox miexi sew. issa 24 xahar jadu u forsi jinqata darba ghal dejjem dan labbuz bil mohh. qijad jofendi linteligenza ta kull wihed u wahda mina. qabzu kull sens ta raguni ax qraw ftit kotba tal ligi u uma gradwatti bhala avukati ineis komuni uma numri ghalijom. gejna pajjiez ta tielet dinja jew sinjur jew batti biex tejx. ek sew nomis101 ?
Joe Tanti
Dr.arroGAnTT tista titlaq min issa,illum qabel ghada ,bik u minghajrek il-pajjiz immur ferm ahjar,l-arroganza tieghek lanqas shabek u votanti nazzjonalisti ma jnizzluwa,din jghiduli shabi nazzjonalisti ( mhux mill-Belt),lilek dawwn issejhullekk il- Mussolinni Malti ghal arroganza tieghek maghhom ,ahseb u ara mal-laburisti.Zgur li QATT ma sejjer tintessa,imma mhux ghat-tajjeb imma l-kontra....We shall forget you, but we will NEVER FORGIVE you.
Austin - does corruption, arrogance, fraud, lies, greed and more corruption form part of your christian fate. Show the grace in your resignation that you did not show in the rest of your career. Leave gracefully and without delay through the door. Your antics are not amusing - you are behaving like some big floating turd that cannot be flushed away - popping right up after each flush to taunt its previous owner.
Jeffrey Camilleri
Whom of all of you who have no sin throw the first stone before judging a person.!!!!!!!!! you will be judged!!! It's easy to criticise but remember 1 finger points to criticisation but 3 fingers point towards you. Solutions are only found when things are worked together!!
sur kristjan gatt, jekk vera int dak li qijad tajt li int spejga il fenomenu tal freeport il ghaliex hemm hafna nies li uma mil belt jahdmu hemm ? dan miraklu ?
Helenio Galea
It's becoming hard to tell what's really going on these days. Who to believe? Why? Who stands to gain what? Who's trying to help who? Who's trying to hurt who? What's in between the lines? Politics has become all about spending energy on out-maneouvering others, containing damage and gaining advantage. We need politicians to get moving and getting things done. Stop spending too much time with your spinners / strategists / whatever. Just get things done.
issa irida ta cristjan ? dan biserjeta ? vera moqziez
If Austin Gatt wants to resign from parliament because of his Catholic roots, then he should have resigned ages ago. Thou shalt not steal? Thou shalt not lie?....Mind you, if all MPs had to use the same guidelines and standards, they could hold parliament in a telephone booth. There would be ample space to fit them in.
il gvern malti qed jikser id-dritt tal bnidem. mela fdan il pajjiz kullhadd kattoliku? le, hawn diversi maltin li ghazlu religjon ohra. ahna u il filippini lunici zewg pajjizi fi dinja bla divorzzju. sa fejn naf jien fdan il pajjiz mahniex stat katoliku bhal vatican! jew stat islamiku bhal liran.. islamic republic of iran, allura hemmek hemm ligijiet tal pajjiz iranjan li jimxu ma twemin religjuz tahom. ax huma islamic state. il vatican huwa il pajjiz zajr go ruma fejn hu imexxi mil gvern mahtur mil papa u il ministri huma il kardinali tal vatican. allura emmek ovjament issiru ligijiet li andom xjaqsmu ma religjon! pero malta huwa pajjiz indipendenti u ma hu assocjat ma lebda religjon alkemm it twemin tana hu kattoliku! il gvern malti ma jistax ikompli icahhad id dritt lil poplu! u rigward austin gatt, jekk vera trid timxi ma tghalim tal knisja ma kontx tiehu iz-zieda ta 500 fil gima meta hawn eluf bla job u kontijiet olja.
charlene cassar
Kummidjant prima klassi ! Jaqaw issa mghaggel biex iwarrab wara t-tahwid li halla warajh ? Nahseb ghandu l-faham miblul mhux hazin - lanqas irid jistenna naqra sa Lujlu halli jitwieled l-ahhar baby tieghu, l'Arriva ! Jaqaw hemm xi kawlata ohra hemm wkoll ? J'alla le ghax servizz tal-linja tajjeb ghandna bzonn zgur - stramba l-haga li ma jridx jistenna naqra sakemm jaqta zigarella ohra !!
