Labour Party must ‘pluck up courage’ and take a stand on divorce – AD

Alternattiva Demokratika, stressed that once again the Nationalist Party and the Labour Party have chosen their narrow partisan interests over the needs and expectations of those who require the right to divorce.

AD Chairperson Michael Briguglio said the latest turn by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi on referendum is a strategic move to bring down the divorce referendum in Malta. “The only reason why he is proposing a simplistic question for a divorce referendum is to try to obtain as many ‘no’ votes as possible,” he said.

Quoting scientific surveys carried out by MaltaToday and Xarabank, Briguglio said that Maltese are in favour of the divorce as proposed by Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Labour MP Evarist Bartolo.

“But the Maltese are against a general referenda question on divorce which does not specify any legislation,” Briguglio said, calling on to the Prime Minister to act fairly.

“He [Gonzi] should ensure the referendum question specifies how the divorce legislation is actually being proposed, which is for a responsible type of divorce legislation.”

Briguglio reiterated the proposed bill makes for a very different ‘Las Vegas’ type of divorce which no one is proposing.

The Green Party then turned onto the Labour Party, accusing it of being “involved in this partisan charade”. Briguglio said by refusing to take a stand on divorce, the Labour Party was hindering the issue.

“Should Labour retain this stubborn position it would be risking giving the game away to those who want Malta to remain without divorce legislation,” he said. Briguglio then called on to the general public “to stand up and be counted against such partisan manouevring.”

Present at the conference were also Yvonne Arqueros Ebejer and Arnold Cassola.

Arqueros Ebejer, AD spokeswoman for Civil Rights, reminded the Green Party as the only party with a clear stand in favour of divorce.

“We believe divorce should be introduced as a basic civil right, but most parliamentarians are washing their hands off responsibility, thus abdicating from their role. The Prime Minister’s proposal of a simplistic question is an insult to those want to seriously take a defined decision,” she said.

Cassola, AD spokesperson for EU and International Affairs, claimed that Gonzi’s attempt to confuse people should make it an even easier option for the Labour Party to take a stand.

“Labour must pluck up courage and state clearly and openly that it stands for a “yes” without any ifs of buts,” Cassola said. “Anything less than that would be tantamount to admitting that the PL leadership is made up of a cowardly generation.”

Cassola stressed that if the Green Parkty were to be represented in parliament, these manoeuvres would not have taken place.

Referring to the current situation in Libya, where almost 100 people died during the protest outbreak, Cassola called on to the Prime Minister to take an initiative at European level.

“Standing on the European Council, Gonzi should take the initiative and act as the true bridge Malta is between Europe and Africa,” he said. Cassola went on to say Europe should contribute to a peaceful transition to a democratic Libya.

“Europe should ascertain its money do not fall in the hands of the dictatorial but should be given to the democratic Oppostion.”

