No divorce for battered women ‘because their abusers will also remarry’ - Andre Camilleri

Andre Camilleri shocks by saying that  giving the right to abused women to remarry would also allow abusers to start new abusive marriages.

The chairperson of the anti-divorce movement Zwieg Bla Divorzju Andre Camilleri today claimed that women abused by their spouses should be made to separate, but not have the right to remarry.

“Otherwise we would be giving their abusers the right to remarry and commit his abuse in that family,” Camilleri said on Radju Malta’s Ghandi Xi Nghid. "They should be allowed to separate, today before tomorrow."

The startling claim was made at the end of the programme, in which Camilleri claimed divorce bill promoter Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando had ‘hijacked’ the parliamentary agenda and even accused him of ‘political dishonesty’.

Camilleri said the MP hijacked the agenda but in an instant afterthought added that “he had every right to do it.” “Every government is elected with a programme, and that programme was read out by the President during the opening of parliament. Divorce was never mentioned,” Camilleri said.

“What we have is a backbencher who did not care about the agenda for this parliament, who decided to table this bill, and now the country’s agenda is being diverted on divorce and also on the procedure necessary to hold a referendum.

“The only party that consistently proposed divorce [Alternattiva Demokratika] was never elected. That is why the agenda has been hijacked,” Camilleri said.

He then referred to other bills, whose issues were also not part of electoral manifestos. “Private bills should move issues that are urgent and which are not in the manifesto. If we mention the bills in parliament at the moment, they are laudable,” referring to the motions, not legal bills, on the black dust problem and the Mriehel overpass.

Camilleri was unaware that the overpass motion, which he praised, had been rejected by the government. “These are private members’ bills of value… and not introducing divorce like a bolt from the blue, with the utmost political dishonesty as the former President said,” Camilleri said.

Pro divorce movement IVA chairperson Deborah Schembri retorted by saying the alleged ‘hijack’ was possible in parliamentary democracies. “What was mentioned by the president, such as the reality of cohabiting couples, was also not part of the electoral manifesto.”

Schembri said Malta still had strong marriages, but this did not imply ignoring the few broken marriages. “Whatever the number of separated couples, we cannot forget these people.”

She also said the State forced separated couples who wished to start a family and remarry, to cohabit.

Camilleri also said he thought a long, explanatory referendum question as proposed by Labour would not do justice to the entire divorce debate, and instead showed partiality for a simple question asking people whether they agree with divorce or not.

Schembri said pointing out the salient points of a divorce law was akin to buying a house. “If somebody asks you if you want to buy a house, you ask what sort of right you have on the house, whether you can build on it for example… so people must be given the salient points of a divorce law so that know what type of divorce they want.”