I suppose that as Christians we all have double standards to live up too! Why don't some Ministers resign when they are caught"with their pants down" and guilty in obvious cases of breaches of human rights, such as the case of Minister Pullicino? The dirty engine saga at Delimara would have been a test case for some of our "holier than thou" Ministers; yet although their moral stance is obviously lame, yet their "christian" conscience does not prick them ; they are "fide difensor" ONLY when "morality" concerns OTHER people! A sort of I am OK jack f.....k you Jack conscience!
I agree with Gatt resigning. Today. Don't leave it until the vote within your party. Do your country a favour and go. Preferably some place far away from Malta. Malta does not need absolutists like you who think that man and women are made for the Sabbath.
Alfred Galea
John, int u l-Archie immisskom rajtuh qabel ma ivvutajtu biex issiru Ewropej.....u int x'tahseb fuq l-annulament u l-ingarzar??
Hallihom jghdu lill-Laburisti Ministru Gatt. Int veru ragel li zzomm il-principji tieghek. Id-divorzju kaos biss igib. U kif qal l-Arcisqof Pawlu Cremona wara d-divorzju titqajjem il-kwestjoni tal-ewtanasja u l-abort.
jerking is guaranteed when Austin il-BUFFU is involved. The joke is on dumb-shit Malta off course. Pity we are not Tunisia.
Luke Camilleri
Show iehor orkestrat minn ta' [email protected] biex jogghbl l'Alla u li x-xitan? Issa qedin jindraw dawn il-pantomini ......
Ghandu biex jidhak ukoll Gatt! Mela qatt ma hares fil-mera?
Austin Gatt, what a hypocrite, he would resign if the PN backs a Divorce Law but will be ready to contribute to cohabiting couples (pogguti) legislation. Had no qualms to deal with a shady company like BWSC but wants to play the saint were individual rights are concerned. He already said he will not stand for the next elections (Thank God) but I doubt it why wait till then just give up your place now you white washed tomb.
Priscilla Darmenia
I once heard Dr Harry Vassallo of AD state that he may not be of the same opinion as someone but he would surly fight till the end to defend the rights of that individual. According to Dr Austin Gatt, because he does not agree with divorce, it means that others who are of a different opinion have to remain in a state of co-habitation as they can’t remarry. No wonder (as stated in the article) that the Maltese prefer cohabitation to marriage. If the likes of Dr Gatt won’t legislate for divorce, then cohabitation is an alternative solution, but alas without any legal protection to the spouses, while with divorce and remarriage the spouses would have a protected legal status. If Dr Gatt is so much a holier than thou person, what does he think about corruption? Corruption is also a grave sin and strongly condemned by the Catholic Church. Does he know of any corruption? Or to put his conscience in piece, he calls these minor irregularities? Like Dr Gonzi, Dr Gatt is shedding his responsibilities to legislate for the protection and benefit of the minority and that is why he wants a referendum.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Tistghu tahsbu kemm se tkunu libera l-ghazla tal-PN dwar x'pozizzjoni se jiehu l-partit dwar id-divorzju meta l-Prim Ministru u issa Ministru Ewlieni johorgu qatta bla habel kontra d-divorzju....
When we see your back, Agostino Pio, we shall all be chanting, "All together now, Hallelujah!"
Hope the referendum is held as early as possible so that Austin can keep his word and resign. Good riddens Austin.
