Gonzi blames Muscat: PL referendum motion killed debate on divorce bill

PM says Muscat chose referendum route and that no debate in parliament will take place on divorce bill. ‘I would have preferred Irish way’ – Gonzi.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has claimed the ‘original law for the introduction of divorce “has failed” and that the Opposition does not have enough MPs to back the law.

“It is a fact that the original failed in parliament, because if there was a majority for this law in parliament… we would have held a debate on that law. The fact that the Opposition leader chose to abandon this law means he has no majority and chose a new road, the referendum, which is very different from his original position,” he told in comments to The Times.

Gonzi, who said he would vote against a divorce law even when his party said a referendum should be held only if MPs pass a divorce law, said the idea to hold a referendum had been their aim from the start. “That is why we wanted to hold a referendum if the law passes.”

Gonzi also said Muscat’s motion on Monday to hold a referendum had “killed the debate” on Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s and Evarist Bartolo’s divorce bill. “Once the bill was shelved, that means that we won’t be debating the law until the referendum date in parliament.”

In his comments, the prime minister insisted that the divorce bill has now been “discarded”, because the original procedure was to discuss the bill but the Labour motion had bypassed that process.

“The law did not have the majority of MPs behind it,” Gonzi said, even though no parliamentary vote was ever taken on the bill.

“The position to allow the people to vote on a referendum was our original position, but not Labour’s. When the PL realised it did not have the majority of MPs behind divorce, it chose to abandon the law.

“I would have preferred to do the same as the Irish had done, having a clear Bill that people understand what it is, and then go to vote on it in a referendum,” Gonzi said.

The prime minister said he wants to agree on a date and question with Joseph Muscat. “I think we don’t need to argue on procedure… on substance yes, I am against divorce and he is in favour.”

Gonzi wants a referendum question that asks people whether or not they agreed on the introduction of divorce. This last proposal has already been rejected by Joseph Muscat who has so far stuck to the questions listed in a Labour motion, which asks people to vote on the law itself; and by Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando who stressed that he stressed that he is totally against such a question.

