Divorce: when principles and convenience collide

What is the cost of taking or not taking a stand on divorce for the Nationalist and Labour Parties? JAMES DEBONO analyses the political dilemma posed by a divorce referendum

MORE: FAQ on divorce bill and referendum

Scenario 1: PN does not take a stand


By taking Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s advice not to adopt a formal position for or against divorce, the PN would not alienate pro divorce voters – especially those passing from separation procedures for whom the lack of divorce is potentially an electoral issue.

This would limit the electoral damage which the party would suffer from if it actively campaigns against divorce.

In the event of a yes victory, the party would not emerge as loser and would even be in a position to claim that it had a hand in bringing about the historical change.

In the event of a no victory, the party would not be blamed for obstructing the introduction of divorce and thus risk losing once and for all those PN voters who consider divorce a priority in their life.

The PN would be taking cognisance of  the remarkable mutation in its DNA during the past three decades, during which it attracted liberal and cosmopolitan voters first by opposing Mintoff’s authoritarian rule, and then by campaigning for EU membership.

This will also underline the fact that the party is no longer glued by moral and religious principles but by an outlook on economic and social issues, thus becoming similar to other parties in the European People’s Party.


The party would appear unprincipled and unable to take a stance on an issue which, according to the Prime Minister, is too important to be decided by parliament.

It would be accused of mimicking Joseph Muscat’s Labour refusal to take a stance.

It would confirm the perception that by holding the referendum the Nationalist Party has done a Pontius Pilate.

It could also alienate and disorient the party’s conservative “religio et patria” core and raise questions on the party’s identity long associated with socially conservative values.

In addition the Prime Minister’s already declared anti divorce stance would be undermined. In the event of a yes victory he would become increasingly vulnerable as he would not be able to share the blame for defeat with his party. 

In the event of a no victory the party would be unable to reap any political capital.

Scenario 2: PN says no and actively campaigns against divorce


The party would appear principled, and thus distinguish itself from Labour which has so far refrained from taking any stand. This would enhance the party’s credibility as it attacks the opportunism of the opposition.

It would also be following the rules of democracy by endorsing the view of the majority following a debate in which different views were expressed.

By actively campaigning against divorce, the PN will also consolidate its links with the Catholic Church which is still an influential actor in Maltese politics. 

In the absence of a strong campaign by the Labour party, a strong campaign by the PN could shift the balance for the no vote.


The party would be inviting all those who support divorce to seek new pastures, either by voting AD - which is clearly in favour of divorce - or Labour, whose leader favours divorce.   A commitment by Labour to introduce divorce following a no victory could well result in electoral defeat.

Pro-divorce Nationalist MPs like Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Karl Gouder would be put in a difficult position for if they campaign for divorce they will be defying the stance taken by the party. Even if they are not censored by the party, they would increasingly look like outcasts.

The overall image of the party among younger voters (the majority of which favour divorce according to all surveys held so far) will be dented.  The party’s conservatism could be a turn off for first time voters.

Scenario 3: PN says no to divorce but gives freedom to voters


The party could opt for a statement stating that it does not feel that divorce should be introduced now, while giving voters the freedom to vote according to their conscience pledging to respect the referendum result. 

In this way the party would have taken a stand without being obliged to actively campaign against divorce in a way which would break up the liberal-conservative coalition.

But by calling the shots on the referendum process by taking fundamental decisions on matters like the date of the referendum Gonzi would still be in a position to influence the result without confronting directly the anti divorce camp in his party.

This apparently mid way solution would give Lawrence Gonzi a way out from actively campaigning against the introduction of divorce without being accused of betraying the party’s principles. The active participation of former leader Eddie Fenech Adami would still give a blue tinge to the anti divorce campaign while absolving Gonzi of the task of leading his troops on this issue. 

In the eventuality of yes victory the Prime Minister would not have to  resign which would be natural if he actively campaigns against divorce. 