Errrm ... Andre camilleri ... I think you've forgtten something when you said: "that giving the right to abused women to remarry would also allow abusers to start new abusive marriages". Does it apply to annuled marriages? And what about cohabitating couples? Geez ... sometimes people's thinking is STUPENDOUS. Some people will clownishly spew any old rubbish to try and prove their point. Sorry Mr Camilleri ... you fail miserably.
"...but allowing them to remarry means allowing their abusers to remarry". Easy then. Legislate to make violent people ineligible for marriage. Now how about one serious argument against divorce?
Found on The Times CHAPTER 255 MARRIAGE ACT 23. (1) A decision which has become executive, given by a tribunal, and declaring the nullity of a catholic marriage shall, where one of the parties is domiciled in, or a citizen of, Malta, and subject to the provisions of article 24 be recognised and upon its registration in accordance with the said article 24 shall have effect as if it were a decision by a court and which has become res judicata. (2) An executive decision given by a tribunal and upholding the validity of a catholic marriage shall, where one of the parties is domiciled in, or a citizen of, Malta, and subject to the provisions of article 24 be recognised and upon its registration in accordance with the said article 24 shall have effect as if it were a decision by a court and which has become res judicata and as such shall not be subject to re-examination on the same grounds. Canon 1643. "Cases concerning the status of persons, especially those concerning the separation of spouses, never becomes a res judicata." Code of Canon Law Latin-English 1983 Translation Nihil Obstat Anthony J Bevilacqua, J.C.D. Chairman N.C.C.B. Canonical Affairs Committee.
@renald caruana , The church commands the mariages here- concordat marriage article 4.2 The Church shall enlighten future marriage partners as to the specific nature of canonical matrimony and consequently about ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the marital bond. Future marriage partners shall formally agree by accepting these conditions in writing. Maltese Concordat on Marriage Signed: 3 February 1993 Published in Acta Apostolicae Sedis 89 (1997), pp. 679-694.
this guy is not pro-marriage, he's pro-idiocy. Why, then, does the Church give annulments to abusive husbands and wives?
Sorry first time The questions I like to ask regarding the introduction the law of divorce are: If the divorce law is passed by pairlament thus the church recognize it or people have to re married by state marriage? When the church annul a marriage thus the government recognize the annulment from the church?Why the church is against divorce when in the Bible in Mathew 19-9 says "Whoever shall put away his wife,EXCEPT IT BE FOR FORNICATION {adultery],committed adultery
I like to ask some questions regarding divorce. 1.
What logic! What about men who are abused? A man or a woman who abuses his or her spouse is committing a criminal act and should be dealt with appropriately by the law. If he wants to impose limitations on the abuser's right to remarry, well and good but why place such limitations on the victim. And now we even come to the stage of comparing divorce with property? How stupid is this man!
@Karl . I cannot say that divorce is good for everybody. noone can say that, and noone can say that its not good! all I can say is, That it wiill be there for whom only needs it, for example a couple who have seperated at least allready fro more than 4 years, who allready by law are maintaining the kids etc.. those can apply for a divorce - and that marriage is with proof that there cannot be good ever again! so If i don't want it as perhaps I don't need it, I will still vote for a yes! you know why? what if My son wil need it when he grows up? it's a law to be there like a tool- But only the tool cannot be used easily -But at least after 4 years fo seperation- we may never know what we might need- also who still wants not to make use of it don't use it- and if one of the partners still wants divorce he/she still can get divorce- but the other part still cannot remarry if he /she wants to stay single- well i tried in briefly as I can :)
ara sur carmel callus :) x'ghandna Gbin ?;-) AHNA INDANNATI ?:) U hawn il-hdura fil-pajjiz? sa fejn naf jiena ma tanxt hawn Hdura fil-pajjiz ghax neqsin minnha sewwa u hafna:) Inti xi wiehed min dawk li tridha ta qalbhom safja? LOllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Oqbra mbajda , imbaghad tiftah l-ghatu`, u tibda issib ghanqbdud liema bhalu ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ipokritiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lolllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ZERO TOLLERANCE TO THE HYPOCRITES. kemm kien hawn nies jilghabuha ta qalbom safja imbgha dkienu pedofeli bis-slaleb imdendlin ma ghonqhom! aqraw l-internet ha tkunu tafu l-verita! bil-FATTI! wikileaks will continue to prove the LIES That were hiden to the public- The people have the right to KNOw- we have AVAAZ.ORG to help with other organizations- RESIST OR SERVE!