Dr gonzi you have descredited yourself too many times by now, nobody gives a cent about what you say, you are as credible as a story from the 1001 arabian nights.
Dr Gonzi knows that as regards the divorce issue he is in a tight Catch 22 situation and so he is trying to out manoeuvre Dr Muscat. Obviously he wants a generic because strategically it better suits his purpose. Now we have to wait and see if Dr Muscat dances to his tune.
Gecko Gonzi' face and his bottom are the same. Ha nghid wahda bil-Mati wkoll. Il-kabura milli jkollha taghtik.
Mark Fenech
Iva kif sar dejjem hu ghandu ragun, u haddiehor ghandu tort. Hallina trid, mela hsieb li dan huwa pajjiż kollu bħanan jew? Inti u l-Prim Ministru l-ieħor li ghandkom tort u xejn aktar, għax l-anqas biss qatt ma kellek maggoranza f'din il-leġiżlazzjoni u trid dejjem tgħaddi taghkom.
Ghal GonziPaiN li hawn Maltin li z-zwieg taghhom falla u li qedin ibatu hija biss persezzjoni.
Luke Camilleri
If you blame others for your failures, do you credit them with your "success"?
.... taking a look at what is going on seems like we ARE doing it the Irish way after all,.... holding discussion in a pub after a few pints !!! .... on the other hand,... Dear PM, get an electoral mandate and feel free to discuss to your hearts content,... if anything one may then try to justify one's hefty wage increase.
Patricia Marsh
Gonzi does not want labour to re-write Maltese history but it is ok for him to re-write Irish History. The most pathetic Prime Minister Malta ever had! Thanks Lawrence, at least iddahaqna ftit kultant.
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Very important clip! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkyJeF58-JY
How can anyone think children born 'out of wedlock' that is as a result of parties cohabiting, is in the best interest of these children? How can anyone think that it is in the best interest of cohabiting couples not to marry when their former relationship has broken down irretrievably. Imagine a husband and wife, separating after a year or two and having no children. One of them marries, enters into a cohabiting relationship for a number of years and has children. How can this be in their interest? This is all about continuing the fiction that Malta is a Catholic country. This fiction is maintained by ignoring those who do not identify as Catholic or lead lives that are not 'moral' from a Catholic point of view. To hear politicians like Gonzi and Marie Louise Coleiro Preca acrry on the way they do is humiliating - humiliating to us Maltese.
I am really surprised how could Gonzi be so superficial in his comments about the “Irish way” considering that as Prime Minister he has support and advice from thousands of competent officials within the Civil Service. This is more striking when one takes into consideration the fact that Gonzi, barely two months ago, called Joseph Muscat superficial, even though he knows that the leader of the opposition does not benefit from similar support from government departments.
Dear Prime Minister, When you are in a hole you stop digging. Cheers.
The referendum question should be clear to distinguish the 2 choices. Do you vote for a civil law granting divorce to ensure the responsibilities of marriage? OR Do you uphold annulment declaring marriage non existent and children bastards?
Have you noticed? GONZI is writing a new Kama Sutra on Divorce. So many different positions.
Min kien li qal li jekk nidhlu fl'Unjoni Ewropea, ikolna pajjiz genna tal-art, ligijiet gusti u pajjiz Demokratiku,il P.N. Il poplu issa nduna li l'P.N.dahak bih, ghax jaf kif gholla kollox, jaf kemm gab xoghol u kif faqa' l-bwiet ta'kullhadd. Din id-darba mhux se jirnexxilu jerga jidhak bil-poplu u ghalhekk se jivvota IVA GHAD-DEVORZJU.
Luke Camilleri
Ppreferring the ed Irish way, you are just giving the Maltese the "Greek Way"...and being a sure pain doing it!
Give us all a break Gonzi and walk away please Enough is enough .
Pauline Moran
...Wenz min jaf x'jidhak bik Ganni min Brussel bhalissa jarak f'din is-sitwazzjoni tal biki minhabba semplici dritt civili. Dak kont taf jekk kienx kontra jew favur id-divorzju? Xi haga hekk ried Ganni biex taghmillu l-gurnata. Min jaf x'jorok idejh bilqeghda paxxut fuq xi skrivanija kbira tal kewba, bhal ta' siehbek l-ispeaker, jissipja xi grokk Jack Daniels on the rocks. Qisni qed nisima l-eku ta' lehnu jghajjat min Brussel ) ) ) ) )... ' Kompli ghaffeg Wenz'!!!!!!...Ha ha ha ha Malajr hlist minnu Wenz lil dak. Nahseb li hu heles minnek u minn dawn il kummiedji kollha. Ghamilt bargain Wenz!