Gonzi would try to look moderate in his party distinguishing himself from anti divorce hawks like Austin Gatt.

On the other hand while declaring itself against introducing divorce now, the party would not exclude its introduction making it easier for pro divorce MPs like Karl Gouder and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando to remain in the party despite the party’s declared stance on divorce.


The mild anti divorce stance taken by the party may well be obscured by very active campaigning by the most conservative elements in the party. 

These elements may well go overboard in the religious dose in their arguments against divorce with the risk of the party suffering the consequences of their statements without being in a position to control them.

The party would still be in a similar position to that of Labour before the 2003 EU referendum when it ended up being associated with loony ideas expressed by the CNI.

In this way pro divorce elements in the party would still be alienated from the party.

Scenario 4: PL refrains from taking a stance on divorce


Labour leader Joseph Muscat would be able to appeal to pro divorce voters  through his personal stance without alienating a minority of Labour voters who oppose divorce for religious reasons. Labour would be able to distance itself from a referendum process in which Lawrence Gonzi calls the shots. Labour would portray its neutrality in this issue as  way of respecting the conscience of voters and an attempt to prevent this issue from degenerating in to  a partisan one.

But Labour’s intentions could be more devious than that. In the absence of a strong campaign by Labour to mobilise its supporters to go out and vote on referendum, the Labour party could be sealing the fate of the referendum. The party may well be yearning for a no victory in a way that the only way left for pro divorce voters would be to vote Labour in office as it would be extremely unlikely for the PN to hold another referendum on divorce in the foreseeable future.  Labour might be tempted to finally commit itself in favour of divorce on the eve of the election to win these voters.  But probably as hinted by Muscat, it would propose another referendum in which a Labour government would be calling the shots, thus making its approval easier.


With the PN and AD taking a principled stance for and against divorce, Labour would look increasingly opportunistic putting its partisan interests before principle.  In the case  of a no victory, Labour could well be  blamed for the defeat or for using divorce as political football in its long term goal of winning power. 

Labour would also lose the power to influence the referendum by fielding its well oiled electoral machine to ensure a fair process.

The promise of another referendum if Labour is elected to power might not be enough to win over pro divorce Nationalists in the event of a no victory.  And Labour would still face competition from AD which would gain greater visibility by taking a clear stand during the referendum campaign.  It could also be difficult to propose a second referendum on divorce a couple of years after a majority turned it down.

Scenario 5: PL takes a stance in favour of divorce


If Labour heeds Evarist Bartolo’s advice and commits itself in favour of divorce, it would have gone a long way in affirming its progressive credentials and exorcising its present ambiguity.  Muscat would cement his leadership by energetically campaigning for divorce and thus curry more favour in the wider yes camp.  Labour would also be increasing the chances of a yes victory and this be able to take credit for its role in a historical decision. 


In the unlikely event of Labour taking a stand it could face an internal rebellion with Labour MPs opposed to divorce coming out in the open. Labour would once again be pitted against the Catholic Church. While officially the church will not confront it directly, individual elements in the church would deploy their energies to punish labour in the next general election.

If divorce becomes law under a Nationalist government Labour would have lost its big chance of driving a wedge between liberals and conservatives in the PN.