@ Andy Farrugia Biex tiskongra triq tkun pur u mill-kitba tieghek mas tidhirx li int aktar pur minn min ghandu l-liberta' bla ma jigi c-censurat li jikteb hawn. Side effect pozittiv ghal dawk li jiehdu d-divorzju u jghazlu li jerghu jizzewgu hu li s-supply ta' tfal imsieken iffittxu r-refugju tasl-istituti fejn jistghu jigu abbuzti tonqos. Jonqos ukoll il-bzonn li l-kinsja tieghek ikollha ghalfejn toqghod tahbi xi hnizrijiet.
Meta jitwaqqaf argument ma dawn in nies li tant huma qrib ALLA biex tipprova tikwista d-dritijiet civili tieghek, mill-ewwel tefawna tabelli ta hodor, kolla mibgheda w indannati. Ghall dawn l'ipokriti li huma qrib ALLA din tfisser tolleranza. Imsieken nispera li dawn in nies mhumiex l'istess fidili qrib ALLA li ghamlu dawk il hniezrijiet u abuzz ma dawk it tfal kollha. Jekk in nies li qed jghamlu kummenti hawn misshom jisthu mela dawk li bghatu tfal l'Awstralja ghall mohqrija jew abbuzaw mi tfal fl'istituti x'misshom jghamlu.
Bongu, Carmel Callus, mela ma tafx min huma il-gurnalisti famuzi ta dan il-loki? Imbaghad il-kummenti ta certu esserri? Taf kemm jixtiequ gid lil proxxmu taghhom? Andy Farrugia alias
l-ewwel darba li dhalt hawn u kkonfermajt xi hdura u mibgheda jezistu f'dal-pajjiz u kemm hawn nies indannati ghax tbeghdu minn Alla! Ishtu ghall-mod kif qed tikkummentaw...assolutament m'intomx kapaci tittolleraw...
Pauline Moran
Saviour, Grazzi tal biddilt dak ir riratt habib...Ma flahtomx dawk l-ghajnejn cassi u dik il Poza ala "Zoolander"! ...Il lejla ser norqod aktar seren...
Oh my God.... ANdre Camilleri's comment re women who were subject to domestic violence is so pathetic! It's like saying let's stop people from getting rich to prevent robbery! I hope that jouranlist will cannibalise him for this !
mela dak li ghaqdu alla il-knisja tista thollu ?jien ma naqbilx mad divorzju imma l anqas ma l annulament
Let's not forget to thank Malta Today and Saviour Balzan that make these comments possible. For the last 40 years the media in Malta had been controlled and censored to appease these chosen few and the citizens had no way of expressing their opinions. That is why someone as neo-conservative as this Camilleri mouthpiece expects that there will be no rebuttal to his moronic statements. Finally the citizens of Malta has an outlet that believes in true freedom of expression and censorship is applied when necessary. Together we can show these hypocrites that the Maltese people can push back and someone as disgusting as this Camilleri cabal must be reminded that having enjoyed the privileges bestowed upon him for simply towing the right wing cause has now become unacceptable. This country has been held back for far too long in reference to the citizens civil rights because of this kind of disgraceful manipulations. Political warfare, family destruction and civil discrimination will no longer be allowed as long as the people join together to get rid of hypocrisy that exists in Malta due to the ability of the curia to dictate state policies and mercenary wretches like Camilleri who like Esau would sell your country and like Judas betray their God for a few pieces of silver.
@ Torino - Id-differenza bejn divorzju u annullament: Dan tal-ahhar ghandu l-'barka' u l-flus li ddahhal il-knisja fil-but u l-iehor ghandu l-barka tal-Istat (miskina l-Knisja ma ddahhalx flus minn divorzju).
Great logical thinking. Insult to injury to the victims.
min jista jghidli id-differenza bejn divorzju u annullament pls?
So Andre Camiilleri seems to say that abusers had better continue abusing the wife they have now. U hallina...! Not even in the Middle Ages...!
Alan Smith seriously Canon Law provides for this Canon 1090.1 One who, with a view to entering marriage with a particular person, has killed that person's spouse, or his or her own spouse, invalidly attempts this marriage.
And this from a man with a degree
Dear Dr Camilleri: Your many years of schooling, your life experience and having children have obviously taught you very little. You have never grown out of your blinkered mentality.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
Wife beaters will go on to beat the next one anyway, even if she is a "partner" not wife. The problem is tolerance towards violence. If these men knew they are risking a long sentence in prison they might think twice before they do what they do. Though I have very serious doubts if extreme-conservatives give a hoot about victims of domestic violence.
well said camillerD@ nd that is what is so hurtful about domestic violence. It could happen to any of us, under the wrong conditions, with the **wrong partner**. Women are so well-programmed to believe that our successes are due to luck and our failures are due to laziness or a lack of character. Add a violent, angry, manipulative man into the variables that determine self-esteem, and few of us would be able to emerge from such a relationship with our self-esteem intact. Even fewer of us would be able to just cut our losses and walk away. she was just with the wrong partner! she will still deserves a second chance after. Love is everything... all we need is love-