duncan abela
Interesting times ahead. It seems that a referendum is close and will be a precursor to a general election. The PN is clearly mustering all its forces in favour of the anti-divorce camp. Their strategists must have decided that supporting and driving a no vote will help them in the next general election. In my opinion it is likely that the No vote to divorce will win a resounding majority in the referendum and then the PN will try to take advantage of the favourable winds blowing in its sails to call a snap election as they did successfully with the EU vote. Raising the divorce issue to a hoped for cup tie passion and frenzy and hoping n the process to alienate or distract the people from more fundamental social issues which have been welling and gelling into citizen anger is part of the strategic game plan. JPO must sense that his chances of being reelected within the PN ranks once the grandees of his party are fully lined up against divorce is virtually nil. The party must have decided that there is a limit given that their threadbare majority that they can continue living in day to day survival mode enduring JPO's constant bites and pin pricks. At some stage one of JPOs dissident eggs might suddenly crack open. JPO's position within the party will soon become untenable once the party declares officially against divorce and the question will be what will he do next. He is probably politically young enough to look at the future beyond the current leadership and must as one of his options be considering despite his protestations of whether it is time to play a Mintoffian move. The principal player in the game namely J Muscat must know that the overall game is currently all to his advantage and that however they vote in the divorce referendum his loyal supporters will be there to back him up in the next general election. If he plays his cards well than he might gain a lot of support from the Liberal voters who will either abstain or in the case of the more ideologically principled for more civil rights give him their vote. It is clear to me that divorce can never be introduced until we are socially ready to accept it and other liberal issues and this is more likely to happen with the PL in power. No doubt Joe Muscat will be prodded and poked by his political opponents and the Catholic lobby to commit himself in taking a definite political stand for his party. He must resist this entrapment maneuver. As in poker he should pass this hand and not enter in premature bidding which might deplete his resource and goodwill kitty. It makes a lot a strategic sense that the PL keeps at a distance from accepting the challenge of the coming divorce referendum and concentrate its forces and resources on winning the championship at the end of what might turn out to be keenly fought out political season.
Ma kontx hiereg nivvota fir referendum imma issa hiereg nivvota IVA ha titlaq!
ara ma tmurx tirrizenja ta! ghax malta ma taghddiex minaghjrek HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
issa din ghalik sur Ministru dr.austin gatt : nahseb int l-ewwel wiehed li ser titla l-genna kollha ghandkom ir-raggiera fuq raskom. dritt ghal genna sejrin, ohlom ta bil-genna :D il-genna u l-infern hawn qedghdin ehh ;-) mil-bombasticita li ghandek diehel fi zmien ta ukoll int , ma ddumx ma tinzillek dik l-arja kollha li ghandek, bhal ma nizel haddiehor ! kompli hemm l-ewwel wiehed int, dahqu lin -nies bikom sakemm ma taqbzilomx il-maltin bhal ma gara fl-imghoddi
***Prosit Austin. Min hu veru kattoliku u jimxi fuq it-taghlim ta' KRISTU, "Dak li jghaqqad Alla, m'ghandux jifirdu l-bniedem", ghandu jkun kontra d-divorzju. Jekk wiehed mghammed i jipprattika l-fidi tieghu, mbaghad favur id-divorzju, ma hu kaottiliku xejn u ghandu jirrinunzja ghal-fidi tieghu. Report Abuse tarxieniz1 **** Kieku min jirraprezenta ir-religjon kien jippratika huma stess dak li hemm almenu fit testment il-gdid (ghax it-testment il-qadim imissu wiehed jifhem sewwa dak li hemm miktub ,imssoma nhalluha dik ,ghax ma tispicca qatt) ifhem mr. or ms or mrs. jekk wiehed jaqra l-istorja ta kief gabet ruhha il-knisja, meta qed nghid il-knisja mil-vatikan fej ikun hemm il-kap tal-knisja. ha ntik ezempju wiehed ta min mijiet ta ezempji, issa nispera li almenu tiftah ftit ghajnejk, x'differenze hemm bejn il-paroli u l-fatti: The relationship of Christianity and violence is the subject of controversy because one view is that Christianity advocates peace, love and compassion while it is also viewed as a violent religion.