Data Protection Commissioner opens investigation into anti-divorce emails

Data Protection Commissioner Joseph Ebejer has confirmed that his office is investigating the manner in which emails requesting support for the anti-divorce camp were circulated by schools administrators to teachers.

Confirming that an investigation into circulation of emails is underway, Ebejer however declined to express an opinion or comment on whether the matter constitutes a breach of Data Protection or not when.

Last week, the Teachers' Union (MUT) voiced its concern about "pressures on educators" to support the anti-divorce campaign, and claimed a breach of data protection.

The Green party Alternattiva Demokratika, had subsequently called on the Data Protection Commissioner to investigate.

According to the email, the wife of anti-divorce movement chairperson Andre Camilleri, former children’s commissioner Sonia Camilleri, had asked administrators to petition teachers to support their cause.

The claims were hotly contested by the anti-divorce movement Zwieg Bla Divorzju, who denied that it had circulated e-mails to employees at school. The movement said the e-mail was circulated by people who had asked the movement how they could support it and were told to forward their email addresses to the movement’s address.

“We have been asked by Mrs Sonia Camilleri wife of Andre Camilleri, who is leading the anti-divorce campaign in Malta to help them out by sending them an e-mail confirming that you are against divorce in Malta giving your names and also if possible your mobile nos. This is to have our e-mails addresses in their register so should they want to send out any information, updates etc. they can do so” – the email reads.

According to the MUT, reports of such incidents were received from a small number of Church Schools and from some MCAST institutes. The union it would inquire as to whether a breach of data protection had taken place. “The MUT believes that these issues are totally unrelated to work and such emails constitute an abuse of power,” the union said.

The union also instructed members to refrain from replying to the emails and to notify the MUT if such practices are going on in their school. “If members want to support any movement unrelated to the workplace they may do so on their own private initiative.”

Contacted on Friday, Ebejer confirmed that he had been alerted by the MUT on the same day that this was released, but no meeting was deemed necessary at the time.

“I had been alerted about the MUT’s press release just prior to your telephone call.  No meeting was deemed necessary.  The information required at that point (copy of the press release) was submitted to this Office by e-mail later that same day,” he said.

“Given that the matter is under investigation, at this stage, I do not feel I should express any opinion or comment on whether the sending of the messages in question constituted a breach of the Data Protection Act or not,” Ebejer confirmed.

Camilleri is a former Commissioner for children, the first ever to be appointed, and has in the past expressed herself against in vitro fertilisation in representations to the social affairs parliamentary committee.

