Gonzi caught by surprise on MT revelation, says 'may back PL motion for referendum'

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has shelved his own party's resolution on divorce which was agreed last Saturday, and surprisingly reacted to news revealed by MaltaToday and announced that: “should the Opposition move a parliamentary motion calling for a referendum on divorce, PN MPs would be granted a free vote to take their own decision.” 

At the end of this morning's Cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi issued a surprise statement reacting to MaltaToday that revealed that Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat is tonight expected to present a motion in parliament to counter a PN resolution that effectively kills the possibility of a referendum on divorce.

The statement said that “should the Opposition move a motion in Parliament calling for a referendum on divorce, PN MPs would be granted a free vote to take their own decision.”

It added that, “ if there was agreement on the question to be asked in the referendum, the Prime Minister would back such a motion in line with his position in favour of a referendum.”

The statement was issued in reply to a number of questions the party has received from the media on the matter, but also revealed a series of political contradictions following last Saturday’s PN resolution and statements made by Prime Minister and party leader Lawrence Gonzi.

The confirmed PN resolution had stressed that “a referendum would be held only if the bill for the introduction of divorce was approved by Parliament.”

"My position in favour of holding the referendum is consistent since no party has a mandate to introduce divorce," Lawrence Gonzi said in his surprise statement.

"If the Opposition, which was against the holding of a referendum, is now changing its position and wants a referendum instead of the Bill moved by Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Evarist Bartolo, I will grant a free vote on this motion too,"  the Prime Minister said.

He added: “If the motion for the holding of a referendum includes a clear, specific and reasonable question to be asked in the referendum, I will vote in favour of it, so that, as I have consistently said, the decision will be taken by the people. However my position and that of the party remains against divorce."