[1][2][3] Peace, compassion and forgiveness of wrongs done by others are key elements of Christian teaching. However, Christians have struggled since the days of the church fathers with the question of when the use of force is justified. Such debates have led to concepts such as just war theory. Throughout history, certain teachings from the Old Testament, the New Testament and Christian theology have been used to justify the use of force against heretics, sinners and external enemies. Although Christian teaching has been relied on to justify a Christian use of force, another Christian thought is of opposition to the use of force and violence. Sects that have emphasized pacificism as a central tenet of faith have resulted from the latter thought. Christians have also engaged in violence against those that they classify as heretics and non-believers specifically to enforce orthodoxy of their faith. In Letter to a Christian Nation, critic of religion Sam Harris writes that "...faith inspires violence in at least two ways. First, people often kill other human beings because they believe that the creator of the universe wants them to do it... Second, far greater numbers of people fall into conflict with one another because they define their moral community on the basis of their religious affiliation..."[4] Christian theologians point to a strong doctrinal and historical imperative within Christianity against violence, particularly Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, which taught nonviolence and "love of enemies". For example, Weaver asserts that Jesus' pacifism was "preserved in the justifiable war doctrine that declares all war as sin even when declaring it occasionally a necessary evil, and in the prohibition of fighting by monastics and clergy as well as in a persistent tradition of Christian pacifism The Witch trials in the Early Modern period were a period of witch hunts that occurred between the 15th and 18th centuries,[116] when across Early Modern Europe, and to some extent in the European colonies in North America, there was a widespread hysteria that malevolent Satanic witches were operating as an organized threat to Christendom. Over the entire duration of the phenomenon of some four centuries, an estimated total of 40,000 to 60,000 people were executed. Three developments in Christian doctrine have been identified as factors contributing significantly to the witch hunts: 1) a shift from the rejection of belief in witches to an acceptance of their existence and powers, 2) developments in the doctrine of Satan which incorporated witchcraft as part of Satanic influence, 3) the identification of witchcraft as heresy. Belief in witches and supernatural evil were widespread in medieval Europe, and the secular legal codes of European countries had identified witchcraft as a crime before being reached by Christian missionaries. Scholars have noted that the early influence of the Church in the medieval era resulted in the revocation of these laws in many places, bringing an end to traditional pagan witch hunts. Throughout the medieval era mainstream Christian teaching denied the existence of witches and witchcraft, condemning it as pagan superstition. Notable instances include an Irish synod in 800, Agobard of Lyons, Pope Gregory VII, and Serapion of Vladimire. The traditional accusations and punishments were likewise condemned. Historian Brian Hutton therefore exculpates the early Church from responsibility for the witch hunts, arguing that this was the result of doctrinal change in the later Church. However, Christian influence on popular beliefs in witches and maleficium (harm committed by magic), failed to eradicate traditional beliefs, and developments in the Church doctrine of Satan proved influential in reversing the previous dismissal of witches and witchcraft as superstition; instead these beliefs were incorporated into an increasingly comprehensive theology of Satan as the ultimate source of all maleficium.The work of Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century was instrumental in developing the new theology which would give rise to the witch hunts, but due to the fact that sorcery was judged by secular courts it was not until maleficium was identified with heresy that theological trials for witchcraft could commence. Despite these changes the doctrinal shift was only completed in the 15th century,when it first began to result in Church-inspired witch trials. Promulgation of the new doctrine by Henricus Institoris met initial resistance in some areas, and some areas of Europe only experienced the first wave of the new witch trials in the latter half of the 16th century dan huma ftit ta! sa fejnnaf jien il-bibbja li ghnadhom dejjem l-istess kien hemm miktub:fej Kristu qal "hobbu lil ghedewwa taghkom" hahahahaa x'differenza hemm ehh imbghad ha nghidlek haga zghira - ma tridx tkun professur ta:) hemm miktub li dak li jaghqqad Alla ma jifirdux il-bniedem: ok ,mela min hu cert li dak iz- zwieg ghaqdu Alla? min jaf jekk xi hadd minnhom hux qed jigdeb?:) min jaf dak li jissejjah qassis hux pedofelu jew xiex u qed iqarar etc..:) imsomma kollha hmerijiet dawn li wiehed jghid dak li jaghqqad Alla ma jifirdux il-bniedem, fl-ahhar mill-ahhar hadd qatt ma ra Lil-xi Alla jaghmel xi ceremonja ta zwieg, fl-ebda rit religjuz, kemm kattoliku , hindu etc. etc..