Others lead, Gonzi follows.
Every day that passes is showing that the PM is now past his sell-by date and should retire from politics to enjoy the rest of his life with his family. He's bungled this important topic from day one, more concerned about appeasing his colleagues and satisfying his egoistic religious bigotry than actually seeing that the will of the people - whatever it is - is tested in a referendum. You've let yourself and all level-headed people down Dr Gonzi!
Tajba din, kieku għamdu maġġoranza Gonzi ma jmurx il-parlament u tgħaddi tiegħu bħal ma jiġri kważi dejjem. U mhux hu kien li ried il-poplu jiddeċiedi għax ma għandux mandat. Ħela jum sħieħ jiddiskuti ma sħabu, biex kollox sarlu suf l-għada.
We have now to relax and enjoy the 'kutrumbajsi' and 'U turns' from now till the referendum, most probable Dr. Gonzi will find many a scapgoat for not to loose a vote in parliament. HE can only fool himself on this issue. HE was never a leader, tried to govern on the same pattern as his predecessor but failed. HIS days are numbered for sure HE will loose the next election and resign from PN leader or will get the same medicine as Dr. Borg Olivier in the 70's got.............
Gonzi aborted the referendum which would have given a say to people's feelings. 'Qalbu tahraq ghar-referendum'! It does not concern me much,- I am happily married for 30 years- but those of you who want a second chance in life, remember that Dr Gonzi wants you to continue to be miserable. Vera il-Partit tal- LE; altru milli Partit Liberali bhal ma tippprova tbellalna il-blogger tal-Bidnija u l-akkolti taghha!
Pauline Moran
Iva Wenz, l -"Irish Way" togghbok, habib? Bhal siehbek mela li kien tat Turizmu. ...Mela lesti ruhek ta, ghax kollox minn wara gej, Wenz! Dik jghidula 'Irish Way'! Jahasra kemm teatrini biex indahhlu semplici ligi civili. Mur giebek tkun President ta'Amerika, Wenz. Hemmhekk malajr taghmilhom it teatrini ghax jgholluk bl-American Way.
The Divorce Bill that was presented in Parliament, which is going to be decided next May in a referendum, only allows couples who have lived apart for four years out of the last five to apply. Their lawyer has to certify that they have done everything possible to reconcile and the magistrate will have to ensure that ...the children and stay-at-home spouse are adequately taken care of. Do you agree with this Divorce Bill? Possible Referendum in April! Jiena IVA ghaz zwieg IVA ghad divorzju inti? Xinhi l-opinjoni taghkom hbieb? The prime minister said he wants to agree on a date and question with Joseph Muscat. “I think we don’t need to argue on procedure… on substance yes, I am against divorce and he is in favour.”
Joseph Sant
Oh, and by the way, I've heard Dr Gonzi has been invited by the University of Dublin to write the history of Ireland - the same way he wants to write the history of Malta.
Joseph Sant
This one I am going to have to say in Maltese - so much would be lost in translation. Dan Gonzi wiccu w sormu xorta!
Mistosija IVA jew LE tistaqiha jekk toffri li xi hadd xi pastizz jew pasta. Anke jekk xi hadd joffrilek impjieg mieghu wkoll tkun trid taf x'inhuma l-kundizzjonijiet qabe tghid IVA jew LE. Ghalhekk ukoll il-partiti jaghmlu l-manifest elettorali biex l-elettur jiddiciedi jivvutax lil dak il-partit jew lill-iehor fuq il-manifest u mhux IVA jew LE irridek jew ma rridekx. Il-poplu jrid ikun jaf ghaliex se jivvuta IVA jew jekk iridx jivvuta LE. Dr Gonzi il-poplu Malti ilu li hareg mill-era ta’ zijuk meta kien ivvinta d-dnub il-mejjet minkejja li ghalhemm trid tmexxih lill-poplu.
With public opinion on the issue shifting, the government held a second referendum on the ban in 1995. This passed by 818,842 votes to 809,728, after a recount, bringing about the 15th Amendment to the Constitution, which replaced article 41.3.2. (Kieran Wood & Paul O'Shea, DIVORCE IN IRELAND 10-15 (1997).) Irish courts may now grant a dissolution of marriage without proof of fault or incapacity, but only when the spouses have lived apart from each other for at least four years. The parties must also show that there is no reasonable prospect of reconciliation and that adequate provisions have been made for any children. (Ir. CONST., 1937, Department of the Taoiseach, http://www.taoiseach.gov.ie/upload/static/256.htm (last visited July 1, 2010).) February 1997 saw the Family Law (Divorce) Act, 1996 come into effect, setting out the practical aspects of decrees of divorce from the Circuit or High Court. (Family Law (Divorce) Act, 1996, IRISH STATUTE BOOK, http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/1996/en/act/pub/0033/index.html (last visited July 1, 2010).)