Hi karl :) Even men before never dreamt before of going to the Moon- than they did started to dream and went there:)(suppose this simple thing ,al is needed is the real people to stand on their feet)(maybe they will bring you Karl, trying to stop us from doing so,if the moviment IVA wil organize one) its not me to be on euronews, its the maltese people. they allready know what is going on here- if you don't know that, you should read than:) will it bother you? if they bring a rally like that? :) soon they will rest assured :D RESIST OR SERVE!
Very nazi. why not put them to sleep - then they will batter nobody
Priscilla Darmenia
This reminds me of an argument by a past prime minister of the time that we should not join Europe because of AIDES. Dr Camilleri you had my respect when you were policing the financial services. Unfortunately silly arguments like these made me loose the respect I had.
carmel duca
Great, so now I have to rebutt comments that I didn't even post. For those implying (very sneakily, I have to say) that I am 'brancaleone', or any other pseudonym for that matter, kindly note I have never posted under any name other than my real one, either here or anywhere else, and I have no intention of starting now.
Karl, incidentally the only person who has spoken in that vein was the Bidnija Witch who has been trumpeting her non-adherence to the Catholic Religion, her aversion for the Crucifix, in sum, her anti-religious stance which, believe you me, has sounded rather odd since nobody seems to have been overly interested to know what the Bidnija Witch believes or not. We should all do our best to divorce the issue from the religious background against which it necessarily unfolds. Pro-divorce persons are not necessarily non-believers like the Bidnija Witch; many of them simply would like to see Malta join the modern world in this sphere of personal freedom.
L'ikbar hi, li cuccata grassa bhal din qala persuna li hu responsable mill Malta Financial Services. ma tantc tatiek idea li-Malta qehda f'idejn sodi hafna meta bniedem ta tant responsabilta johrog b'dikjarazjoni ta injoranza kbira. Is Sur Andre, missu johrog bi stqarrija w jammetti li zbalja bil-kbir, altriment daqsek nihdu bis-serjta kull ma jighid.
I am in favour of divorce ONLY if it is given with conditions, especially where kids are concerned; otherwise I will not vote in favour. However, people like Camiller push concerned Catholics in a very tight corner and, it could, at a point of no return. He makes Lefebvre looks like a liberal.
This blog feels more like an anti-Christian lobby group rather than pro-divorce. @Karl Personnally I am a Christian and I don't see your reasoning,even Adam and Eve were given the FREEDOM of CHOICE in the garden of Eden to eat or not to eat of the fruit, yet Malta's anti-Divorce lobby believe they are above God and want to take away this freedom of choice from us. I believe I have every right to live in sin and then it is up to me to answer to God at the end, no church, no Pope and no clergy has any right to refuse me this. Anti divorcists using religion as an argument are simply BIGGOTS and nothing else. Give unto GOD that which is GOD's and to Ceaser that which is Ceaser's.
i am not anti religious. I do not respect the bigots in the church who crusade against something like divorce but say nothing or practically nothing against the extreme capitalist world where the rich get richer and many die of poverty. Also in my mind there is absolutely no difference between annulment and a divorce.
This blog feels more like an anti-Christian lobby group rather than pro-divorce. Can anyone offer any logical reason, other than I hate priests or my mother forced me to go to Church when i was a kid, to sell people like me that divorce is actually good for all of us and not just a few? I don't care much for religion. I have not been to church since my uncle's funeral 18 years ago but even I can tell that the people in here are anti religious
@brancaleone I have sneeky feeling that you really are Mr Raphael Vassallo. i wonder how many real individuals write in this sh-t h-le.
Bosio: "If you kill your partner -- the Church will not allow you to remarry" Apparently, though, only if you kill your spouse in order to marry another specific person. The Church will NOT allow you to marry that person you murdered, say, your wife to get married to (i.e. the person you murdered your wife for). But in the end, it seems, you can get married to anyone else.
From which part of the globe does this person come??? This is discrimination against women, and violation of human rights!!! Once a cheater always a cheater... Of course he will do it again, but who are you to tell that poor woman what to do... why can't she have the right and the opportunity to start a new life with a new person again??? Were is liberty and freedom??? I highly doubt it... Live and let live!!!!
@falzonsilvio Oh My, I could hear the music rising, I could see the oppressed liberals chanting set us free from these chains we want to chain ourselves with something else. falzonsilvio, get real. If your only ambition in life is to be on EuroNews then your in trouble mate.