Divorce is a civil issue and it should be decided by a referendum. The church should keep its nose out of it. Due to Malta not having divorce I watched my mother suffer. She had over sixty years of miserable married life. My father was a bible basher and went to church twice a day. He did not drink, smoke or gamble. In contrast, for no reason he used to treat my mum badly and beat her up on a regular basis. I remember her with black eyes, dislocated shoulder and jaw and many bruises all over her body. Being children, my brothers and I feared him. He forced us go to church every day. My mother was a very good woman who dedicated her life to bringing up the eleven children she bore for my nasty father. She used to feed us well and make most of our clothes. I know that she went without many necessary things to make sure that we were all looked after well. The kapilan knew about the suffering my mother endured. All he could say to console her was “God gave you a cross and you have to carry it”. So much for the stupid Catholic Church and its clergy. I know that my mum would have left my father if divorce had been available at that time. Unfortunately, she suffered all of her married life, but she outlived my father. One of my sisters has been going through the same bad experience for the past thirty years. The difference is that her nasty, unfaithful husband is not a bible basher or church going person. Due to my bad experience at home I emigrated at the age of eighteen. I married an English girl in the Catholic Church. Our marriage did not work out. After eight years we got divorced this was mutually agreed and it did not cost much or take too long to go through. It took me four years to get an annulment through the Maltese Catholic Church and it cost me a lot of money and a lot of psychological stress. A few years later I remarried to another English lady. She gave me two children and we are very happy. This time I had a civil marriage. I am very pleased that I did not get married in the Catholic Church. After my experience I made sure that I kept my distance from the most hypocritical religion on earth. I did not baptise our children and I did not encourage them to follow any religion. However, they both did very well at university and they are very successful in their professional careers. Divorce is not an evil. It is evil to expect people to stay and suffer in unsuitable, miserable marriages. It is evil to expect children witness their mother being beaten on a regular basis. If this is what God expects, then he is perverse. If divorce is the solution, then so be it. I know that there are many broken marriages in Malta. In such a situation both husband and wife suffer, including the children. I never forgave my father for the way he treated my wonderful MUM and I will never forgive the clergy either. It is about time that Malta joined the 21st century and the civilised world by having divorce available for those who want it. Stop listening to political hypocrites like Dr Eddied Fenech Adami, Prime Minister Gonzi and all those who agree with them, including the Catholic Church. PM Gonzi is a hypocritical liar like his uncle archbishop Michael Gonzi. These people have Medieval minds and have proved to be the most corrupt politicians in Maltese history. Go out in the streets and demonstrate like the Egyptians and the Algerians did until you get what you want. DIVORCE. After all the French, British, Italians and all other European countries express their disapproval towards their governments by demonstration until they get what they want. Do not be afraid.
Alfred Galea
Jimmy, do not for a minute pretend that you're MaltaToday, you're just another fly in the ointment....just listen and learn from Balzan, THEN and only then, people might taske you seriously and treat you as a journalistm instead of just another PN apologist. See what I mean, one second you tell me to leave, next second you tell me that I'm needed...... Again, I've been called worse by better women.
Peter Cassar
Joe South, you are the perfect antithesis of what MaltaToday stands for. If you do not like it get the hell out of here. On the other hand your presence fulfills a sociological need- that of personifying what a friend of mine recently described as the humpty dumpty nature of Maltese politics.
Alfred Galea
Jimmy, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen, go join your pal FatBoy Slim on the PN Times....he's another independent "journalist" who doesn't let a day go by without some sort of attack against the PL....you'd make a good pair. Like I told you before, if the shoe fits, wear it.
Peter Cassar
@joe south You are unbelievable...someone who does not even has the decency to declare his identity attacking me for having a hidden agenda....