Yes, Volare, you're right. And we'll call them "It-Tieni Qrariet ta' Sant u Wistin". Sant has long been confessing he has no regrets - and he really needs to have none - but the Second Augustine needs to out as you correctly suggested.
Nassigura lill-Ministru Austin Gatt li jekk jirrizenja mill-Parlament ikun qed jaghmel pjacir lill-Partit Nazzjonalista u lin-nazzjon kollu ghax issa veru xebba' lil kulhadd bit-teatrini li qed jaghmel. Tistghu tassiguraw irwiehkom li l-Ministru mhux ser jirrezenja minhabba d-Divorzju imma minhabba kwistjonijiet ohra. Il-PN anke fuq affarijiet zghar jinsab mifrud ahseb u ara fuq il-governabilita' tieghu. L-unika triq onorabbli li baqaghlu l-Prim Ministru hija li jxolji l-Parlament u jsejjah elezzjoni generali.
Joseph Sant
Yep - I totally agree that Dr Gatt is looking for a way out of politics - what he thinks is the honourable way Ha! Ha!. What a joke! LOL of all the things to pick to resign - this really must be the cherry on the cake!
Mario Said
Kif qatt tista tkun inspirat mit-taghlim socjali u Kristjan tal-Knisja Kattolika meta ghamilt u stmajt lil kulhadd zibel. L-attituduni tieghek vis-a-vis Fredu Sant per ezempju, dik inspirata mit-taghlim socjali u Kattoliku? Li taghmel l-mhatri fuq l-ghixien tal-Maltin li suppost huma hutek, u skond it-taghlim Kattoliku li qieghed tghid li int tipratika ghandek thobb u tiproteggi skond il-gurament li hadt meta sirt Minsitru dik inspirazzjoni skond it-taghlim ta' Sidna Gesu Kristu? Ahjar tmur tqerr qrara wistin.
Right your are, Joe South. Austin Gatt is simply preparing his exit from politics. Too afraid to face Dalli's comeback. As you say, the nation expects JM to "investigate every ministry this guy was in charge of and every contract that was signed by his asskissers."
Georgette Bezzina
Hang on a minute. Remember when Austin said one thing during discussions with the opposition on the BWSC saga and a couple of days later Gonzi said the opposite. It seems that Austin Gatt is sensing that Gonzi is having second taughts regarding divorce and now is the time for payback. After all Austin has already said that he will not contest these coming elections. Talking plainly if he resigns he will do his party favour!
Alfred Galea
Is that a threat or a promise?? Hopefully when JM becomes PM he'll investigate every ministry this guy was in charge of and every contract that was signed by his asskissers.
Joe Tanti
Good riddance for bad rubbish.You may leave ,you may resign BUT you still reponsable for everthing that CAPRICORN has qouted.Wherever you are you will always carry the responsabilities of your bad judgements.
Pauline Moran
A-ga-doo-doo-doo...ahna il Joseph irridu Agadoo-doo-doo...Nazzjonalisti itilqu! Agadoo-doo-doo...Malta qed tibki ta kuljum Agadoo-doo-doo...Ti prego Gonzi, zul zul zul!!!
Keith Goodlip
Gatt? Resign? Good news at last, hopefully.
Joseph Pellicano
"using his ironman status" - is he doing it again, I wonder? I suggest Pullicino Orlando and the others within the PN who are in favour of divorce vote against this incompetent of incompetent governments and bring it down ... for the good of Malta. It is well and truly past its use-by date. This is a government in crisis and the longer it stays in power the greater the defeat for the PN. Dr Joseph Muscat is the Prime Minister in waiting. What a breath of fresh air. The conservatives are pissing in their pants.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
Isn't corruption also a sin? Oh of course, that is still illegal, technically speaking.
Maureen Attard
Prosit Austin. Min hu veru kattoliku u jimxi fuq it-taghlim ta' KRISTU, "Dak li jghaqqad Alla, m'ghandux jifirdu l-bniedem", ghandu jkun kontra d-divorzju. Jekk wiehed mghammed i jipprattika l-fidi tieghu, mbaghad favur id-divorzju, ma hu kaottiliku xejn u ghandu jirrinunzja ghal-fidi tieghu.