to the chairman of the moviment Iva, organize a rally in Valletta pls :) we must make a big well organized rally - banners etc.. we must show our neighbours in the EU ,that we need freedom for us and our kids like they have- Just a divorce Law ,as all the EU states have-Malta is the only member who don't have that law. it's a law for whom might needed it only! who don't need this law or don't want to use it, just shut up and go watch TV or wahtever! since this does not concerns you (maybe ,for a reason you may only know)! LET'S MAKE A RALLY DR.DEBORAH SCEMBRI :) LET'S ROCK THE VALLETTA STRADA REALE -LET THE EU NEWS AND PEOPLE SEE US - MUSIC - FOOD -ENTERTAINMENT- ALL WILL BE WELCOMED - WE BRING OUR CHILDREN WITH US TOO- THIS IS A MATTER OF LIBERTY AND A FREEDOM TO CHOOSE -THE RIGHT OF EVERY HUMAN BEING TO CHOOSE HIS OR HER LIFE !
Stern look, thin lips tightly sealed, almost expressionless face...why am I reminded of a certain politician when I look at the above picture?
@ Bosio It is obvious you do not have a sense of humour. Having said that could you explain your reasoning behind your statement?.
Alan Smith If you kill your partner -- the Church will not allow you to remarry
Ok i tried to think of something weirder than what this genius said. How about A Divorce bill is not required because you can kill your partner and then the church would not have a problem if you re marry. Come guys and gals try and come up with something we could turn this into a stand up comedy script.
love, respect and compassion... isn't that what all religions are about? .... now what about this... people who go to Church "practice" and their religion everyday etc... yet these people are the same people who do judge others and deny others rights. I'd rather just believe in the existence of god and believe in freedom... rather than form part of a club of hypocrites. visit for more articles and please do join my blog's fan page @ ps: timeofmalta moderated this post on their website.
The argument, to my mind, reflects the traditional misogyny of the Catholic Church and her leaders which is traceable to the letters of Paul of Tarsus and to Church Fathers like Jerome and Augustine of Hippo. When I hear how fundamentalists argue and by what fanaticism they defend the dogmas of their Church, it reinforces my determination not to ever embrace any religion, least of all Catholicism. These arguments remind me of the Holy (sic) Inquisition that cared not at all for the pain and suffering of human beings and sent them to be sadistically roasted slowly at the stake without pity. Even the victim's property was confiscated so that his family would starve. Fundamentalists hide behind a veil of sanctity and hypocrisy and feel no compassion. The thing which is important to them is that the Catholic Church should preserve her power and that they should share in it. They are the proxies of the Catholic Church which retains temporal power vicariously through them. But the Church in Malta will go the same way it did in the rest of Europe, it is a matter of time. I only pity those who, in the intervening period, must suffer under the yoke of the Church and her political proxies and continue to live their short miserable lives waiting for the inevitable final downfall of the oppressors. The Church and her adherents have always strived to keep the masses in ignorance and obscurantism because this preserves their power. But we are witnessing today how mass communications help people to fight for their rights and to refuse dictatorial domination. The days of imposition are numbered.
“Otherwise we would be giving their abusers the right to remarry and commit his abuse in that family,” . Abusers are incapable of entering into a covenant of love for psychological reasons. They should not be allowed to get “married” in the first place. Their “marriage” is null ab initio – and any Church Tribunal should find grounds for annulment under section 1095. Pity that the Leader of the No Movement is not conversant with the law of marriages -
Pauline Moran
Saviour, ghamlilna sagrosant pjacir jekk joghgbok, u persuni koroh, arroganti w insensettivi daqs dan iggibhomx jidrhu fuq il gazzetta online tieghek ghax taboo hazin ghar reputazzjoni tal MT.
Fine, April's Fool is just round the corner. Pity Carnival will be celebrate late this year! What a pitiful statmenet is this from the no-to-divorce spokesperson. You have lost all your credibilty, and it was already little.
excuse me folks. I am still racking my brains over PM's statement yesterday that it is Joseph Muscat who doesn't want a referendum !! Can someone enlighten me on how Gonzi arrived at such a conclusion, rather than wasting time on such an imbecille as Andre Camilleri ??
Sur Camilleri li kieku kont ragel sensittiv ghall familja Maltija ghandek tghamel apologija lill kull mara Maltija li garrbet tbatija fil hajja taghha mizzewwga. Misshek tisthi min pajjizek u min kull min jafek ghax l'arroganza tieghek hija veru tal biki. Meta ir-raguni ta' bniedem bhalek li dejjem reda lill pajjiz m'ghandiex ghalfejn inkunu sorprisi b'ghamilek. F'kelma wahda qieghed tpatti lura lill dawk li tawk hajja komda f'dawn iz-zminijiet mhux ghax kont kapaci pero ghax kont servjent tal ipokresija. Missek tisthi .
