Updated | Parties shouldn’t take stand on divorce – Moviment IVA chairperson

Should the Labour Party and the Nationalist Party take stands on the divorce issue the debate risks becoming a politically partisan contest, says Moviment IVA Chairperson and family lawyer Deborah Schembri.

Contacted by MaltaToday, Schembri maintained that this is not a political issue, but a social issue. “No matter whether they take a stand or not, nobody is ‘voting’ for either party on the divorce debate,” she said.

“It is an undeniable truth that there are those who vote along party lines,” Schembri said, “which not might be the healthiest option given the issue at hand. As a movement, we have been working to ensure that divorce does not become an issue of political partisanship, but is something that crosses political borders.”

“Should the parties take a stand, it would undermine everyone’s freedom to decide their position in terms of their own conscience or morals,” she said, adding that it would not be in the national interest if parties took a stand. “What is important, however, is that those individuals within each party do take a stand of their own,” she maintained, “even if the party as a whole does not.”

Asked if she felt there was a contradiction between how Jeffrey Pullicino Orland, a co-presenter of the divorce Private Members’ Bill and fellow pro-divorce movement committee member, urged this party on Sunday to avoid taking a stance on divorce to not alienate voters, Schembri said she did not.

“I do not think it is contradictory. If anyone was making an electoral programme, then he or she would have to take a position. Since this is just one issue, its another story,” she said.

Asked the same question, Pullicino Orlando substantiated his position by affirming that “this issue is an apolitical one” and that “decisions should be arrived at without undue pressure.”

“The decisions made are dependent on what each and every one of us feels is the best way forward in a society which has social justice as one of its main tenets,” he said, adding that he feels it “unfair to impose what I strongly believe in on others.”

“I feel that other members of my party, who oppose me in this respect, should do the same,” adding that it would be “unwise for the party to take a stand about the divorce issue when it never did so in the past.”

“The fact that pro-divorce candidates were accepted by the Nationalist Party in the past shows that this issue was not considered to be alien to the fundamental beliefs of our party.”

Despite this, former president Eddie Fenech Adami has strongly urged the PN to take a position against divorce, while Austin Gatt has already went on record saying that he would resign from parliament if the party took a position in favour of divorce.

So far, neither the PL nor the PN have affirmed positions either against or in favour of divorce, even if discussions within both parties are ongoing on the subject. Various MPS have already come out affirming themselves either for or against.

Huwa tajjeb jekk il-partiti politici ma jiehdu ebda pozizzjoni fuq il-kwistjoni tad-divorzju. B'hekk ikunu qed ihallu lill-kulhadd fil-liberta li jiddeciedi skond dak li jhoss li hu tajjeb u gust fil-konfront ta' min ikun ghaddej min dawk is-sitwazzjonijiet. Ghalkemm jiena personalment ma naqbilx mad-devorzju per se,inhoss li ma ghandix ninponi il-valuri u ir-rieda tieghi fuq haddiehor. Ghalhekk ma nahsibx li referendum ikun gust ghax min qieghed tajjeb, jigi jaqa u jqum mit-tbatija li jkun ghaddej haddiehor. Pero jidher li l-hemm resqin. Tajjeb li infakkar li ebda membru li hemm fil-parlament mhu qieghed hemm biex jirraprezenta lili nnifsu,izda qieghed hemm jirraprezenta lill-poplu u ghalhekk ghandu ibaxxi rasu ghal dak li jghid il-poplu. Dan mhux qieghed hemm sabiex imexxi dak li tghid xi religjon hi liema religjon hi. Dan hu stat lajk u mhux stat fundamentalista.
@lola, allura min tridu jressaqa fil-parlament sabiex tigi ligi? ghandek persuna min naha u persuna min orhra u persuna min ohra. min tlett partiti. qedha tifhem jew le? le ma ghandiex tigi politizzata ghax inkella sa jkun hawn aktar konflitti.. tinsiex li nies bhal dak li rega stenbah, edward fenech adami jiehdu dak li jkun hemm bzonn -specjalment mill-knisja ha tlett annullamenti miz-zwigijiet ghall-uliedu- qedha tifhem? ghalhekk qed jiftah halqu mil-ftit sahha li fadallu - jitkellem huwa ghall-knisja imma kemm ma thadmux mohkom ghid? aqraw fuq il-pajjizi l-ohra ha tkunu tafu xqed jigri u il-manuvrar u l-ipokrezija tal-knisja kattolika. jekk ma taqrawk kif ser tkunu tafu? mela taraw x'qed jigri f'Malta biss? gebla fil-bahar. aqra aqra u aqra lola
@Joe South My point Mr S is that had it been done properly in the first place by non politicians, it may have had some remote chance. The fact that JPO and co all got on the band wagon
Gilbert Bartolo
Only in Malta... PN and PL are incapable of discussing an issue and coming out with a position .. how sad... and Deborah Schembri shamefully comes to the rescue of incompetent and spineless politicians who are afraid to stand up and be counted... Malta .. a pseudo-country
dr.schembri. you are saying right, when assholes like edward eddie fenech allready said that the PN should take a stance against divorce law heer we are saying divorce it is the law that needs to be done only. because divorce allready exists in Malta. who don't know this is a moron cause maybe he or she allready have a horn on his/her knowing it or not. who is afraid of the divorce lazw is a moron! you know why? "cause if your man or your woman wanst to leave you ,he/she don't need a divorce law ,you imbecilles. and if you think that your marriage is right, I will say if you think your marriage is right, do not think thyat these social things cannot happen to you or your loved ones- so you better at least shut the up- cause what goes around comes around. time will tell.
Alfred Galea
Martin, I don't think you even read the article, she is saying that the parties should NOT take a stand. Lola, you don't know whether you're coming or going. Do you even know that it takes a member of parliament like JPO or Evarist to table a bill in the house of parliament??
I have to agree with Martin Borg. This stinks.
I mean, what are these IVA people all about? They messed it up in the first place and then go on to blame the PN abdd warn off the PL who's leader already started the debate last year. What a stupid mess they got us all into.
If Dr Schembri did not want the issue to be politicised, then the IVA movement should not have been launchedby JPO. I mean, the insanitry of all this is incredible. The IVA peopledon't won't to politicise the issue, JPO proposes it, Varest seconds, Briguliio claims his lobby group is the only party to take a stand on divorce and presto, you involve the latter in the IVA movement and then complian that it has been politicised. Oh please!
Deborah being a lawyer should know better that this is a question of conscience and not party politics. Get your act right YES movement because with such statements it only shows that you are losing the arguments. No parties should not declare a stand and the PL is right on this issue otherwise how can JM keep a promise of giving the labour MPs a free vote. Your claim Deborah stinks of partisanism and underhaned politics.