when the PM appears on TV, I look to his face, his eyes, I don't like him at all. He is far away from the divorce he said "I don't need to tell the maltese ppl how to, when he was referring to the saying of opposition leader JM , that he PM should give his PN supporters the freedom on how to vote". Absolutley he ,PM is far away from divorce law. Who in the parlament even dared to speak about the marriage concordat between the state and the Holy See? I think noone dares to speak , and that Malta must be a secular state ,if there can be a possible equal rights for all. Banning Umbrellas does not stops rain. Banning divorce does not stop marital breakdown.
@ all pro-PL Bloggers.... The Maltese LP is with all due respect the anaomaly, in the civilised world socialist (and other progressive parties) did and do take a stand in favour of civil liberties e.g. In the 1974 referendum in Italy all the progressive parties were against the repeal of the Divorce bill... In both the referenda in Ireland all the progressive parties were in favour of the removal of the article banning divorce. There are no two ways about this. Labour is either a progressive party and will therefore take a stand in favour of divorce or else Labour is anything but progressive and will therefore sit on the fence, risking a No win. As far as the labourites are concerned, the fact that the party takes a stand in favour of divorce does not mean that each an every labourite will be forced to vote yes! E.g. All the political parties in Ireland were in favour of the introduction of divorce in Ireland (in the second referendum) but the yes front won by around 8000 votes ....
Funny how Cassola didn't find the time to comment on the insensitivity of the recent visit to Tripoli by the Prime minister and the minister for foreign affairs. He was really quick off the blocks a few weeks back dishing out his lectures on sensitivities. It would also be nice to know what he feels about our foreign minister travelling to Tunis when the dust has hardly settled. Is the brand new government in Tunisia democratically elected?? Talking of cowardly generations all these events seem to have eluded the AD spokesman on Foreign affairs. But still he wants the PL to follow AD on divorce. I tend to remember the last time AD joined forces on the issue of EU membership only to be betrayed by a real cowardly generation on the eve of the vote and the arrest of the AD leader on the eve of another election.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
alan smith I wasn't just replying to divorce but on the PL stand on most issues, especially worker's issues towards which they pay only lip service. It's not true that AD attacks the PL 90% of the time. But if the PN come out with some of their usual stupidities and the PL are offering nothing better, yes the PL should be attacked too.
@ truth seeker Betrayed their left principles beacuse they have not taken a political stand on an item that is not political. Halina trid . This is not about the PL this is about an issue of Human rights. AD never get the support they believe they should get because they keep attacking labour. They should attack the government on many issues and not dedicate 90 % of their time attacking their fellow opposition party.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
@dnub ma jorqodx It is the PL that has betrayed its left of centre principles. There are very valid progressive and leftist people in the PL, that's a fact. But the partyline is far from that. Blowing with the wind.
JPO is a descendant of Orlando Smith, Cassola of Marks, Briguglio son of Lino Briguglio. The DNA is Labour. What the heck are they doing outside their natural habitat? The sooner they go back to their origins as Wenzu Mintoff and Toni Abela (after coming out of a somewhat long period of coma) the better for all. The only victim will be GonziPN who have always been (right from their Religio et Patria beginnings) hypocrites, bigots and worst of all, hardcore Tories.
Zack Depasquale
Il-Pozizzjoni tal-Partit Laburista hija cara daqs kristal. Il-pozizzjoni tal-Partit Laburista hija li fuq id-divorzju qieghed ihalli lill-Partitarji Laburisti jivvottaw skond il-kuxjenza taghhom. Din il-pozizzjoni tal-Patit Laburista ila cara minn meta bdiet id-diskussjoni fuq id-divorzju. Din il-kwistjoni tad-divorzju mhiex xi haga li jridu jiddeciedu l-politici fuqha u qatt m'ghandha tigi politicizata. Jien iktar tinkwetani pozizzjoni tal-PN li ghalkemm Partit kontra id-divorzju xorta sejjer jaghati free vote lill-Partitarji tieghu. Il-Partitarji Nazzjonalisti x'liberta ghandhom jivvotaw skond il-kuxjenza taghhom, meta jafu li jekk jivvotaw favur id-divorzju ikunu qieghdin jiehduha kontra l-Partit Nazzjonalista. Rigward l-Alternativa Demokratika nixtieq infakkharhom li kien Dr Joseph Muscat li tista tghid beda din id-diskussjoni fuq id-divorzju meta qal li hu kien favur id-divorzju u dan qalu iktar min sentejn ilu. Kien ukoll il-Partit Laburista taht Duminku Mintoff li kien ghamel ligi fuq iz-zwiegijiet civili lura fis-sebghinijiet. Kien il-Partit Nazzjonalista li fit tmeninijiet gabna bl-ligi taz-zwieg li tahsibha ligi fl-Iran. Dr Alfred Sant kien ukoll beda process li setgha jwassal ghad-divorzju kieku il-Partit Laburista baqgha fil-Gvern fl-1998, li tohrog l-Alternattiva Demokratika, Partit li kull ma jmur dejjem inaqqas fil-voti u jghid il-l-ikbar Partit F'Malta li m'ghandux kuragg ahjar jiccekja naqra l-istorja ricenti ta'pajjizna fejn ghandu x'jaqsam id-divorzju u malajr jara min kellu l-kuragg
AD should be a real Green Party with a left of centre agenda, otherwise it wan't be credible. I expect Dr Cassola to go back to his roots and follow once again, one of his ancestors the great John F Marks, who worked hard within the Labour Party, for social change and progress. Come Arnold cross the Rubicon, you will be welcome!.
AD should join the Labour Party and build together a progressive movement. But AD have become too comfortable in the small niche they built. But let us not forget that AD is a splinter party of the PL.
1. The Yes or No is a ridiculous! 2. even a child knows that. that's a guilottina style! 3.This is all to whom it really needs it or will in the future needs it. 4.who have not passed from these situations (he /she or at least someone from his family) doesn't know at thing about such so all their words are nonsens! 5.this is not a political issue! This is an individual rights, who unfortunatley may happen to us or our loved kids. the most important thing is at least, that the referendum question will be very informative, as I allready stated before- It's common sense, as too many people don't know hot to read and write also don't even know what is a divorce and the reason why not ... last thing is is this from the prime Minister himself the idea of a Guillotina? or his hands are tied up? wel he is the prime minister so the responsability is his. I don't think any democratic ,reasonable Prime minister wil use the guillotina style. It's not worthy for a prime minister to do that... so it's the people who must stand on their feet and fight for their rights. If we stay home (ingergru) noting will be gained.. since the PN is against divorce officially , it's the second largest political group to help the maltese citizens so divorce law will be to those who are in need of it. N.B. The strategy as to how helping the maltese people have a divorce law I leave it to the whole PL decide .. I am neither on any side.. But I am an Ex PN for sure!
Luke Camilleri
Why all the space being given to Alternativa Demokratika which even the nem is a misnomer? What democratic alternative is it giving except trying to bash the Opposition without using any pressure it may have on the Administratiopn of the country? What's so wrong about the people having a say by their vote without being imposed upon by their political party leader? Why there is wanted concensus that partisan politics should not go into the Divorce issue , which after all is a RIGHT and yet the so professed Omnipotent Gonz gives direction as how to vote at party Level? Takes me back to the Times of his Uncle only this time it is not the Artchbishop who is spliting the country but his Nephew! AD just indicate , as you are doing , your opinion and let the people judge when they are asked to give their opinion on D-DAY Referendum.
AD = Always Down
Why do AD always have to pull the PL into the picture? By doing so they simple play the PN's game. The PN is in government now and it is JPO, a nationalist MP who placed the divorce issue onto to the national agenda. So I just can't see why 'il nostro fratello di Malta' Cassola wants to force the PL to align itself with his AD. The PL's position is clear, everyone is free to decide as he/she wishes. It is GonziPN who is desperately trying to block the entry of divorce in every possible manner. AD's insistence on Labour's stand is rather suspicious.