Background of Divorce in Ireland Ireland has traditionally been hostile to divorce and by 1995 was the only country in the EU to forbid civil divorce. Article 41.3.2 of the 1937 Irish Constitution stated that, "[n]o law shall be enacted providing for the grant of a dissolution of marriage." (AMOS J. PEASLEE, Constitution of Ireland (December 29, 1937), CONSTITUTIONS OF NATIONS 260 (1950), World Constitutions Illustrated database, HEINONLINE, available at http://heinonline.org/HOL/Page?handle=hein.beal/connat0002&id=1& size=2&collection=cow&index=beal/connat#270 (last visited July 2, 2010).) In 1986, a referendum to remove the ban on divorce was voted down by almost two to one. In 1987, a challenge to the constitutional ban was dismissed by the European Court in the case of Johnston v Ireland. (Decision of 18 December 1986, Series A, no. 112, European Court of Human Rights, http://cmiskp.echr.coe.int/tkp197/view.asp? item=1&portal=hbkm&action=html&highlight=9697/82&sessionid=56213156& skin=hudoc-en (last visited July 1, 2010).)
Irish way or Gonzi way please say it as it is .
Isabelle Borg
Dahhaqna aktar Gonz! Kemm qed tahsibna tan-nejk?
Christopher Briffa
How pathetic this guy is!
I feel sorry that the PM is sinking deeper and deeper in shit as he tries to deflect all the arrows that are coming his way to try to put the blame on others. I have never witnessed so many contortions by Gonzi on any issue like this time. This is a result of trying to please god and the devil. It is sadder that he cannot be man enough to accept the mess he has created and is now trying to appease his blind followers that this mess is not his making and pointing fingers at others.... The likes of the witch will believe such lies.. Once a liar always a liar.....
Fr. Joe Borg said in the Times of Malta that those who wanted divorce 'inqlew b'zejthom'. I think that the PM is the one who 'inqela b'zejtu'. He was the first to say that he wanted to sound the people on divorce because he had no mandate. My guess is that he felt that the public would be against while the majority of MPs would be in favour. When he realised that the majority of MPs were against divorce he resolved to kill the referendum by saying that it would not be held if MPs voted no. Now that the referendum seems to be on the cards he is all for Parliament to discuss the law to kill it and the referendum. It seems to me that the PM has misjudged every step of the way and is now afraid that the people of Malta will say yes. Hence the last attempt.
You're right, Surfturtle, under a PN government adios divorce. The liberals within the PN should take notice. Their (un)natural alliance with the Tories within the PN should be put to an end. Otherwise they have no hope of seeing any divorce bill reaching Parliament. When will they remove their blinkers and see the frigging truth? One would have expected Mr Martin Scicluna to see the light before the rest. At least he has Sir Hannibal's DNA which ought to be more than a match to Sir Michael's DNA that has resurfaced in Wenz the Gonz.
Oh I see, this is being said by the undisputed master of U-turns!
Pauline Moran
Kont ser twaqqani min fuq is siggu bid dahk, Wenz!!! Kuljum b'xi kummiedja gdida. Min fejn taqlahhom dawn il gideb u ..Prosit hej kemm taf iddawar il-kliem u l-fatti. Saqsi lil siehbek l-ispeaker (dak li jrid jara fairness across the board fil Parliament) ha tara x'gara ezatt. Imma il veru u pura verita x'inhi Wenz? 1. Il verita hija Wenz li int kieku ghalik la debate ma jkollna u wisq anqas Referendum 2. Inthom qed tghidu tridu dibattitu meta diga minn qabel kellkhom l-intent (ghax hawn il hazin taghkom Wenz) li ridtu teliminawnh id divorce debate 3. Issa ejja nkunu cari Wenz. Jekk ha jsir dan ir referendum bhala konsultazzjoni mal poplu...Inthom ir rizultat ser tirrespettawh f'demokarazija li tant tghidu li ghandna? U Zgur li LE Wenz...mela inti tahseb li ahna ma nafux li tahtek il ligi tad Divorzju ma tidholx!...Int tippreferi li titlef il poter milli jidirlek xi hares. Allek... ...INT SER JKOLLOK TGHAJJAT ELEZZJONI GENERALI kontra x-xewqa tieghek...DIK HIJA L-VERITA WENZ! Issa min jaf kemm ser jkun hemm bravi u nies intelletwali li jkunu madwarek li ser jghidu,'U dan x'inhu jghid u fiex jifhem?'...Pero int taf ezatt x'jien nghid Wenz.