labour had alfred sant as a shity problem pn have gonzi fuckd up
You are all ignoring one thing. In his motion, Joseph Muscat proposes that no funds (no funds at all) must be used by either party in the coming referendum. Muscat should be applauded on this financial aspect of the whole matter. The national economy is in such dire straits that it can hardly afford wasting money on such matters. Good. We look forward to further wise motions coming from the Leader of the Opposition.
@ john Vellla. Through the referendum, Parliament will be consulting the public. The referendum will decide nothing at all. Parliament will then debate and reach its own decision. As an example, Parliament may consider a 30% vote in favour of divorce legslation as sufficient support to pass the divorce legislation so that the 70% majority will not trampel on the rights of a minority, a basic tenent of democracy.
@john Vella, Your assumptions are based on what you think and not on facts. Lets wait for the Referendum results and will look for your comments then. In the mean time I wish you happy dreams. regards
Allura jekk id-divorzju ma jigiex approvat b'referendum kif joseph muscat ser izomm kelmtu u jaghti free vote lid-deputati laburisti. Erhilna joseph u toqghodx tghaddina ta tfall.
Joseph Sant
Gonzi had no choice but to come out with this yet another U-turn. He knew he would lose the vote on an Opposition motion asking for a referendum. This is a combination of opportunism and crisis management - what a shambles of a government! If it weren't so tragic it would be hilarious.
Divorce should be decided by Parliament and not by referendum. This is an individual right belonging to everybody. I think that the idea of referendum should be abandoned. it today there isn't a majority in Parliment, it could be overturned in the next Parliament after the elections. It would not make sense to hold another referendum in two years time should divorce be rejected in a referendum this year, but a parliamentary vote is feasible. Remember we are not the EU which forced the Irish to hold another referendum when it did not like the outcome of the first one.
I don't think Gonzi has a clue what he wants to be honest. He's running around like a headless chicken changing his position every day. If divorce is introduced in Malta or not it should be the will of the people, not the Government and certainly not the Church.
who says we are a secular state? As far as I know only one faith is taught in schools and that is the Catholic religion. It's written in the constitution of Malta. However just like one P N member of Parliament said ' its not up to me to impose my beliefs on others' and as such cannot restrict someone else to seek a divorce. Present anomalies exist where one can go abroad and get a divorce and remarry again in Malta. How can one reconcile his conscience to that situation?
GONZIPN and their propaganda machine is running full speed ahead in order to retain some of GONZI's credential's. They are trying to sell that Dr.Joseph Muscat was all against a referendum on divorce. What was said back then by Dr.Joseph Muscat has nothing to do with the motion being presented this evening. The motion is asking the parliament to vote for or against a referendum asking the people what is preferred by them, either a YES or a NO. This is very different from legislating a Divorce bill in Parliament. Something that would be done by Dr.Muscat if the majority of votes from the referendum would say YES. This is when what Dr.Muscat said way back in 2009 that he will legislate in parliament for a divorce law. This after he would then have a popular mandate to do so.
Pauline Moran
Dawn kollha teatrini ta Gonzi. Il PN jipreferi jsejjah elezjoni generali bikrija li jaf li ser jitlef milli jitnizzel fl-istorja li jkun dahhal il ligi tad divorzju! Il PN huwa 'il boyfriend leali' tal Knisja Katollika li hi 'taparsi vergni'! ...Read between the lines, folks! IVA ghad DIVORZJU. LE ghal IPOKRITI!
The PL attitude seems to be very wise. A parliamentary vote has to be avoided. Why? Because in a true democracy the public should vote. It makes great sense to involve the public, rather than have MPs deciding for the public! Again divorce is something individual that should have nothing to do with politics in a secular state!
Look here all. JPO made a big mess when he went behiond everyone's back and proposed the law. Now he is claiming that the PM is undemocratic and threatens that because of his big mess, the PN will lose votes. What he is saying is, I choose what mess we are in, when I am happy, then I will tell you all that you are in a mess if you don't accept MY mess JPO has thrown all of pour politicians into a spin for his own selfish place in the limelight. I voted for him last time, now, his is a persona non grata as far as my miserable vote goes.
The prime minister is not being serious about his principles at all. If you commit yourself to an ideal and principle, you cannot next day change your principle. This attitude will create big problems to the PN. The prime minister needs to get real and concentrate on the real problems looming in the country which are: inefficiency, unemployment, over spending in certain areas, big debts and the environment. These are the real issues and not hot air talk about divorce!
Gonzi is playing a very dangerous game only because he is faced by an opposition that is so eager to Govern, they will make friends with God and the Devil if they can. This is a catch all votes approach that worked for the Zapatero Government but that then makes Governing impossible as some point, the PL will have to take a stand on other issues that the progressives seem to favour, such as gay marriages, abortion etc. They will, if the win in 2013, have a term to make as many liberal changes as possible before they will no doubt, be voted out of office in the following term. The problem is the damage would have by then been done. I envisage a coalition between ADS and PN with a one seat minority government for PL. Fun times ahead.
NO doubt the problem with t all is the way that JPO took everyone for a ride and presented this motion without any consultation. He is as unpopular wit the PL as he is also with the PN. He has proverbially, burnt his own house down and left himself nowhere to run to for shelter. The confusion that has dominated this country since he presented this bill has handicapped government and thrown everyone into a whirl. The emotions that run so high are all so useless as they will get all of us nowhere very quickly. I am concerned about the political mess we will be in once the smoke has settled. The PL have spent the last years not taking any position on any real issue of consequence. They may indeed even win the next elections but I cannot, for the life of me, see how they can ever govern with such a policy.
The Malta today have a nasty habit of blowing their own trumpet. I doubt very much that in his decision, the PM considered what the MT imagined they had revealed. Gonzi’s is tactful and wise move. The ball falls back on the PL who are desperate to avoid a parliamentary vote and just go for a referendum. The PL wants a risk free ride. This is part of their so called progressive, don’t make waves be friends with the devil and God at the same time attitude. They have not taken a position on divorce because it does not pay them to admit to the electorate that they back divorce. The truth is they are afraid that it will cost them their own conservative support base in exchange for the traditional PN liberals block. The issue is what is termed politically as ‘intensive’ in other words, like other issues, such as for example, abortion, people are very willing to switch political support on this matter and both the PN and the PL know it. So before the MT or anyone has an orgasm over this, consider the real game that is going on here. The matter has to be politicized as no side is willing to lose an election over it. As a result, the motion will fail.
Din id-darba l-istudent dawru wahda zugraga lis-surmast. Wara l-laqgha ta nhar is-Sibt tal-konklavi tal-GONZIPN harget staqarrija li referendum BISS fuq id-divorzju jekk tigi approvata fil-parlament il-mozzjoni ta JPO + EB. Wasal itt-Tnejn f'nofs in-nhar u kollox ta taht fuq. Vera par idejn sodi. Roghda wahda imma trid tghid. Kemm ghaggel kiber Joseph madoffi. Gonzi hasbu li mohhu vojt. Kif tista' tmexxi pajjiz b'dawn il-kummiedji kollha.
Where has Gonzi of the fabled 'Par idejn sodi' gone. He keeps making U-turns by the day simply to hang on to the seat of power. And the PN had the gall yesterday to call the PL as a party of convenience.
Ezempju iehor ta' Oppozizzjoni Laburista soda u fuq l-attakk!! Hekk ghandu jkun... dan huwa ezempju iehor ta' kemm Gonzi qed jitlef il-maggoranza tieghu naqra naqra... huwa Gvern li qed jidhol fi krizi wahda wara l-ohra... hasra li ghadu ma tilifx il-maggoranza parlamentari tieghu!!
A wise move by the PL group. My level of confidence in the PL leadership is somewhat restored. I know this island is famous for its roundabouts and churches, but hey Gonz, this last turn seems to be for the worse!! How can the PM of Malta say one thing, mean another, and then try and twist and turn the very meaning of what he actually said in the first place. I guess the best quote for this divorce debate as presented by the PN+PBO et al would be: Divorce=rollercoaster ride - the journey with a lot of twists and turns in the middle!!, please note: No thrills attached!
Should you tube Gonzi's u turns the rest of Europe will find it hilarious..It is if your not living in it .