Fenech Adami says PN should take stand against divorce

Former PN leader Eddie Fenech Adami said the party should “very definitely” take a stand against divorce.

“It’s a question of principles so the PN should pronounce itself on the issue…In my view it should be a stand against; very definitely,” Fenech Adami is reported saying in The Sunday Times.

Following an uptight debate on the way forward in the past weeks, the party is preparing to formulate its stand on divorce.

Former Prime Minister and President, Fenech Adami said “My stand would be against divorce, as the Prime Minister has been saying. He has described it as his personal position. And I think the personal opinion of a leader carries weight.”

The Private Member’ Bill presented by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando last July, proposing the introduction on divorce legislation, took the party and the country by surprise. The Bill will reportedly be discussed in parliament around next month, with a referendum expected to take place in the middle of summer.

Fenech Adami said he had reservations about whether the government planned to hold a referendum so hastily. “I don’t know what the Prime Minister is thinking. I know it’s being discussed in the PN executive and I think it’s best to wait and see. I have my doubts we’ll be rushing through a referendum.”

Looking on how the debate unfolded, Fenech Adami said it was a positive sign that people talked freely on the issue, but he questions whether there was the need for such a debate in the first place. “As far as the debate has gone I think people are open to both messages. I have full confidence the people will make the right decision.”