vera tal misthija jien dejjem ivotajt pn ghax kont nemmen flirgulija takom. imma issa izejed kollu zejed. taf li ghandek zball gonzi u qijad tiprova taljena il poplu malti. issa jasal izmien ta lelezjoni u nibdew bil kantalena..... taf xgara f'zejtun, raymond carunna, swat u acc. u tahseb li il maltin jergaw jifmuk ? li xbien jalla ma jigri xejn imma jekk jigri ikun itort tijak ax misek bzajt ghalina u mux ghal zaqek u shabek biss.
The Gonz is ready to twist facts, turn on its head the timeline truth as well as the chronological sequence of the presentation of the text, he is propense to lie through his teeth so long as he finally concocts something resembling what is acceptable to the electorate. His misfortune is that he won't be able to pull it at the hustings. There his final destiny beckons: march over to the Opposition benches, Mr Gonz until Simon gaily takes over, unless he's beaten to it by Johnny Cash.
This is the real thing Mr.PM Don't try to fool all maltese, stick to your own GONZIPN's supporters only. Read below article for the Irish Referendum.
Prior to the Divorce issue I would have listed Sant's il- partnership rebah claim as the most bizarre piece of politics of any PM in my 50 years. Gonzi has now surpassed that and has taken this serious affair and made a total mess of it. He has either lost his head or lost his control. There is only one honourable way out of this.
regarding the two Irish referenda Maurice Vella is totally right ... The Irish were asked to amend the article in the constitution banning divorce, this is light years away from our situation ....
n 1995 an absolute ban on divorce had been present in the constitution since its adoption in 1937. The prohibition reflected the religious values of the document's Roman Catholic drafters, but was also supported by senior members of the Anglican Church of Ireland. In the 1930s some other nations had similar bans, such as Italy, which would not repeal its ban until the 1970s. By the 1980s, however, many saw the prohibition on divorce as illiberal or as discriminating against those who did not share the Christian attitude to divorce. The first attempt to remove the ban on divorce was the 1986 divorce referendum, held by the Fine Gael government of Garret FitzGerald. However the proposal was rejected by voters by a substantial margin. When Fine Gael returned to government in 1994 under John Bruton a second attempt was made and, after much controversy and public debate, was ultimately carried by a slim margin. The Fifteenth Amendment altered Article 41.3 of the constitution, which provides for a number of fundamental rights of the family. The amendment removed the absolute prohibition on divorce but also imposed a number of restrictions on its occurrence.
Gonzi is clutching at straws! The real issue is, that "responsible" divorce such as the one proposed by JPO is likely to attract more voters than a "carte blanche" divorce. A referendum result which is not in line with Gonzi's and with the PN's position would make this Gonzi administration untenable and Gonzi wants to minimise risks....
Cartoon Network : presents , "Cow and chicken". LOLLLLLLLLLL tomorrow special movie: Pinocchio". I got the power, and I can turn 360 degrees. Yippeeeeeeeee. catch me if you cannnnnnnnn , Uhm "What I am saying"?, Shhhhhh I am trying to change words, so people will be misguided, like hypnotizing them with my words" -haahahaaaaaa- Is this for real???? Yes only in Malta.com
I'm sorry Gonzi, but you are misleading the public, intentionally or not. The Irish did not vote on whether to approve the law or not. Ireland's constitution, UNLIKE MALTA'S, expressly forbade divorce. The constitution of Ireland can ONLY be changed by referendum. Hence, the referendum was held to REMOVE the constitutional ban on divorce rather then approve the law as discussed by parliament!
Is Dr Gonzi for real? The debate was not held because the most partisan Speaker in the history of our Parliament went against all precedent and the Standing Orders and refused a call for a vote on the adjourment.
REFERENDUM QUESTION !!!! Do you agree with Divorce? Answer YES or NO Don't you think this is too blunt? Do you honestly think anyone in a good state of mind is going to vote YES?? This is another political trick the PL should be careful about. Why is the PM insisting about a simple question and not a more informative one?? The catch is for the Referendum to turn down the introduction of divorce. That's what the PM is after. HEADLINES: Referendum won by the real Catholics of Malta. All other Catholics around the world are not for real. We the PN Catholics are the real and pure. Halluna tridu?