Muscat refuses Gonzi proposal for referendum 'on divorce' rather than on bill

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has proposed to Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat for a referendum that proposes the generic question to people of whether they agree with divorce or not, rather than voting on the divorce law itself.

The proposal was made during a short meeting the Prime Minister had in his office in Parliament with Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat, as MPs await a ruling to be delivered by Speaker Michael Frendo over a call for a vote in the House to decide on tomorrow's agenda, which includes a debate on Labour's motion that calls for a referendum on divorce.

Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat has turned down the Prime Minister's proposal and stressed that the referendum should be responsible and keep to the main elements of the bill.

Informed sources said that the Prime Minister has also engaged a mediator to seek a compromise with MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, who in turn has refused to accept the proposal.

The call for a vote was made following an earlier ruling by the Speaker that rejected another call by Labour Whip Joe Mizzi for the debate on the holding of a divorce referendum to be held in the House tomorrow.

He said that since no agreement on the date of the debate had been reached at a meeting of the House Business Committee, he was calling for the House to discuss the motion tomorrow, which, in terms of standing orders, is the day reserved for private business.

He accused the government of “obstructing” and said that there was a clear majority in the House in favour of holding the debate tomorrow.

I have two questions for all Maltese: Is this the new way of doing politics that the Maltese electorate was promised when Gonzi became Prime Minister in 2004? Is it for the manner that Gonzi has taken these last few decisions that Eddie Fenech Adami, last month commented that he admires the way Gonzi is administering?
Jeffrey, inti taf li Malta qeghda f'inkwiet kbir. Ghax ma tkunx patrijot u tivvota kontra l-gvern halli jaqa' u jkollna elezzjoni ohra u nehilsu mill-gvern prezenti li ser joqtol hafna nies bil-guh?
Pauline Moran
Gonz, people will remember you by the guts you had of facing the big picture. If you are a true leader and not a puppet in the hands of your MP's then do the thing whih will give you the most plausabile exit.... ....Call a General Election!....There is only ONE WAY OUT from this honorable exit.
UTURN ohra min Gonzi! Jista jibqa dal-Gvern?DrGonzi qabel il-Baġit 2010 ghamel surcharge ta 195% fil-Ilma u fl-Elettriku u nehha is sussidju li kien jaghti fuq il kontijiet tad dawl u ilma. Kellna żieda drastika fil-liċenzji tal-karozzi li qed jiżdiedu kull sena sakemm il karozza taghlaq dsatax il sena, segwit minn żieda drastika ......fil-ċilindri tal-gass . F'dan il-baġit il-Gvern għamel żieda drastika fis sijsa fuq fuel,fl- alkoħol, Sigaretti, u minflok ma ta il-vawċers tal-enerġija huwa nehha dawn il-vouchers li jammontaw għal 11million fis-sena. Il-gvern għamel ukoll xerrej li ha jixtri ghal ewwel darba propjeta jbati l-aktar biż-żieda drastika fit-Tariffi tal- MEPA segwit minn żieda drastika fil-Siment li żgur se jżidu l-prezzijiet tal-proprjetà fis suq. Wara L-budget kellna zieda fic cilindri tal gas, rega ghola l-fjuwil, gholiet il bolla ghal min jaqbad 1600eur. Il-Ministri inghataw zieda blura ta Eur500 fil gimgha bil mohbi f’allowances dirett mil minestri mhux mil budget allokati lill-Kamra tad-Deputati. Il-Prim Ministru hajagħmel Parlament ġdid u teatru bla saqaf li ha jiswina 100 miljun. Ajhar naqqas it taxxi min fun in negozjanti biex jaqtalom naqa l-ispejjez b'hekk jin...centiva lil haddiem.L-Gvern ha jintroduci "Second Pillar Pension" is-sena diehla jigifieri jkonna tnaqqis obligatorju fil-pagi taghna ghax tghola iktar il-bolla dan habbara il-gvern. Qabad ma tat- taxi, tat- tarzna,tal linja, tal- Karrozzini, tal-coaches, tal minibuses, tal-AirMalta, tal- gabbani,ma zamx kelmtu fuq tal GO ghax ha jkeccu 350 ruh ohra! Tas solar panels kellhom bilfors jlestu kollox fgimgha ta sena xoghol. Kif tista tivvota PN ? Vera jgib l-investiment imma lkumpanija li jigu kollha bicciet tal pagi jghatu hu mill Mufthansa technik,Sr Technik, L-Arriva ha tati lm75 ta 45siegha u minnhom trid taqta it taxxi! Inti ha terga tivvota PN? Jiena LE ZGUR
flimkien kollox possibli uzgur. meta jkollok l-ghola istittuzjoni tal pajjiz idettata bil mod kif qed jiddetaha dan il gvern tirran. iva flimkien kollox possibli. laqwa li npoggu il min jaqblina speaker hali jivotta kif jaqbel lilna.
I would say that the only way out for Gonzi is to call a General Election and set the date for April 12th :) Iva Flimkien Kollox Possibbli ......
Correction sorry Joseph.
This shows who's leading politics today. What a difference when comparing leaders. Issa se nibdew nghidu ibdlu l-Josehp biex tirbhu ?? I'd say ibdlu lil Lawrenc u titlfu b'mod dinjituz.
gonzi qed jikteb ktieb gdid- il-kama sutra tad-divorzju - daqskemm ilu jbiddel pozizzjonijiet
Gonzi is between a rock and a hard place and he does not have the gusts to do what Sant did when he was in a similar position. That is what distinguishes real politicians from bigots who are just interested in their seat in parliament.
carmel duca
How can people be expected to vote if they don't know exactly what it is they're voting on? Example: if the EU referendum of 2003 were held the same way Gonzi now proposes with the divorce issue, people would have been asked whether they agreed with EU membership 'in principle'... regardless of the negotiated conditions!
So the PM went crawling to the Opposition leader? It seems Joseph has the upper hand and is pretty much in control of the situation. Quite an interesting scenario. For a good stretch of period the PN always gave the impression that they were the natural party to govern. Today this has change - the PN resembles a motley crew at best composed of bullies, cheaters, Religious right and hysterical persons threatening other individuals. The PL has to come forward as a strong alternatives, able to govern for more than one term. It has the opportunity to bring back the progressive era back when the minimum wage, civil marriage were introduced and lifting many out of poverty by making a welfare state that works and goes straight to the problem and not becoming the problem itself.
Gonzi has lost the plot. And he knows it. There's only one way out: RESIGN NOW.
Joseph Sant
Helu l-boy! I never thought I would live to see such arrogance. Dear Prime Minister please understand that the more you say the more fool you make of yourself. Hope you see the light and take the honourable way out.
this government is finished. actually events have overtaken it.
Do you agree to divorce YES / NO Is this the question the PM is reported to have in mind? Where are all the those who commented about having more detailed info prior to the Referendum. Is this for real ?? It's unbelievable.