When I heard that Dr Camilleri was going to head the anti-divorce movement, I have to admit I was worried. I thought he would be a hard man to counter. But if this is the best he can do, I needn't have worried at all.
Sur professur ta l-ilma qieghed. Din il-koppja tista tiehu l-annulament? IVA tista'. Mela dan xorta jista jerga jizzewweg lil mara ohra u l-argument tieghek ma jregix. Din il-koppja tista tissepara kemm legalment u kemm le? IVA tista' Mela dan xorta jista jpoggi ma mara ohra u l-argument tieghek jerga ma jregix. Kemm int cuc mhux billi kollok pozi.
Pauline Moran
Wiccek juri bic car x'tip ta' persuna int Drin...IPOKRITA BIL PEDIGREE! L-aqwa li mmorru l quddies bilqieghda fl-ewwel bank Drin, mhux hekk, biex jarana kulhadd. Ara tmurx issib xi mara flagellata minghand l-ex ragel li kellha, jew vici-versa, halli malajr tkun taf kif ghandek tizhen is sensittivita darb'ohra. Ma tisthix tghid dan il kliem insensittiv quddiem dawn is sofferenzi w ingustizzja legali li ghandna f'din l-art. Ma tridix ta xi profeta tas sagramenti int, hux...meta qed tikser l-akbar kmandament li qatt ghamel Alla u Gesu Ibnu...Il kmandament tal liberta ta' l-ghazla!!! Mur habbat bieb bieb u itlob mahfra lil dawk kollha li int u shabek qed tippruvaw tinnegawlhom dritt civili w universali, f'pajjiz li siehbek, il qaddis l-iehor Wenzu u l-profeta li kien qablu, gabuh ghal kubtejh u jitkellem wahdu. U kemm int injorant min daqstant ezempji, wiehed tal bini mejjet tghid komparat mal hajja umana tan nies!!!!
Christopher Briffa
This guy is a genius! Reminds me of the pope's claim that condoms spread aids. Scary stuff.
Albert Zammit
Fih avukat, Dottor Camilleri. Messu kien magistrat jew imhallef, kien ikun gust, ukoll, fis-sentenzi tieghu. Tarax, mela, persuna li tkun vittma, ghandha tibqa' tigi vittimizzata flimkien mal-agressur taghha. Huwa Dottor Camilleri hajja komda ghandu, jirringrazzja 'l Alla li qatt ma kellu problemi fi hdan il-familja! Imma mhux kulhadd jista' jghid l-istess haga.
Gilbert Bartolo
Tal-biza. Arroganza fl-aghar taghha. Andre Camilleri wiehed mill-komdi fuq siggu tad-deheb. Lawrence Gonzi l-ewwel ipprova jaghmlu magistrat u meta ma MFSA. Min qieghed komdu imissu jieqaf jindahal fil-hajja ta' haddiehor. Lanqas jisthi ma jaf.
Ah, wrong. Why is it only 'battered women'? And if a divorcee is about to get married again it will be up to her/him to see why the other part was given divorce. Surely this will be allowed through one's Lawyer or Notary Public.
duncan abela
One will no doubt see a stream of jesuitical statements and sophist arguments in the run up to the divorce referedum. I am one of those who while fully supporting the divorce movement still believe the no to divorce movement will get the majority of votes. However we should try to understand this referendum from the perspective of the lcatholic zealots and the conservative wing of the church. It is not the divorce question per se which in their eyes is the main issue but they see this as a firt challenge by liberals to the traditional assumed supreme authority of the Church in Malta. To maintain such authority it is not enough for divorce to be rejected but this must happen in an overwhelming vote against. Only a resounding victory will allow them to maintain their the Maltese population is essentially totally Catholic and that therefore any government law must reflect the Catholic way of deciding moral and ethical issues. Ergo the demand for an absolute type of Yes and No referendum ensure to ensure the highest possible majority for the No vote.
This is what happens when you try to defend the indefensible and the illogical - in this case the anti-divorce stance. People - who are generally more intelligent, and less gullible, than some among us seem to think - will look at your argument, sniff out the inconsistencies and weaknesses in a jiffy, and shred it to bits.
So let me get this straight...according to this article, if my husband beats me up, I do not have the right to re-marry, because I would be handing him over to the next stupid woman that walks along. So let's leave the poor sod of a woman who got married to an abuser in the first place live a life of solitude and spare the others the mercy of marrying her ex. Wouldn't it be simpler to prosecute the man and give him a criminal record, and let his ex leave in peace, whether she decides to get married or not? Sincerely, the Anti-Divorce movement had better come with a better argument than this one !!! This IS 2011, people !!!!
What makes otherwise intelligent persons like AC, to come with such stupid arguments? Why do religious people want to impose their believes on others? As a religious person, AC can choose to not divorce, or if divorced, not to marry again if divorce is introduced. That same freedom of choice is not available to others in the absence of appropriate legislation. That is, unless you can afford a foreign divorce or can get 3 quickie annulments.