EFA ghadu jrid jiddetta fuq il-moralita' tal-poplu malti. Jrid li mmorru lura ghas-snin sittin. Pero' ghandu jiftakar li f'dawk iz-zminijiet xorta kien hemm minn ma bezghax juri fehmtu. U llum aktar hawn min ma jibzghax Sur Fenech Adami. Mela ghamel pjacir lilek, lill-uliedek, u lilna oqghod kwiet u gawdi l-pensjoni tieghek bil-kwiet u hallina nghixu kif nixtiequ.
What if the referendum marks one decision (which should be the binding one, as it's the electorate's direct vote) while the Parliamentary vote gives the opposite result?? What if, in this year's referendum, the electorate decides against divorce and in three years time Parliament proposes divorce again and approves it?? Parliament needs to take a stand that the referendum will be the final decision. But here there are two uncontrasting truths, one that we are/were a conservative Catholic nation who believes divorce is harmful and two, that there are hundreds/thousands of ex-spouses who want to sever all ties and possibly remarry. Why not forget the referendum and Parliamentary votes, analyse the situation of each marriage vying for divorce and depending on circumstances give them the rights they want whether or not it will be recognized by the Church. At the same time getting ride of all the separation backlog in the Courts making a system where applicants will have very low legal costs. Then review all the laws vis-a-vis marriage, separation and cohabitation that will solve the problems for the future and strengthen the family in this new era, setting a new footing.
Keith Goodlip
Why doesn't this hypocritical lizard just crawl back beneath his rock.
I have belatedly woken up to the fact that under EFA, Malta may have been a theocracy as it may still be today. When in power, he never told us that all had to be in conformity with Church doctrine but now it is emerging clearly, to my mind. When many of us were misled into following him, he never told us that Malta was to be a confessional state. It seems that for EFA, if something goes against Church teaching, then it must be wrong. What kind of democracy is that? Doesn't EFA realize he should stay out of the debate? Isn't he able to read the spirit of the times? Does he not watch the news? The time of aged politicians imposing their will is gone. Can anyone blame me if, in my mind, I associate him with the septuagenarian politicians who are being ousted by popular clamour? Why does he not let go? Does he want to gain brownie points, redeemable at the pearly gates for which he is inexorably heading at speed, by publicly opposing divorce? Why is it that some dinosaurs insist on continuing to make unwelcome appearances on the public scene, trying to impose a life-style long beyond its sell-by date? EFA had his day and for a very long stretch - was that not enough?
EFA should know better that Religion and Politics should stay apart. We all know what happened in the sixties when GonziPN`s uncle thought that the Church had the right to interfere with State matters. Today only EFA and the nephew GonziPN are still living in those bitter days, when the church in Malta had eleven Commandments and not ten. But time has changed. Nobody will be afraid that he can end up in Hell, if he votes for Divorce.
Kemm Int VILI Dr Eddie Fenech Adami trid lil PN jopponi id Divorzju imma li 3 uliedi bl-APPOGG tal KNISJA KATTOLIKA hadu l-ANNULLAMENT ta ZWIEG mela uliedek huma awqa min ta haddiehor Issa INT XHAJT u SMAKAJT bhal ma kont ghid lil Perit Dom Mintoff mela ghamlilna PJACIR U GHALAQ HALQEK ghax JAQBILLIEK kont tkun tista titkellem imma mhux wara li ULIEDEK hadu l-ANNULAMENT mela it TFAL tieghek SPECJALI
Its easy for EFA to be against divorce, as it was easy for his family to have three "quickie" annulments!!!!!!!!!!!!
To all those anti-divorce, including Eddie Fenech Adami, i think these people like to be too clever by quoting those words of Jesus which they like and discard those words ''li majdoqqulhomx'' Matthew 19:9... and Jesus said '' "And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality,and marries another woman commits adultery... " So Jesus was not against divorce 100%. Or are there exceptions. If my wife leaves me for another can I get a divorce. So those who are completely against divorce even in these circumstances are they going against Jesus' teachings? Jesus called these people who tried to be too clever as ''Farizei''. What has the bible expert like Mr. Zammit have to say about this.
Isabelle Borg
sempliciment ipokrita. annullament ghal uliedu tajjeb, divorzju ghal haddiehor le. Veru politiku skadut
Saint eddie adami if you want to contribute something worthwhile how about a public apology for the lies you told about Alfred Sant? I don't think you will because you don't have the decency or the balls.
The most important thing is that EFA's word counts as much as mine John Citizen. Its just his opinion and he has only one vote.
Sorry to disagree with you guys who I maintain usually post very sensible comments. For once EFA is right. HIS party should never promote divorce or any unCatholic issue for that matter. The PN should not go down in Malta's political history as having introduced an elightened bill. Let's hope they win the coming referendum, then leave the issue for somebody else to discuss it calmly, rationally AND democratically. Another ironical side to the great debate is that JPO will be castigated at the polls since his rivals are coming out strongly and unequivocally against divorce. Take Philip Mifsud and Peter Micallef, two fledgling politicos coming from traditional PN families (unlike JPO whose DNA is Labour given his grandfather's contribution to the setting up of the MLP), they are making sure everybody gets to know the stand they are taking. JPO was never punished for the Mistra debacle. Ironically he will on the Divorce bill. Irony has always been the hallmark of Maltese politics, pace independence and integration amongst others. What GBO sought was dominion status. He had to be reminded by the British Govt that dominion status had been off the international agenda for decades. He was made to accept independence simply because the British Government preferred offering it to him (a damp squid on the international chessboard) rather than to (what they considered) maverick Mintoff. A "Nationalist" Party rooting for EU membership was another irony. But many of us seem to be caught looking away when fate deals us ironical blows. JPO will long be remembered as another pawn in fate's paws.
Also divorce maltese style allready exists ! all that is left is to make it a law! but you don't want the law to be done, because you want to leave the power in the hands of the church. That is why you made a shameful concordat in 1993 so yes let's vote against the PN. WE MUST BRING DOWN THE PN FROM GOVERMENT. cause they have been long enough in power that they are acting like GODS THE REAL POWER IS IN THE HANDS OF THE MALTESE CITIZENS WITH OUR VOTE WE WIL GET DOWN THE PN. Last election the PN won by few votes- that meant that they gave you last chance, but now the PN will loose the general election by many, cause of many differect reasons let's bring down this arrogant goverment who has the catholic church backing him vice versa
Luke Camilleri
Mhux ahjar tara minn fejn iggib xi LM10,miljun lira li kont titlef wat in-neguzzjar tal-assi tal pajjiz milli tiprova tohrog ta' difensur taz-zwiegijiet? Ghlfejn ma hloqt xi moviment ghal Partit tieghek favur L-Annulamenti ? kif irrangajt ghal -uliedek u nehhi darba ghal dejjem il-mastka ta' l-ipokrezija! Mur gib naqra finanzi ghal pajjiz jekk trid isservi.... u halli il-Pajjiz li sburzajt ikollhu drittijiet bhal Pajjizi l-OHRA tal-Unjoni Ewropeja li tant kont tghid u tippontifika fuqhom fi zmienijiet ta' meta kien jerfghek fuq l-Ispalejn Zeppi l-Hafi!
Joe Tanti
Bhala President Emmeritus EFA immisu jaghmel bhal l-ex-presidenti l-ohra jghalaq halqu u jzom l-oppinjoni tieghu ghalih ,sa issa dejjm hekk sar ,ghad hemm zewg ex-presidenti hajjin u merititament zammew l-opinjoni taghhom ghalihom,hi xin hi ,favur jew kontra.Imma le,EFA hu kattoliku izjed mil Papa,zattat per eccelenza.Jekk id-divorzu jahseb mhux is-soluzzjoni ghaz-zwiegijiet imfarrka forsl jghidilna per esperjenza kif igib l-ANNULAMENT fi ftit zmien u bl-inqas spejjez.Xtistennew li jmur kontra Gonzi,dak li ghamlu president? Forsi qieghed jistenna li wara mewtu jaghmluh qaddis issa? Mhux ta bxejn EFA kien l-inqas president popolari !
beside this reality wheer 3 of your own children got annullment from their marriages from the catholic church here i will remind all the photo that was published , shows your alliance with the catholic church- like the PN is mirroring the catholic church( i don 't think that all the PN parlament memers agrees with the PN and will act like a puppets of their political party - cause in the end they are humans ( i would not vote a aginst something that I will believe especially if I belive that it is, good) http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/evarist-bartolo-hits-out-at-fenech-adami-over-divorce-stance-his-family-had-three-marri
yes eddie fenech adami - we allready know you and lawrence gonzi- yes that is one of the reasons, that my vote this time will go to MLP /PL I urge all the people who are in favour of a divorce law (not just divorce) to vote against the PN let's get down this goverment the power is in the hands of people not in your filthy mouth eddie fenech adami power is in the people's hands besides you are outdated, maybe you will stil be alive to vote in the next general election *poof*