Labour calls for motion debate on Tuesday as PM Gonzi summons MPs to Castille

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi spent most of Thursday meeting his MPs individually in bid to find the way forward on the referendum impasse.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi  reportedly discussed the current situation on his bench in Parliament and sought consensus on the decisions he was to take..

Among those summoned was divorce bill promoter Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

Emerging from the meeting, Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando told this newspaper that he had had “a frank discussion” with the Prime Minister “on divorce”.

He would not reveal any details of his discussion. “I have no intention of bringing down the government or threaten its stability. We are only talking about introducing divorce in Malta,” Pullicino Orlando said.

The backbencher has expressed support with a Labour motion to hold a referendum. After opposition from Leader of the House Tonio Borg to have the motion debated, Prime Ministe Lawrence Gonzi yesterday evening said he would like to see the motion debated next week.

Now he is reportedly discussing with MPs on the course of action he wishes to take after the week was dominated with a series of U-turns from the Nationalist side.

Asked to comment on reports that the Prime Minister has proposed to Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat that that the referendum question would be brought down to a simple 'Yes' or 'No' Pullicino Orlando stressed that he is totally against such a question.

"Should that be the case I will campaign for a 'NO' as it would practically be giving any government a blank cheque to introduce a Las Vegas style of divorce, whereas the bill before Parliament prevents such a thing."

On Saturday the PN executive and parliamentary group voted in favour of an anti-divorce stand. Gonzi said MPs had a free vote on the divorce bill proposed by backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

But the PN’s resolution also called for a referendum to be held only if the bill is passed through parliament. Gonzi said that while he would against the bill, he hoped the people would vote in a referendum on divorce.

The stand conflicted with his first declaration on the matter, when the bill was presented, when he said that the introduction of divorce should be done by referendum.

Then on Monday, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat presented a motion for both sides of the House to decide on a referendum question on divorce. On Tuesday the two sides locked horns to decide a date on the debate, first within the house business committee, then for the plenary.

Speaker Michael Frendo turned down the Opposition’s request for the motion to be debated this week. Then Pullicino Orlando stated he would back the Opposition’s motion for a referendum. Later, Gonzi held a private meeting with Joseph Muscat where he proposed a referendum question that would simply ask the electorate whether it agreed with divorce or not.

Later in the evening, Labour issued a statement proclaiming that its motion had the support of the majority of the House, and accused Gonzi of resorting to delaying tactics to avoid an embarrassing showdown.

Finally yesterday evening, Gonzi once again dramatically changed tack when he announced that he was ready to hold a debate on the Labour motion in the coming week.