isma Magr, ghidilna xinhuma il-valuri tieghek? inti ghalik personalment, tidhol il-ligi tad-divorzju jew ma tidholx ,x'diffrenza taghmel ghalik personalment?personalment to qed insaqsi lilek u lil dawk kolha li huma tal-fehema tieghek. kontra gay marriages law u divorce law? wiegeb halli ntik risposta -pero wiegeb personalmnet ,x'differenza taghmel lilek PERSONALMENT!!!! kull min qed jghid ma jaqbilx ma dawn il-ligijiet (li forsi jidhlu fis-sehh ghax ghandi dubi jekk jidhlux minhabbba l-indhil mahmug tal-knisja kattolika) ghax dawk min taht jahdmu l-aktar. jghidulna ghalah ma jaqblux ,izda personalment trid tkun- ma joqghodux jghidu l-hmerijiet bhal andre j.camilleri l-ewwel wiehed, meta qal ghax fil-pajjiz ikompli jizdiedu zwigijiet imkissra Sur andre j. camilleri izz-zigijiet tkissru qed jitkissru u jkomplu jitkissru mil-problemi li jinholqu matul iz-zwieg. li gieli wkll ikun diga beda qabel iz-zwieg -hemm hafna ragunijiet diversi- kulhadd ghandhu storja tieghu u differenti- mela sur andre camilleri il-verita hi li inti ma intiex tidhaddtet sewwa ghaliex inti mgieghel qieghed , ghaliex inti personalment ma nahsibx li ser taghmmillek differenza l-ligi tad-divorzju. kull min qed jghid li huwa kontra huwa GIDDIEB ir-raguni ghala giddieb fissirta kemm il-darba ara ezempju jiena favur il-ligi tad-divorzju ,ghaliex jiena nemmen li wara zwieg fallut imkisser totalment , li hlief u min jaf kemm kien hemm glied etc... dawk it tensjonijiet kollha(min garrab ikun jaf) ghnadom dritt jiddivorzjaw, ghaliex? Sabiex ikunu persuna hielsa mhux marbutin meta l-parti l-ohra tkun diga ghanda familja ohra bi tafl godda mela min huwa kontra l-ligi tad-divorzju hafna min nies huma manipulati mil-qerq tal-knisja kattolika u bhal dawk MPS li huma kontra gay mariages u kontra divorce law ,dawk huma konfoffa mal-knisja kattolika- u ma jixirqilhomx dawk il-MPs li huma fil-parlament wara li kien il-poplu li ivvutalhom sabiex jaghmel lilgi ghal poplu
The AD are clearly anti anything. they attacked the PL last week. The PL is a party of values. They take a clear stand on all the important topics unlike other parties. The AD are in favour of divorce and gay marriages. These are not values.
This paper is connecting VF and Divorce. They are notrelated but the paper sees it as being importnat to mention that Mrs Camileri opposed IVF. Why is tis paper doing this unless they are pro anything that is anti family an anti life?
HomeNewsSportsBlogsWhat's onFood & travelVideoArchivesFollow us on: Facebook Twitter Advertising rates NewspapersNationalBusinessWorldDataInterview.NATIONAL Monday, February 07, 2011 Data Protection Commissioner opens investigation into anti-divorce emails By Nestor Laiviera The Data Protection Commissioner is investigating the circulation of anti-divorce campaign emails to teachers Data Protection Commissioner Charles Ebejer has confirmed that his office is investigating the manner in which emails requesting support for the anti-divorce camp were circulated by schools administrators to teachers. Confirming that an investigation into circulation of emails is underway, Ebejer however declined to express an opinion or comment on whether the matter constitutes a breach of Data Protection or not when. Last week, the Teachers' Union (MUT) voiced its concern about "pressures on educators" to support the anti-divorce campaign, and claimed a breach of data protection. The Green party Alternattiva Demokratika, had subsequently called on the Data Protection Commissioner to investigate. According to the email, the wife of anti-divorce movement chairperson Andre Camilleri, former children’s commissioner Sonia Camilleri, had asked administrators to petition teachers to support their cause. The claims were hotly contested by the anti-divorce movement Zwieg Bla Divorzju, who denied that it had circulated e-mails to employees at school. The movement said the e-mail was circulated by people who had asked the movement how they could support it and were told to forward their email addresses to the movement’s address. “We have been asked by Mrs Sonia Camilleri wife of Andre Camilleri, who is leading the anti-divorce campaign in Malta to help them out by sending them an e-mail confirming that you are against divorce in Malta giving your names and also if possible your mobile nos. This is to have our e-mails addresses in their register so should they want to send out any information, updates etc. they can do so” – the email reads. According to the MUT, reports of such incidents were received from a small number of Church Schools and from some MCAST institutes. The union it would inquire as to whether a breach of data protection had taken place. “The MUT believes that these issues are totally unrelated to work and such emails constitute an abuse of power,” the union said. The union also instructed members to refrain from replying to the emails and to notify the MUT if such practices are going on in their school. “If members want to support any movement unrelated to the workplace they may do so on their own private initiative.” Contacted on Friday, Ebejer confirmed that he had been alerted by the MUT on the same day that this was released, but no meeting was deemed necessary at the time. “I had been alerted about the MUT’s press release just prior to your telephone call. No meeting was deemed necessary. The information required at that point (copy of the press release) was submitted to this Office by e-mail later that same day,” he said. “Given that the matter is under investigation, at this stage, I do not feel I should express any opinion or comment on whether the sending of the messages in question constituted a breach of the Data Protection Act or not,” Ebejer confirmed. Camilleri is a former Commissioner for children, the first ever to be appointed, and has in the past expressed herself against in vitro fertilisation in representations to the social affairs parliamentary committee. PrintSHARE Have your say Click to submit your comment on this article Readers Comments 4 comments Post new comment Your name: Magr Comment: * CAPTCHAThis question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. Math question: * 14 + 3 = Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4. Submitted on Tue, 02/08/2011 - 09:25. *new What a waste of time. The teachers Union have upset many with their antics. how childish, maybe this really is an apt word for the Union. We live in the 21st century, are they trying to censor the pro-marriage people? They should have never got embrpoiled in this. I smell a rat in the Union
What a waste of time. The teachers Union have upset many with their antics. how childish, maybe this really is an apt word for the Union. We live in the 21st century, are they trying to censor the pro-marriage people They should have never got embrpoiled in this. I smell a rat in the Union.
@ X-Man: The email itself is all the evidence that is required. All that needs to be established by the Commissioner for Data Protection is whether there was any breach of data protection law. Other issues (such as whether there was abuse of power or intimidation) do not fall under the remit of the Data Protection Commissioner.
It seems the DPC only investigates high profile cases. At least that is the impression it gives when responding to such high profile cases, while not even acknowledging personal matters us citizens may bring up.