Dr Camilleri what would keep a separated man who abused his wife from cohabiting (your mentor's favorite status) and abuse the family of another separated woman. Puerile absolutely puerile.
Joseph Sant
This argument is so revolting it beggars belief. So according to the No movement in general and Dr Camilleri in particular, a violent person can and will only abuse another person if he/she is married to that person. So it's ok if you abuse your partner as long as semantically you are not abusing your spouse. Honestly this is totally unbelievable. Thank God this person was never elevated to the bench as it was once proposed - his view of justice is totally warped.
How stupid can one get, it is unbelieveable that some people supposedly having grey matter in their skull come up with such dense, dim-witted, obtuse logic. What self respecting woman dating a divorced man would not check the reason for his divorce. Keep it real would say Ali G the MP from Stains.
Yes, why not? Let them eat cake! A 2101 person with a 1780 mentality.What a let down! Christian compassion at its best! It seems as if Saudi's medieval stance had a great influence on him!
The Divorce Bill that was presented in Parliament, which is going to be decided next May in a referendum, only allows couples who have lived apart for four years out of the last five to apply. Their lawyer has to certify that they have done everything possible to reconcile and the magistrate will have to ensure that ...the children and stay-at-home spouse are adequately taken care of. Do you agree with this Divorce Bill? Possible Referendum in April! Jiena IVA ghaz zwieg IVA ghad divorzju inti? Xinhi l-opinjoni taghkom hbieb? Min ha jivvota le jfisser li ha jcahhad id dritt lil min ghandu bzonnu u noqghod nitilaw narra nonfqu hafna flus biex ngibuh!
Ooo-a Ooo-a to the self-righteous defensive pose. Do they really think Maltese people are that shallow and banal to buy into this argument?????
So its from Mr Camilleri, that is the Church, from where the question Iva/Le of Dr Lawrence Gonzi knows its origin?
Mr.Camilleri do you or the Curia who is behind you, really believe that the Maltese people could be so easily manipulated as if we are still in the 1950's. Or you must be convinced that we are all imbeciles. Shame on you Sir and with all due respect I am embarrassed and insulted that someone like you are in a position to represent anything Maltese or try to impose your idiotic beliefs on the rest of the country. In your lunatic illusion of being against a civil law that grants divorce because abusers would be also free to marry, I believe and rightly so that in such public court decisions, the abusers would be named and shamed and any woman who wanted to marry an abuser would be forewarned. A civil law that grants divorce ensures the resposibility of marriage like support payments for household, spousal and children needs. What are people of your ilk afraid of? Could it be that there are too many dark shadows in the closets? A church annulment decision that declares the marriage never existed or co-habitation deny spousal accountability and children that fall under these arrangements are considered bastards. But then again people like you who are under the Curia's umbrella were never interested in spousal or children's abuse. We all know what happened in Chuch institutions and how much responsibility was taken by the abusers who you so distinctly singled out. My advise to you Sir is to resign from your organisation and quit embarrassing our small nation. You are a disgrace to humankind.
This is so goofy! unbelievable
Why should the victim be punished in the same way as the perpetrator? If an abusive man cohabits what would prevent him from beating his partner? With this line of argument we should abolish marriage altogether to protect people from marrying an abusive spouse. That way marriages cannot be broken and no need for divorce. LOL
@ Ganni Borg: Perfect analogy, my friend!
How tragic to have such a learned man come out with such a banal argument. This epitomises the basic reasoning behind the anti-divorce lobby which is based on selfishness and total disregard for those who have had difficult and irremedial circumstances in life. It`s even more sad when you see our Prime Minister playing games and treating the citizens who elected him as fools. I am both dumbstruck and very disappointed that we are still living in a fundamentalist state where minority interests are downtrodden.
Jeffrey Vella
Anqas temminhom certu nies !
What happens if an abusive husband's wife dies instead of gets separated from him? Will he be allowed to marry again? Yes. Is there any law or regulation which says he cannot. Not as far as I know. Have we ever heard some form of outcry, from anyone or from any group or lobby or institution, about a second marriage in this situation? NO. Never. This tells me that it is not that abusive people are allowed to marry again which irks some people. It is that anyone at all might ever get the chance of getting a divorce on this little island of ours. This watch-it-because-the-abuser-will-marry-again-and abuse-again argument is only an excuse. And a weak one at that.