Pauline Moran
Ermm...I think I'll GO for the (b.) answer. Kompli dahhak lid dinja bik Gonz u lilna mieghek....l-aqwa li nibqaw inkollati mal poter Gonz...Mhux hekk! Thobbuha lil Malta vera ta'...ghax svergnajtuha min kull rizors li kellha! it tfal tat tfal taghna ser jibqghaw jiftakru fikhom f'talbhom xi darba...Komplu dahku lil generazzjonijiet bikhom. Dak Track Record!!!
Sometimes I think that JPO is pulling soneone's legs. I wonder whose legs he is pulling.
Pauline Moran
Gonz, let me suggest you an ideal question to put forward to the public in a Referendum on the implemantation of a Divorce Law in Malta. TIXTIEQU a. LI NIBQGHU NGHIXU FIL MEDJU EVU MINGHAJR ID DRITT TAD DIVORZJU JEW b.TIXTIEQU LI NAGHJJAT ELEZJONI GENERALI BIKRIJA? a.___________________ b.____________________
The question should be very simple: DO YOU WANT TO RUN YOUR OWN LIFE OR DO YOU WANT THE CHURCH TO DO IT FOR YOU? Could it be simpler?
Jeffrey, jekk ikun hemm bzonn twaqqa l-gvern, waqqghu. Hafna Maltin u Ghawdxin jibqghulek obligati u fl-istess hin ma tippermettix li nkomplu nigu maghffgin aktar milli ahna. Malta qeghda issofri minhabba decizzjonijiet irresponsabbli li qed tiehu din l-amministazzjoni li ghandha wiccha bla zejt. Kun l-eroj ghal hafna - ivvota kontra l-gvern - waqqghu halli jkollna elezzjoni ma ndumux.
Kevin Schembri
What's with the jeans JPO? There's a time and place......after all, it was a meeting with the Prime Minister. Suggest he pulls the plug on his recent sartorial revamp and focuses more on the job at hand.
Mark Fenech
JPO now is the time to show that you really follow with actions yours words. Do not bend to the pressures being made on you. Let the people decide in a referendum with a clear question like the one you and Hon. Evarist Bartolo has proposed. On this divorse issue our Archbishop and Bishop of Gozo should tell the priests, monks, nuns, tal-Mużew, that this is not a matter they should get involved in, and they should not even go to vote in a referendum.
to the prime Minister of the maltese islands, Dr.Lawrence Gonzi: according to your personal conscious, when a couple seperates by law, and the woman goes to live with another man and they start a new family with kids, So According to your conscious, you will still call that man , married to that woman? is that not an insult to those men and women? how can legally they cannot divorce when things are like that. if people did not pass from these things ,they don't understands the way that these people do.. also the hypocrites who says God bla bla bla just talks from the asshole.. this is a very serious matter. what if minister this happened to you , with all respect or to your loved ones? maybe you do like edward eddie fenech adami get 3 marriage anullments ,3 incredible from same family....
Very Important Link!
Joseph Sant
Ah John J - you not only pontificate but have to do it twice over to make your point! Kindly point me to the debate on abortion which you suggest will imminently be legalised... at least point to to where and when Mr Pullicino Orlando has as much as mentioned abortion. Thank you in advance.
Pauline Moran
@John.J, ...the HUGE MESS you mention is already responsabile for it your own fragile Government due to his inability to tackle the growing numbers of separtions. Divorce is the answer to an orderly family status. Co-habitation is just an extension of the excisting problem! And lets not mention all the huge messes that your really sensitive party in government had made because otherwise I need to take a permission from MaltaToday to reserve a whole day only for me to write them all down in thier comments section.
Well, as has happened everywhere divorce like abortion are introduced . They are firstly legalized in so called restricted circumstances. They are packaged as being ‘responsible’ so we can all pat ourselves on the back and pretend that we are acting in a just manner. Gradually however, these laws are then expanded to include an ever increasing range of other ‘exceptions’ until they evolve into no fault divorce and abortion on demand. Once in, Jeffrey, you will be responsible, for the very Las Vegas attitude you pretend to detest. Sadly, you are playing a very dishonest game with people’s lives. This will all end up in a huge mess.
Well, as has happened everywhere divorce like abortion are introduced . They are firstly legalized in so called restricted circumstances. They are packaged as being ‘responsible’ so we can all pat ourselves on the back and pretend that we are acting in a just manner. Gradually however, these laws are then expanded to include an ever increasing range of other ‘exceptions’ until they evolve into no fault divorce and abortion on demand. Once in, Jeffrey, you will be responsible, for the very Las Vegas attitude you pretend to detest. Sadly, you are playing a very dishonest game with people’s lives. This will all end up in a huge mess.
Dr Pullicono Orlando I admire you for the stance you have taken todate. But this time round, when it comes to the crooks, you have to stand firm and be counted!
Luke Camilleri
Time for some home visits with Kate.......
Pauline Moran
Jeffrey jahasra kull darba tghid li ma tridx twaqqa lil dan il Gvern. Dan x'argument hu? Inti taf li dawn diga warbuk poltikament u personalment mil partit Nazzjonalista u mix xejn politika Maltija? Dawn just qed juzawk (ghax ghandhom bzonn il vot tieghek biss u xejn aktar) sa l-elezzjoni li gejja u mbaghad addio per sempre! Jeff, din mhux kwistjoni ta' twaqqa jew ma twaqqax lil Gvern din kwistjoni ta dritt civili li l-partit tieghek ma jridx li jidhol. Kieku hemm mezz biex inehhuk ghalihom diga fajruk min hemm ghax jafu li bik ghandhom xewka fil parlament. Dan kollu loghob Jeff. Jew man nies jew kontra taghhom. In nies id drittijiet taghhom jridu mhux teatrini kuljum ghax qed jibza li jaqa mil poter. Jekk hemm bzonn li jaqa minhabba li jinnega id dittijiet taghna, allura iva hemm bzonn li jaqa! Dak l-argument Jeff. B'rispett.
Danny Attard I agree, but how on earth can anyone by any twist of the imagination understand the reasoning that you have highlighted regarding Gonzi and his backers no to divorce but yes to cohabitation?
Referendum question YES or NO? What's the meaning? I know, all sensible voters including me would vote for NO. Mr.PM who do you think you are? Who's giving you such suggestions? I heard you speak many times re this divorce referendum and you had always said that the question asked is of vital importance and you needed to study it very closely. Is that it YES or NO ??? Ahh another U turn sort of. This is the time. Courage be with you Mr.PM. Call it a day.Trow in your towel. If you so much believe in the good you’ve done to this country, you shouldn't be afraid to reconfirm your premiership. As for the financing of the Election I suggest you shelve the Gozo Tunnel for after the Election. We're only talking months here.
JPO must resist. One can not afford to give this Government a blank option. In my opinion this Government would do anything in its power to preserve its power. I mean how can one explain the behaviour of a Government with an anti-divorce stand but a pro-cohabitation policy? We need a sensible divorce legislation that is the best for us. Governent must be tied to responsible parameters. We might end up with a las vegas type of legislation if that siuted the power ambitions of this Government.
The Bidnija Witch (who complains of stalkers by way of concealing her disappointment at not having ever been stalked by anybody) is already urging her fellow JPO constituents to do a mea culpa. JPO has certainly lost the Witch's support with all that it entails, u mistaghgbin how happy he is about it.
Isabelle Borg
Jaqaw fid-dinja ser inkunu l-ewwel pajjiz li ser indahhlu id-divorzju? Il-kummiedja tkompli tikber.