Alfred Galea
Jimmy, I'm not here to do any party any favours.....maybe YOU are but not me. Now for a "respected" journalist and blogger like you to call me a fascist scum I must have hit a raw nerve, maybe even told some truth that hurts...... Get your act together son, don't be a bloody hypocrite, if you have an agenda come out in the open, you're not dealing with kids and you're not preaching to the choir.People can see right through you, you don't fool anybody. THEN and only then you might recover your lost credibility. By the way, not that it's any of your business, but I'm a fiscal conservative christian, a 9/11 Republican.
Gonzi has really painted himself in a corner this time. He has created a lose-lose situation and it will be our pleasure to see drown in quagmire he himself invented. We should also be grateful to JPO who helped Gonzi in devising the script for the Last Days of GonziPN. See you in 2013, Mr Gonz. For the last time of course.
The divorce issue should not be there for political gain or loss. Those in desperate need of divorce to start a new life do not care less about what any party gains or lose.
Peter Cassar
@joe south You are the worst species of fascist scum around in cyber space. Do you really think you are doing the labour party a favour? And if the labour party attracts right wingers like you we are really in the shit.
jekk vera mintomx korroti wehlu il habs il muscat fuq malafama ? jew dik ghal min u miskien kommuni jehel ? kont nemen fil pn ghax lilom ivotat lahar darba imma issa mandekx cans. lemail li int batli ghadni noza hali kif jigi izmien fuq il gazzeta namila vera tixbah il zijuk gwab bhalu
u int tahseb gonz fadal il bolloh jemnuk ? kulmien deqek tqarsek. loba tal kliem li flahar qabdek kullhadd. il gara geja u sejra flahar tinkiser. isa biex tigbor xi vot qasam il jobs u flats min jemnek li itijom, ghax jien bitoma bqajt
For all those "Holier than thou" contributers. What would you do if your marriage was on the rocks and you had found the opportunity to happy, would you stay on the cross or climb down????
Principles? Gonzi and the PN have NO principles except: Jiena hu Alla sidek ma jkollokx Alla iehor ghajri. Gib 'l hawn u l-hemm tiehux. L-ewwel jien, it-tieni jien, it-tielet jien u jekk jibqa' xi haga jien ukoll. Aghmlu li nghidilkom u taghmlux bhali. Nilghaqu l-barrni. Injassru l-Maltin.
All this divorce talk is being used to distract and alienate maltese citizens from the REAL PROBLEMS!!! This country is falling to pieces in every respect: unsustainable education, employment, employment conditions, massive national debts (so the goverment issues stocks!), unreachable energy and emission reduction targets, MEPA, etc. How to distract the public ? Very simple use divorce and anti divorce campaigns and talk about them in the papers every day!!!
Alfred Galea
Martin, Jimmy is analyzing the divorce question and telling us what might be the outcome of various scenarios....only problem is nobody cares about his ANALysis. Everybody knows what his agenda is.
James give us a break with your predictions as if blogging about the subject wasn't enough for you. By the way why use a picture of gonzi in a debating pose? Trying to land credibility to the man? Why did you not mention in your article that the hypocrite gonziPN is more predisposed towards cohabitation. gonziPN slogan: LE GHAD-IVORZJATI imma IVA GHALL-POGGUTI
DIVORCE SHOULD NOT BE DECIDED BY A REFERENDUM. The issue should be decided in Parliament with all Parliament members given a free vote. If a No vote is obtained then legislation should be passed to prohibit all Annulments and Divorce obtained overseas by residents of Malta.
Joseph Pellicano
IL profeta is at it again, Told you, that you are loosing credibility, RUBBISH ARTICLE
taf xinhu l-ahjar ghidlu lil lawrence gonzi- mizzewgin separati b'ragel jew mara ohra u bit tfal - u ta l-ewwel jibqghu jissejhu mizzewgin ? u leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee u hallina dr.lawrence gonzi ehhh meta partit plotiku jkun bicca wahda mar-religjon- il-knisja tikkma lil partit nazzjonalista u daqshekk- fl-ahhar mill-ahhar il-poplu jikmanda mhux il-politici tinsewx li kien u huwa l-poplu li jtella u jwaqqa gvern IS-SAHHA QEDGHDA F'IDEJN IL-POPLU U DAQSHEKK! JIDDECIEDI L-POPLU.
Anthony Haidon
I cannot see why this divorce business is creating such a hullabaloo, after all a practicing catholic could simply not make use of the law should it be established. On the other hand wouldn't it be better for a married couple to know exactly what getting a divorce would mean especially with regard to children, property etc.?
Alfred Galea
Jimmy's coin toss: Heads PN wins....Tails PL loses. No surprises.