Joseph Pellicano
Camilleri, you either come up with some valid arguments or shut up, not these stupid arguments.
This is the silliest thing I've read so far, coming from the anti-divorce lobby - not that I've been impressed by the logic of anything else they've had to say so far, of course, but this must take the biscuit.
the more I hear from the anti divorce movements......the more I am convinced to vote in favour of divorce
Bis serjeta jew?
Oh what a stupid argument!
Dr Camilleri seems to regard marriage as some sort of prison where abusers are locked up to stop them abusing again. But, unlike normal prisons, this one also locks up the victim in the same cell as the abuser!! Brilliant - I had a much better opinion of Dr Camilleri - this businesss seems to have messed up his mind.
Abused partners should have priority treatment ..Anti Divorce group what a joke !
Keith Goodlip
What this buffoon needs to do is to look into a mirror and honestly say "I am seeing the reflection of a peurile idiot". If this is what the pro divorce lobby has for a mentor, then this lobby is a lost cause from the outset
Andre' Camilleri and all the anti-divorce lobby thinks they are bigger than the same God they like to mention so often. I remember clearly that during Cathecism lessons we were taught that God created men and women in freedom, otherwise he could have remained with just his angels who always said "yes" to his wishes. Men and women, with God's blessings, are free to choose. Andre' Camilleri thinks he is greater than God and HE can tell YOU how to conduct YOUR marital life. Not agreeing with divorce is an opinion and duly respected, but preventing someone else from having it because of your own personal "agendas" is SICK and DEMENTED
Lanqas jiflah jaqa ghan-nejk iktar minn hekk !!!! Mela sewwa issa kull min jehel il-habs fuq xi delitt inhalluh ghomru hemm ghax jekk johrog jerga jirrepeti dak li ghamel . U hallina Camilleri,ahjar tiehu hsieb MFSA halli taghmel xoghlha sew.
r Andre’ Camilleri LL.D., Dip. Econ. & Ind. Law (Milan) Andrè J. Camilleri read law and economics in Malta and Milan. From 1977 to 1986, he worked in the contracts and the project management areas of Saudi Aramco, an oil producer. Between 1987 and 1995 he was active in the public service in Malta at the Attorney General’s office, as Legal Advisor and General Manager of the Malta Development Corporation (1987-1993) and Chief Executive of the Malta Financial Services Centre (1994-1995). He was the first Chairman of the Malta International Airport. Between 1996 and 2001, Dr Camilleri was the Company Secretary and Head of Administration of Simonds Farsons Cisk plc, a public limited company. He served as a director on many of its subsidiary and associated companies and with responsibility for group legal affairs and administration. He was Director of APS Bank (1996-1997) and a member of the Board of Governors of the Malta Financial Services Centre (1997-1998). Since April 2002, he was appointed Director General of the Malta Financial Services Authority. He is Pro-Chancellor of the University of Malta and a member of the National Family Commission. this explains all - focus- live and let people live, Mr>AndreJ.Camilleri ;-)
Isabelle Borg
Tal-ghageb! Jekk ipoggi ser jinbidel. Hallina Sur Camilleri, veru bniedem patetiku.
“Otherwise we would be giving their abusers the right to remarry and commit his abuse in that family,” Camiller said on Radju Malta’s Ghandi Xi Nghid. "They should be allowed to separate, today before tomorrow." ************************************************** LOLlllllllllllll I just finished from being busy, and believe me , I had a good laugh reading this:). Mr.Andre J.Camilleri - you are good in many things, but please, stop everything regarding this No to divorce law, as what you have just said does not make any sense! I just be short as I can- But how can an intelligent man like you , say ridicoulous things like this? so who did these things needs only marriage to do that again? LOllllllllll come on let's be serious please and stop this No divorce law as you are saying Non sense. I just asked my son this who is just 11 years old,"X what you say if I ask you this, if a violent man beats a woman and they seperate from each other, and he goes with another woman , what you think he will do to that woman. He said" he will beat that woman again". ofcourse he will do that again , but not because he marry again!!!! Come on Mr.Andre J.Camilleri let's be serious pls, one don't have to marry to do these things.. theer are violent people who even beats their mother, who are single men.. Mr.Andre J.Camilleri be serious pls... don't loose your image as a serious person ;-)
Is he serious ....This sort of pathetic statement makes one wonder where they get these idiots from .
This is one of the most stupid statements I heard about this issue. You'd do a better job if you take a fishing rod and go fishing instead of wasting people's time with puerile statements.